Topic: [Brygun] The Story of Calle (long story style)  (Read 28625 times)


« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2023, 06:12:50 AM »
A short paddle confirmed the punt was ready. Ice still blocked the river outside the rapids. He could stand and wiggle without tipping. Calle felt far safer than on the raft. For now that test was over. Calle patted the punt proudly.

That tipping reminded him of the difficulties in carrying supplies. He had traded for a water skin a long time ago. Making canteens was possible by carefully joining two halves. Having more would be handy for managing stores and for trade.

Calle decided to do more baking. Another round of grinding with two stones was tiring. Recalling his early bread only diet he made up several loaves of barley hemp swirl bread that mixed the two types of flour together. It was a lot of working grinding with just found stones. Calle decided he’d make a quern, two stones shaped to the task turned around a wood axe with wood handle. Another example of investing energy into tools for low energy costs later. They are heavy as the weight does the crushing work. The size he planned was still portable certainly with what could be taken on the punt.

Frustration sets in. Making the stones shaped proves very hard. Calle has worked a lot of wood as a Reemi. Rarely do they have to shape stones like this. Having a hammer and whetsone are helping. He decided to reject his first stone as it ended up having a wobble. On later ones he sticks a branch in the ground and ties a cord to it. Passing the cord over the stone acts as a way to see who level they are.

Day 7 of the 2nd week to summer.

After those days stone shaping of the four stones Calle is satisfied with two of them. One of the stones was newly picked just for this. He had crossed the river to find that one. He had choosen it specifically for this. As the assembled quern turns grains and seeds come out as the powder of flour. If he ever married the family would appreciate this.

In the days ahead the reindeer meat has now dried. The amount is enough for six weeks of a long trip by itself. Add to that stocks in the cellar, fished or found along the way.

Cleaving open the dried quarter logs gave access to a shaft mixing the heartwood an outer wood. These four sections were ready to become longbows. Calle’s tool followed his will shaping the wood. Its the bowstrings that fumbled his fingers. The yarn in stock was so handy for crafts with a reserve of nettle yarn he hoped to make clothes. He tried different materials from leather, spun spruce bast and braided bast. Even if coming from well made cords as bow strings were certainly less than ideal.

For the fourth longbow Calle gave into to using the yarns he had. Nearly three spools of nettle yarn were in stock plus a depleted one of hemp. From his guess he was leaving enough nettle for weaving summer clothes. This bowstring came out much better than the rest. Spun smooth it even sounded right when plucked. He blew a few heather petals out into the sky in thanks and hopes of guidance in completing the last one.

This last bow Calle chose that would be his to use. The traded longbow had done good service. Studying it had guided him on making these. There should be a bond between him and the new bow.

In the morning Calle stepped out for his morning drink. Rapids water was cool as he brought to his mouth in a cup of his own making. Standing up he looked to the dawn creeping. The light gave shine on a caught bird. Then a second, third and fourth! Spirits were attuned to him. His decision last night to switch to a bow made here was affirmed by the blessing of this bounty.

“A bow that catches even before its shot!” laughed Calle.

As a few days past the journey from winter to summer was complete. Calle took a look around. He had his awkward yet working cabin, a punt, two months of food, stocks of wood, bone and hides for crafting. Counting his trade goods he would still have a dozen arrows to shoot if he traded twenty away, the three longbows he made, the long bow he bought, 4 canteens, 2 wooden cups and 2 wooden bowls. Calle decided to bring the iron pot with him in case a better one was in the markets.

Now would be a good shopping trip.

<Calle 035 spring equinox shopping>


« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2023, 09:04:29 AM »
In the morning rather than face the bandits directly Calle made for another village. Five on one is a dangerous fight. It was the village of Birch Rapids, one he hadn’t been to yet. Calle warned them of robbers. Their sage, Aarne, came to hear the news, thought then showed Calle to another wanderer, Tapio. Calle gave Tapio the remaining longbow and six arrows. Aarne stroked his beard and nodded at this.

