Part 3: Early Winter Raids...I'm almost recovered from my latest wounds while writing this in late Center month. Snows are piled around my cabin and I can hear my animals crying out in the cold. The immensity of my task has settled firmly on me and my revenge on the Njerpezti is now daunting.
I've now killed the filthy invaders in five villages. My pattern is the same. I layer on all the armor I can and still move, sneak near their village around midnight, run into one of their cabins, and then hold them off one or two at a time until the Njerpezti are crawling over their own dead to get to me. I know they will hit me, I can't help that despite my skill and best efforts, but my layers of armor and clothes have so far kept me from dying. Once I have killed everyone in a village, I bind my wounds and sort through all their goods and materials. I even have started carrying extra rope to leash their animals. I keep all their weapons, food, clothing, furs, tools, and anything of use or value. I load it all onto my animals, and any animals I have taken in the raid, and carry back to my fortified settlement along the southern coast. I also render their worn and rough clothing into bandages and cords for my own use. So far, I have taken years worth of vegetables (>1000 turnips, >160 lb beans, >30 lb peas), seeds (>400 lb hemp, >50 lb turnip), and grains (>450 lb rye, >390 lb barley), sheep, cows, and a bull. I have piles of weapons, tools, and armor. But I have so many more villages to wipe from the map...

... and one of these raids almost ended me. As I was scouting a village, a Njerpez warrior chased me into an adjacent spruce mire. I killed him and the rest of the village swarmed me. I fought a retreat with the pack of rabid villagers into a thicket with only 2 entrances.

My panic subsided until the 2 Njerpezti I was fighting wounded my right hand and arm with several cuts and a puncture until I couldn't hold a shield or two-handed weapon. I was reduced to fighting left-handed with my handaxe as my wounds, encumbrance, and fatigue made it almost impossible for me to continue fighting.

I finally hacked the unconscious maiden's neck until she stopped breathing and tried to catch my breath for the next opponent. I waited until no one else came and then crept out through the trees. Apparently, the entire village had come into the spruce mire after me, leaving fires burning and doors open, but I was the only one to make it out. I stumbled into their abandoned village, tended my wounds, and went back to gather their clothes, armor, weapons, and tools. Over the next days, I recovered in their village and realized how close I had come to dying in my quest for vengeance. I even gathered their bodies into an abandoned cabin before I packed everything onto my animals and left that cursed place for good.
I scouted the Njerpez lands and realize I have 27 more villages to cleanse. I don't know how I can make it though this trial. But at night, I still hear my dead mother's voice crying for vengeance. I'm now spend my time bundled up as the temperature plummets and the snows mount. I work until I drop from exhaustion to avoid sleeping. But all my wounds have healed, all my chores are done, and I am staring at the walls in loneliness. At the start of the snows, a band of traders came to my settlement and I traded for a beautifully crafted battleaxe. It was so pleasant to speak with another human, but they left without a goodbye the next morning. I dread to use that axe, but I have it packed and I am prepared. I leave in the morning. I might not return. If I don't and you find this record, please take my mother's bronze horse comb and cast it into the mire. I am leaving the comb in this cabin rather than carry it with me as I have until now. I hope she can find rest.