Boiled foods / Herbal beverages

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Boiled foods / Herbal beverages
Basic Info
Type: Porridge
Weight: '
Source: Recipe
Trade Value: {{{value}}}
Spoil Time: '
Must Cook: {{{mustCook}}}
Carb '
Fat '
Protein '
Water '
more on nutrition
Ingredients: raw ingredients,
Tools Required: Cooking Pot
Process: Boiling
Prepare Time: '
Cook Time: '

The herbal beverages are one of the available boiled recipes in the game.


The following recipe can be made with just water and ingredients (preferrably edible plant ingredients). This recipe doesn't offer any specific amounts of ingredients in pounds or other units.

Required ingredients

Required cooking tools

  • Cooking pot - for holding the boiling water necessary for the herbal beverages
  • Fire - for starting a fire to boil the water in the cooking pot


The required cooking process for herbal beverages is boiling raw ingredients (e.g. edible plants) in water, inside a cooking pot on a fire. The fire can be an open-air campfire made outside, or a fire in a heated fireplace inside a loghouse. Herbal beverages will need to be drinked/(q)uaffed

Mushrooms, Roots, or Cuts of meat can be boiled with water in a pot and the finished product is then (e)aten

Nutritional value



Recipes Herbal recipe 3.52.png

Recipe interface: Boiled foods / Herbal beverages