At another village the hunter Vaino and woodsmen Pertteli joined them. Now it would be four against five. Calle used the rest of trade goods and a good portion of arrows to cover getting them enough food. Calle asks them of their fighting skills. It is decided the extra long bow will be with Pertteli who has won competitions for his shooting skills. Stringing the bow for test pulls Pertteli approved of Calle’s craftmanship.

They moved out into the woods where they further prepared. While the others sparred or practiced with their bows Calle felled a tree. He did this to make them shields. One shield was for Calle and the other for Tapio. Vaino and Pertelli would go into the fight as bowmen. It was by noon the next day this was done. They now began their search. Calle made sure they refilled their water carriers and were well fed.

It was a long trek to the north west. Calle showed them to his cabin where they spent the night. This hero band was the first humans other than Calle to be inside.

In the morning they continued out. Vaino spotted a group of figures on a mire. Closing in they were all relieved that it was foreign traders. There was eight of them with good weapons and armor. They looked quite immune to the robbers. Conversations warned of the robbers and directed the traders to the villages they had come from.

Still early in the morning they came to the area Juuka had seen the robbers. Calle new this area as having been where he caught that reindeer. Now began the real hunt.

<CALLE 036 Four against five>


« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2023, 10:13:07 PM »
Moving to the area was north north west from Calle’s cabin. There were two shelters Calle had built when exploring. They checked those first. Moving in a tracking line north they saw figures to the south east. Again ready to fight they got closer to find it was the traveling traders.

Farther north was a place with good long viewing in three quarters of a circle. They built a shelter as a hunting blind there. Taipo explained he could only stay a few days more. Vaino wished they could hunt they elk they had seen. Vaino burst out into song. Taipo covered his face at how the robbers would be scared into hiding.

“Its a song to the elk!” snorted Vaino, “Besides maybe the robbers will come to hear the song.”

Another north south line was searched on the west of the first ones. Then on the east side, where once again they met the foreign traders. This time they took the time to study the travellers foot prints. Their boots would likely be different from that of the bandits.

They over nighted at one of Calle’s shelters on the shore of a frozen lake. Taipo told them a story about a wolf romancing the moon. The wolf would grow sad when the moon disappeared only to have hope again when the moon would show its face.

Taipo said, “If we are like the wolf we can have hope that a better day will come.”

<CALLE 037 hunting for bandits>


« Reply #33 on: May 04, 2023, 12:57:50 AM »

Another morning to search for the bandits. Vaino called them over to look at something in the snow.

Vaino pointed, “This mushroom is black ear. Its poisonous unless well boiled. Many have made the mistake of not boiling it enough.”

Taipo winced, “I that that once and was sick for a week.”

Pertteli added, “Avoiding mushrooms is a good thing. Maybe one day we will grow the edible ones like crops on the trees. A mushroom farm.”

Everyone else laughed at the idea of a mushroom farm.

Searching Vanio pointed out a glutton (wolverine) within bow shot. They tried running it down. Calle figured maybe in chasing it the animal would flee like the bandits taking them there. At least it was fun!

Another night out in the woods. This time camping at the Calle’s other shelter on the river coming out of the lake. This was Pertteli’s idea. If they moved off to a different camp maybe the robbers will think we left and expose themselves.

Taipo added, “If not soon then all are criss crossing as a group may driven them off.”

Vaino said, “Possibly, or seeing its not just one person they are staying hidden. Though its a good idea to circle off and back. They are predators and predators do hide if they think a bigger one is around.”

More searching without finding the bandits. For a while they chased the young bull elk but couldn’t make good shots at it. By noon this day there is more talk of when the have to part ways.

Calle said, “If its true they are hiding then we can make our presence known more. Lets make another shelter. If they do find even more camps they will know they are hunted here. I’ll make you things to take home as payment. All the wood work chopping will be more noise to drive them away.”

For Vaino he made a wooden shield. Pertteli really wished to keep the longbow.

Pertteli spoke, “This longbow is far more payment than this service is true. It would be generous thing. When people ask how the game is brought down I will say it was by a bow of Calle. A good bow from a man both generous and brave. He is was a war party leader when there bandits among the Reemi.”

Calle said, “Those words would be true. All right keep it. May it catch you many elks that you may speak of its origins often!”

