My character currently is guest in a Driik village to smoke her meat and after spending some days there I thougt I could speak to the people for once instead of just abusing their sauna ^^ Turns out I can't :/ Everytime I try to speak to one of the villagers (using C), the moment I select one and press Enter the game crashes on me

I've tried with child, man, woman... same result. No problem with the villagers in other villages. Or with the cows and dogs in said village, just the people. Which is very sad, because it's the only village I've found that sells these. Oh, almost forgot, I'm on the 3.50 beta

I'm using a few mods (more food recipes yay) and although I don't think they influence this, I might do some tests without the mods soon. Anyone with similar problems?
Edit: Deinstalled my mods and tested it again, it still crashes