As trophies are in the next release... one thing I am really really hoping for is having exact animal sizes to animal descriptions, and/or for the bones/skulls you get from them.
It would be cool story wise, to walk into my cabin on a cold winter night and see a large bear skull in the corner, and reflect on the time I beaten such a large dangerous bear.
e.g. (examining a bear) This is a huge male bear! He stands at 6ft (1.8m) tall at the shoulder.
You've harvested a 18 inch skull from the bear!
The same for antlers, I'd want to show off the number of the points that I have on the antlers I harvest (the individual horns on an antler for those unfamiliar with the term).
You take a 15 point set of antlers from the Stag corpse.
The same can be given to fish, make them variable in weight or length... So people can dream about "catching the big one" in the game.
I think adding some flavorful descriptions like this would help towards community involvement too and story sharing.
This way everybody can show off who got the biggest stag/bear/pike and so on

If more specific size descriptions are added to animals, this should mean variable skins size and butchered meat amounts too. But for the purpose of this suggestion it doesn't have to go this far yet.