For the shelter they made a fire ring of rocks and a stone to draw the smoke that way. A fire was set in it before they left. They wanted there to be sign of people having used it. Moving south Calle had them rest only briefly at the river shelter without a fire. Over night they left back to Calle’s cabin. Though they failed to find the robbers they were all healthy.

Taipo, Vaino and Pertteli offered to do chores around the cabin. They felt it would show their respect for Calle’s leadership. Calle had given a longbow and shields in defend the people if the robbers tried again.

Across the rapids with three working one was felling trees, another cleaning them to building logs while Calle organized. By night fall there was great stock gathered on the west side of the rapids and by raft the first load had come across.

(Sadly I chose to do another reload when it turned out one of them had drowned swimming back after tiring out logging. Wasn’t sure that would be a thing.)

Taipo had to leave first, as he had been explaining. Calle and Taipo patted each other’s shoulders.

“The trip with you that brought this shield may save my life,” Taipo said.

Taipo waved with the shield Calle as he went to find more adventure.

More walls were started when Vaino and Pertelli had to leave. It was a happy parting. They all hoped to visit Calle’s cabin to see how it was finished. Calle noticed how much faster and happier work went when there was a group working on it. With the rivers still frozen his journey couldn’t start. He decided to fix up the cabin walls proper during that time, leaving a good cabin for his friends to find.

Day 2 of the 11th week before midsummer

Calle stood proudly at this cabin. The quick L shape at winter start had become a donut with incomplete walls in deep winter and now at winter’s end had full proper enclosing. There was panel dooring in places yes but those were now more about serving purpose than saving wood. The north had two doors which included the cellar access. East door led to the traps, perhaps later that would be walled up. South was right to the wood stocks for the fireplace. West wet from the cooking area to the rapids for water or stepping out to the fishing shelter. Shutters were in most walls to bring in light from different angles. His sleeping area was against walls for security though a man could get in the various doors of course.

Using a fireplace central for a donut or wheel design has proven great in the winter. There was enough room for dedicated places with there being immediate fire warmth at all of them.

Calle wouldn’t forgot how much faster this was with helpers. When it came time for a new cabin somewhere else both the building and community lessons would be used.

<CALLE 038 Cabin walled>


« Reply #34 on: May 04, 2023, 06:43:47 AM »
Day 1 of the 10h week to midsummer

Calle had baked up over fifteen pounds of swirl bread, hard tack and flat breads. He was trying to avoid eating into the dried reindeer meat. Those were planned for his great journey. Having the quern, two stones flattened to spin over top each other, had made the grinding so much more efficient.

He had to admit confusion on what do do had set in. In part he just didn’t know when the ice would melt, which if he was on the wrong side of river could be a problem. The last stalk hunt had seen an elk, fired twice, no hits and hours trying to position for more shots.

Recalling a lesson learned that his carpentry was of value to the community he set to work. Crafting arrows was always useful. A few canteens assembled were assembled, a wooden comb for a lady’s hair, paddles and he had a surplus of decent boards. The best boards he had set aside for his own work, like making arrow shafts.

Day 4 of the 10th week to midsummer

Working on arrows Calle stood up to stretch. Through the shutter he saw blotches of grass. The melt was starting! That would put an end to skiing and winter persistence hunting. It also makes it a risk to cross the ice to some of the communities. Ice still clasps the rivers making boating long distances impossible.

With a very heavy load Calle made his way north east. This is the direction of where his challenge started at Sacred Trail. A fitting trip to visit it showing he made it through the winter. At night he slept on the edge of lake in a temporary shelter.

By afternoon his heavy burden of trade goods made it to Quarrel Forest. There are chores to be done and trading to be had.

Old Leemes added, “Over winter the spirits were singing. Its been a long time since youth took me on adventurers. Yet there was a call to prepare for a long trip. It is said that you were on your First Winter Challenge. Perhaps it is for you but I can’t just give it to. I’m old and my skills are what keep me fed.”

Calle, “I am happy to trade but what is it you have to trade?”

Leemes limped guiding Calle over his home. There he reached up to the rafter to bring down a longbow. Its arcs were graceful. Its body toned with a deep oiling. The two tones of its hardwood and outer wood were aligned with the action.

