Topic: I added some knit clothing and would love comments  (Read 8947 times)


« on: July 16, 2023, 09:17:18 PM »
I have added some knitted clothes to my game because I wanted more use for yarn and more options to furs. I know BAC mod already has some knitted items but they use wool yarn and I think weaving linen and nettle cloth is a bit much for me.

If I'm correct, single needle knitting was a thing at least in scandinavia around 1000 years ago and probably in Finland too. They likely used wool but I don't see any particular reason why you couldn't use other fibres if you really wanted to. Does anyone know if you could knit usable mittens using linen or nettle?

I haven't done any knitting in real life so my estimates on time and yarn needed might be way off. I might add some time to these when pauseable crafting is added.

I would love to hear some comments or suggestions!

There is knitting needle:

.Knitting needle. "Spindle" [phys:hands,one-armed]   *CARPENTRY*   /20/   |-2|
{wooden stake} [remove]
[WEIGHT: 0.1]

And some clothing items:

.Knit mittens. "Woollen mittens"    [phys:hands,one-armed]   *TEXTILECRAFT*   /6h/   |-1|
{* yarn}   =150=    [remove]
{Knitting needle}

.Knit cap. "Leather cap"    [phys:hands,one-armed]   *TEXTILECRAFT*   /4h/   |-1|
{* yarn}   =150=    [remove]
{Knitting needle}


« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2023, 12:45:41 AM »
Brygun here.

Glad to see another modder.

= One thing I tended to do for the BAC is to balance the weight of inputs to the weight of outputs. Possibly minus some small wastage. So that may impact your 150 length entries.

= There is a mod command to add the material type of an input to the name of the output. Thus you could have a "Nettle knit cap". Been a while and I don't recall the command off the top of my head.