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According to a tale told amongst the Owl-Tribe they have been born out of the echoes of a shriek of The Owl. And indeed they still do travel like echoes in the forests, bare mountains and bogs of The North. They live mainly on nomadic reindeer rearing. They travel twice a year, since they have their summer camps up in the extreme North, and southern winter camps in the vast forests.

- Game Encyclopedia
General Info
Starting Equipment: '
Starting Rituals: '
Starting Skill Modifiers
Lore/Craft Skills Physical Skills Combat Skills
Agriculture: -2 Climbing: +1 Axe: -1
Building: -2 Skiing: +1 Bow: +2
Carpentry ' Stealth: +1 Club: '
Cookery ' Swimming: -2 Crossbow: -2
Fishing: ' Knife: '
Herblore: +2 Dodge: +1
Hideworking: +2 Flail: -2
Physician: +1 Shield: -2
Ritual: +1 Spear: '
Timbercraft: -1 Sword: -2
Tracking: +2 Unarmed: +1
Trapping: '
Weatherlore: +1