Calle looked it over, “Even my best isn’t this fine. Would you take my own as part of the trade?”

Leemes’s chest chortled, “Ha ha haahh. Weren’t you listening? I’m too old. Now what else do you have in all that bundle holding you down?”

Calle and Leemes bartered for a time. Calle was pleased to have the fine longbow. Improving shooting would yield more game and may tip the tide of battle to victory.

This village also had sheep. That means wool. Calle bartered arrows for spools of yarn. He looked forward to making clothing like socks.

Trading is the movement of goods from one to another. Though Leemes didn’t want Calle’s bow he did trade it to an adventurer which through a cycling of flowing goods and doing chores got Calle a fine net. Passive fishing wasn’t his dream life simply that it could be done while doing other things.

The warming season had also awoken the sap in the trees. Now was a time to harvest barks. In the morning they wished him well.

Arriving at the north part of Quarrel Forrest a greeting came from Toipa!

“Calle you still breath! Have you heard of the Njerpez to the south?”

Calle was startled. They were well inland.

Toipa added, “They say the mystic forces of our peoples battle with theirs as well. They may be to quell the powers rising that are brought with the success of your First Winter.”

Calle pondered, “There could be more than one.”

Toipa replied, “I wish I could go with you again. This town already hired me to protect them will they plant their crops.”

“May our stars and moon cross paths again,” replied Calle.

Completing his trades here Calle headed north toward the Sacred Trail.

<CALLE 039 fine longbow>


« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2023, 08:23:42 AM »
Calle reached the Sacred Trail camp in the evening. It was sad to see it look neglected yet fulfilling that he had done even better than this. It was a sign of his skills and resources growing. There was time enough to press onto the original release point. There he slept.

Waking up in the rain he took stock of himself and belongings. Both had grown from a boy into a man. He decided to leave a comb he made there as a proof that he had come back. He notched his name into it so anyone finding it would be sure.
Trekking back to Axe Rapids he knew the way. He was no longer in an unknown place. The woods were familiar to him and the spirits with him. Reinforcing this was his known paths led him to where he had setup shelters dotting the land. If he had an emergency they were close by for safety.

Arriving at Axe Rapids he stored various barks he had collected. Punting out amid the rocks Calle set the net next to large rocks. Diverting water should better guide the fish in.

Since it was now bark season Calle went across the rapids. He selecting a birch, felled it then stripped off the bark as a sheet. This was a mass harvest rather than fussing with strips in the wild.

<CALLE 040 Axe Rapids with birch>


« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2023, 11:57:35 PM »
A few simple days at the Axe Rapids cabin followed. Still the river was blocked with ice yet the melting ice was to frail to risk walking on. This was one of the land’s seasons of difficult travel. In the winter the rivers were like roads to skiers and in the summer for boaters. Right now they blocked travel unless you carried a punt, like his own punt, or rebuilt with materials carried with you. Neither was critical to his life.

After resetting the dozens of Axe Rapids traps Calle went to collect more pine tar. With the weak ice river he couldn’t cross the rivers to the forest to the south. He would poke around the thin mires on this side. He hoped to soon make a cask, a good sized container for water that would be great for his long summer journey.

Forest life was poking up. Having arrived in winter it wasn’t possible to really know what plants there would be. Right at the cabin were blueberries, hardly his favorite. Along the north shore were some form of lake reeds that might grow edible bulbs. In the mire crowberries, bilberries and heather were starting. Even if he didn’t plant fields here anyone living in his cabin could have a decent life.

As the time past the spring equinox passed Calle felt a bit of sadness. Though he had his victory he was trapped. His plan for the great journey couldn’t happen until the rivers cleared. In the meantime he was trying to stay active. Across the rapids he set up a set of lever deadfall traps. Since he wasn’t over there often they might catch game. Attempts at net fishing had floundered. A twisted net is an empty net. It was a skill he needed to learn. Fishing in his youth had been boyish style with yarn off of woodland poles that were nothing more than delimbed saplings.

