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Messages - Brygun

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Suggestions / Make {Cord} a valid recipe
« on: February 17, 2019, 03:08:07 AM »
Brygun of the BAC here

During recent tests for tech levels within the BAC mod I found that having


as a recipe item didn't work.

I was hoping to access our various mod built things that use "Cord" as a base object.

There is in the BAC things like "split spruce twigs" which IMHO are good enough for tying up meat and low quality loop snares. I had hoped to use {*cord} for things with cord in their name to be a better quality tech level.

For that to happen, at the lower tech level, I had needed {Cord} to accept items with the cord base object.

I don't think this is a bug as there isn't a problem with the vanilla game. So I've put this in the suggestion forums.


Thanks for the recent compliments!



Recent loop snare and bow fixes described above

First post in this thread use of graphical conversions rephrased to explain the decision more clearly. Now reads as:

One major mod type left out of the BAC is graphical conversions of vanilla objects. There is at least one, if not more, of these. These don't affect craft recipes which is the focus of the BAC project. BAC does add non-vanilla graphics. The project decision is that the graphical overalls be left out of BAC and left to user discretion.

One of these is known as "Jaredonians Character Models + Distinct Tribes v3". As far as I know it can be installed and removed independently of all the crafting menus. 
It is at:

Reread the recent question on the birch shortbow. Now realize it was that the old 'comment' was there. Changed it to:

   'Birch cut to a short quarter log'


Apparently {Cord} isn't a valid recipe call even though cord is a base object

changed loop snare to use {Tying equipment}  so that split spruce twigs will work. You can now also consume a rope to make a loop snare.

BAC note to modders updated to remove {Cord} as a tech level

Will include in the next update


Spurce bow {*Cord} changed to {*cord}

got home and started up the game

Self confirm issue with loop snare made from split twigs is a BAC thing. Looking into it more now

Re loop snares and {Cord} ...  :o  possibly there could be another recipe for loop snare that is overpower the BAC one. Or I did something wrong?


RE Birch shortbow...

diy_BAC_lumber is producing "log" not "trunk" now so I believe the current version is correct.


The place Im hanging out is about to close so I can't run a test to verify. Does anyone else test the Loop snare and birch shortbow issues? Please report success or failure.

Gameplay questions / Re: How exactly to make elk leather
« on: February 10, 2019, 04:13:15 AM »
On the leather mass used to make a skin I always assumed you were looking for a large sheet to as to minimize the amount of stitching. Some of the the cut away is used to make the hanging strap and possibly even the stitching.

Technically you could in real life use lots of small birds to make a water skin but you'd have so many more seams.


I used to have characters carry a cup of water as an emergency hydration aide.  :P I'd image one would make a leather cover for the cup or something.

Or perhaps balance the water cup on your head like a Japanese Kappa.


I know for the quests with a bear they will lurk in the area a time.

I have no idea if the randomly generated bears will have a home base assigned

Modding / Re: Flora Spoilage
« on: February 10, 2019, 01:52:50 AM »
If you do something in cooking you can get the spoilage to be changed. There is a dried mushroom recipe that was merged into the BAC project.

As for in the flora creation for a "raw" mushroom I haven't heard of it.

You may already have the wiki pages. For reference they are:

The wiki Modding page is

Modding plants is

but a text search for "spoil" didnt find anything

Im inclined to think its not a controllable parameter at this point.

Suggestions / Re: Permanent partner
« on: February 04, 2019, 09:01:36 PM »
I like the idea of long term/permanent companions bringing up their own quests from time to time.

Modding / Re: Modding in valuable metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) for trade.
« on: February 04, 2019, 08:31:10 PM »
Stay healthy first.

Thanks for letting me know.



Reviewed diy_glossary.txt which had some survival mod entries like loop snare discussed above. Adjusted to match BAC tech levels as

loop snare -> {Cord} (fibres and split twigs should work now)
water skin -> {*cord} (need better but you have leather to make a skin anyway)

IIRC loop snares are made with "cord" while "rope" is a bigger stronger object



.Loop snare. [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *TRAPPING*   /10/   %15%   |-2|            
{*Cord}      [remove]   'Cord'
// Tying equipment changed to Cord

That was carry forward from a survival mod. I think it needs to now be {Cord}

BAC Technology tree for that

{Tying Equipment}



Signatus, this is in my view, your mod so some of the decisions fall to you. Im providing input and joyful discussion.

checked on compressive strengths

Wood 6K - 7k psi
Iron around 34-36 psi

So they probably did make pull blocks out of metal.

Certainly the wooden pull board if used would need to deplete some wood to reflect damage.


Metal shape was meant as an universal intermediate stage so we could have a metal pull block made by using that

Making the holes need a rethink. I honestly thought (seems wrong now) the pull blocks were wood boards.


But pull blocks probably should be either iron or bronze.

The soft metal wires could use {*pull block} and iron wire using {Iron pull block}


I do like the idea of having a bronze-only tech stage

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