UnReal World > General Discussion
What do you guys do while healing from injury?
My character recently got injured to the point where he can't stand upright. He saw a wolfpack from his raft and thought he was slick for throwing javelins from the water. He didn't expect the wolves would jump in and maul him before he could paddle to deeper water.
The question: what am I supposed to do for the next few weeks / months before I can walk / have my strength back? Just light effort tasks, get all my crafting done? But still the quality will suffer. I have two nets and dried meat so food isn't a concern, but what if I didn't? Would trapping be the best food option?
Trapping might be better than fishing as far as the traps are within crawling distance.
Trapping doesn’t get penalized for encumbrance nor injuries, unlike fishing. But processing the skins is penalized for not standing*, as is the hide working for injuries.
Fishing passes time and might be good for skill increases, and the catch will be decent.
If the season permits, harvesting birch bark for crafts and alder/rowan for tanning are possible way to pass time. Takes long time and product is always decent.
Weatherlore checks and herb lore (if you have them available) are ok, but won’t pass much time.
*might even be barred from working on when fallen, I’m not able to verify this moment.
Practice fishing and vomiting.
;) :o
True story.
From my early characters, little understanding of the game and before the mighty BAC mod or even Brygun's added items.
A low food supply character got injured badly. So I made a shelter on the shore right next to lake. Fire starting was a skill then and he sucked at it, being a new character. His fishing skills sucked too.
So his routine was desperately spending hours for fishing with no to little yield. When he did catch a fish try to start a fire to cook it. Often give up eat it raw.
A little while later vomit and eat more fish if you have it and if not go back to fishing.
I envision the vomiting being done into the lake as "chum" bait to attract more fish.
On a more serious note hand crafts are a thing. You can likely manage up some bone tipped arrows for trading. A hare will net enough bones for 4 bone tips and the odd bird catch will be enough feathers.
Other wounded characters have done better by going to heal up in towns. They have a water in town... unless its winter and you can;t find it. You can sleep for free at a heated indoors. Plus if the village has a shaman they can give you healing bonuses.
So around a village the usual cheap labor jobs. Crafting boards which gets filled up. Making paw-boards. Making torches. Making bowls. The "we have enough" is per item so switch up what you make. A few goods will buy you even food they sell to feed yourself while healing.
--- Quote from: JP_Finn on December 08, 2023, 02:09:20 AM ---Trapping might be better than fishing as far as the traps are within crawling distance.
Trapping doesn’t get penalized for encumbrance nor injuries, unlike fishing. But processing the skins is penalized for not standing*, as is the hide working for injuries.
Fishing passes time and might be good for skill increases, and the catch will be decent.
If the season permits, harvesting birch bark for crafts and alder/rowan for tanning are possible way to pass time. Takes long time and product is always decent.
Weatherlore checks and herb lore (if you have them available) are ok, but won’t pass much time.
*might even be barred from working on when fallen, I’m not able to verify this moment.
--- End quote ---
I don't like to waste, I feel like it might make the spirits angry. So I wouldn't like to trap much if I can't work the skins as well as I can. Also wouldn't like to overfish. But maybe if I retire one of my nets and start actively fishing that trains the skill faster and keeps me at my current food status of catching enough so I don't have to actually use my stores.
Bark is a good idea, thanks :) I guess I should get all I can before winter
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