At times he studied the new bow. Like the trade bow he had kept in reserve it wasn’t made by him. He studied its shape often. Its gain flow mattered as did the proper bowstring. Things he hoped to attempt again once he moved to a new home.

The idea of making a cask was giving him something to focus on. The pine tar lumps he gathered were rendered down to make the glue. Then fibees were worked in with the glue to make the caulking. Birch bark was worked into strips to fibers then spun into cords. These would hold become the binding on the cask.

<CALLE 041 Cask prep>


« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2023, 07:03:39 AM »
Day 2 of the 8th  week to midsummer

Stink of pine tar and ash caulking filled the air. Aligning a whittled tongue of an uprights into the grooves of the base board squeezed down on thin coat of caulking. A thin coat on the uprights edge as the neck board was pushed in. Round and round this gave the main shape of the cask. A cord was put across notches on the outside of the boards.

Caulking went on the top tongues then the top with its draining hole was tapped on. Black ooze of the caulking with its fibers squished out like a finger pressed beetle. Call rounded a second cord about the upper waist of the cask. A pair of cords crossed each other to squeeze top and bottom together.

As the cask was know in shape Calle applied to more caulking to the outside of all seams, vertical and horizontal. He gave gently pushes with the back tip of the stone knife. Nothing hard nor sharp to cut just thin to press. While it was cooling he whittled a stopper for the casks filling hole. In the stopper he cut a ring to secure a short cord to tie it to the case to prevent random loss. Once it all cooled Calle would retighten the cords. It had gone well. It was a project of many steps including wandering the pines for tar.

Once filled the cask would hold around a third of Calle’s weight in fresh water. Plenty for any great journey or building an inland shelter. With the caulking supply he had Calle assembled two more casks for trade.

Calle looked to his punt. It was the biggest tradeable item he had made, even the casks were tiny compared to it. What if made another one for trade? For that he would need a lot more pine tar. Crossing the rapids he searched the thin pine mires for enough. Exhaustion took him with the season and woods both feeling safe to sleep under the stars.

When he awoke he came back to the river to see large blocks of ice gliding by! The rivers had finally unfrozen. As if in agreement the net finally had a fish caught.  Bringing it ashore Calle watched a big eagle-owl land near the cellar. There came a thud as it got snared in one of the guard traps. Sea and forest both were congratulating Calle.

Calle finished mixing the pine glue that would be used to make the next punt. He had started shaping a log. Now though he had a stirring in his heart. Should he make this punt taking a few days or leave with the good spirit sign. Calle looked to the river, the ice chunks were flowing. One banged on a rock of the rapids. It seemed wiser to take a few days to let the ice weaken further before paddling up river.

There would be another problem. How could he possible move both punts at once? He could sail one to a village to sell it then return. That though seemed against the spirits. How could he move?

He gave things a try. Bundling it all up even hoisting his first and only punt up. Gathering tools, foods and supplies it became too much too carry already. It take a while of planning to figure out what to take and what not too.

Calle made sure to collect the figurines of the elk that became a bear and his cellar fox guardian. Shaping the quern that now made the flour for his bread had been a chore. He made sure to bring that in the punt. He had the leathers, furs, casks and tubs. Bone to make arrow heads. The list was quite long. For food there was peas, barley grains, rye grains, hemp seeds and the dried reindeer. There was the first trade bow and better second. A good wooden shield along with his axes, hunting knife and stone knives. It all barely fit in the punt. There would be no way for him to bring a second punt.

Calle looked back to the pointed log that was becoming the second punt. Near it was all the stones and bracing for expanding it latter. Perhaps one day one of his friends or another Reemi would find the cabin with its fishing shelter. Maybe one of them would complete the second punt.

Now on day 5 of the 8th week to midsummer Calle began he great voyage.


(I suspect not just weight but item count limit needed to avoid bugs was being hit. Helped to have Calle carry many light weight things. He has a great deal of wealth compared to his frail start.)


« Reply #38 on: May 08, 2023, 03:24:14 AM »
Having figured out how to balance the load he carried and the punt’s cargo Calle looked over his homestead of Axe Rapids. The spirits had been kind to him. He decided he needed to respect them in one more way. He went about disarming all his traps on both sides of the river. This would prevent needles suffering of an animal. Such things were viewed badly by the spirits.

This done Calle floated the punt on the river. There was two ways to go of course. Upriver was northwest along the Reemi lands for a while. Then perhaps portages to get to the great inner lakes. The other was to go south east, crossing near the nerjpez camp. To the coast this path would go. Then he go east or west. East along the coast should lead to the rivers that would link directly to the great inner lakes. Those lakes holding access between the north and south people while funneling migration routes around them.

“South east,” Calle said.

Moving with the flow Calle felt the river spirit energizing his movement. With serveral hundred pounds of cargo carried and loaded it was far harder work than Calle had expected. To reduce weigh the cask had been emptied. For now he was on the river with all the drinking water he would need.

Journey down river his exhaustion was fatiguing him. This worried him. The place he had to camp was in line with the area of nerjpez camp. Their patrols might not come to the river though a hunter certainly might. After landing once he shifted the punt to a U shaped grove. There a shelter was raised. A bit worried he did sleep well enough.

On the morning he made it to the “Luru’s corner” that was on the north bank of the river. This would be his last chance to trade for a while. The red haired woman Hetta was gathering plants near the shore. She greeted Calle with hopes that he could do chores for Niko.

As to the work the frosts of winter had damaged one of their chimneys. Now the weather was warmer they had begun tearing the old one done. A good many stones were needed to make the repair. What interested Calle was to obtain a woodsman’s axe, which this chore alone certainly hadn’t paid for. As is the way of the people in this age what followed was a mass of haggling in the blanket style.

The village put down two blankets. On one they put the woodsman’s axe. Calle began putting different sets of things on the other blanket. An elder came to judge whether they items were of fair value, counting in the work Calle had done and his leading the war party that scared away the robbers. Metal is scarce with the woodman’s axe having several pounds being of significant worth.

Onto the pile Calle chose to put on some of winter furs. Those were early ones without the best skills and damaged hides, like fur leggings made from the angry bear. They would be of use to villagers in the season to come. Calle planned that he had the summer and fall to catch another animal to make fresh ones. Then came two of the wooden casks leaving him the first he made and three wooden tubs.

“I could use a bowl,” said Hetta.

Calle added a bowl to the pile along with a few tanned bird skins from the most recent catches. Calle asked for a few arrows to, the easiest trade good among the peoples. Then the elder nodded. The woodsman’s axe was his. Back at the punt Calle was happy with his trio of axes: woodsman also called felling axe, splitting axe that was good for getting the boards for carpentry and his fine hand axe for delicate work. That night he dreamed of what his new cabin might be like.

A few days followed of paddling. Coming out of the river he went east soon finding the start of the great by. It makes a northward notch into their land. A distance east of the eastern bay would be the center of the Nerjpez colonizing. He scouted for the rivers that would lead northward.

One river mouth was a strange wide mess that was such a shallow ford he had to lighten the punt to get it across. Calle wasn’t confident of exploring up that river.

<CALLE 043 Scouting bay>


« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2023, 03:38:20 AM »
Calle took a day going back west along the bay. However he could find no river openings. The northern most river was that strange ford. He wondered if it was so because of the Njerpez or their spirits. Maybe they tricked a beaver into starting the blockage then the river’s debris had matted up there.

Sleeping in the bay’s west bank he was going south now. Finally he found a river he named “Spruce Passage”. Its course though likely missed the main inner lakes. He spent hours paddling north east. The coast he hit was east of the ford heading south east. Calle became worried that this was leading to the Nerjpez colony.

<Calle 044 finding the main river>


« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2023, 06:12:13 AM »
Day 4 of the 7th week before midsummer pointing

Portaging the ford Calle made his way up he called “Slopen Rapids” for there were several fords and rapids. Jagged hard glistening rocks weren’t yielding to the river. Snags formed at various places. The sun had barely cleared the mountain tops he punted into the first lake. This was indeed the great passage north. Animals of different types howled or bayed. It was a deep wilderness. More up river paddling brought him to where he figured he was in the lands of the Kaumo tribe.

Day 5 of the 7th week before midsummer pointing

Paddling around the curves of rivers and lakes Calle spotted multiple then smoke trails. A little farther he made out the buildings. He came up to the shore to walk into the Kamulais village of “Button stream”.

There were more elderly men here than expected. They explained was a northern Kaumo village near the lands of the Owl Tribe that live on the north eastern coast. At times they traded with Owl’s so that they didn’t have to be so long away from their coast. A brief trade was made of a bird skin for a spool of yarn.

From their the waters wove back and forth creating various sized islands. The river branches he took led him to a medium lake. Calle wasn’t sure he would build a cabin here. It certainly seemed a good spot for a fence line or winter hunting. He pulled up to make yet another travel shelter.

In the morning he went back to the last time he had too chose a river. This time the way opened up to a great lake. It was hard to see all the banks at once. There was even a swan puttering along the shore! Near where he had seen the swan Calle set up a shelter nestled tightly among the spruce. Later he would learn this place was called “Kirri’s rapids”.

The Kirri’s rapids shelter was where a peninsula narrowed to almost make it’s southern portion an island. Being noon Calle decided to enjoy strolling after over a week of paddling. This place would be even more interesting if he could find a hill or cliff. One as a good hunting look out that might have fed iron into a mire. Stepping through spruce branches a few bow shots away on a mire Calle could see a bear!

<Calle 045 Kirri’s rapids bear>

Calle studied where he was when he saw the bear. He decided he should prepare properly. Going back to the shelter he switched around his gear and dressed in layers for protection from violence. Calle was amazed just how rich the area was in animals. When he got back to the sighting place the bear had strolled only a bow shot farther north.

Call got off only one long shot at the bear. Tracking didn’t regain contact though Calle did find his first fresh berries of spring, crow-berries. That was probably what the bear had been looking for. Looking at his gain Calle spotted an arctic fox a bow shot south. His shot was too high with the arrow soon recovered.

“Indeed an area worth exploring!” Calle said.

It didn’t take long for him to find a mountain rising out of the heathland trees. On it and its hills were various plants growing where the trees hadn’t gotten purchase. Among them was a herb Calle knew: roseroot, known for reducing pain and restoring health.

Down the slopes amid the trees Calle slept. In the morning he made a protected shelter with trap alarms, firewood and 1-1-1-3 trail markers pointing to it. His confidence was growing he might settle near the swan sighting. An offering of heather flower petals was blown into the air to show appreciation to the forest spirit here.

Seeing other high ground to the south he trekked there. He had over a month of dried reindeer meat still in stock. On this ground he could see a lake to the south that surely he could find a river connection too. Between the two mountains the water was draining through lichen filled forest to heath land to mires. There would be good odds of finding bog iron for metal crafting or perhaps at his lake.

Exploring on foot proved wise. There was no navigable water link from this lake to the others. Had he not disembarked to hunt the bear he would never have found this. There were dots of small lakes then farther south a larger lake that might link to the river system. Almost perfectly hidden by this lake was a thicket. In it was naturally growing nettles, useful threads, rowan trees and adlers. 

Moving around the large lake Calle’s mind was now on the possibility of homestead. Where to put the cabin? How close to the iron mire? Where to make a boat shelter for going south? How close could he be to the river system? Being back off the river network was useful for defense. These lakes and small lakes made natural diverters for trapping large game… like the elk right there!

Though his bow shot missed Calle was convinced this was an excellent place to live!

Punting back down river he followed the west bank closely. His eyes were keen to find a link to that lake. For a full day he went finding himself near the Kaumo village. Perhaps there was no link afterall. Doubting this he beached the boat. Hiking southwest he did soon see another river running parallel. However his heart was stirring. The swan sighting had been such a blessing. He didn’t want to make his home to far from there.

Calle did press on the southward trek looking for a link he was now sure existed somewhere. He was south of the “Button Stream” village when the west bank went from river to lake. On that lake was could be the river he sought. Calle spotted the village of “Point stream”. He paddled over to speak with them. They told of him that there more lakes and river links north west. Raiders rarely came that deep as some of the river mouths are very hidden.

More river scouting over a few days did get Calle to the lake cluster south west of the swan sighting. He probed the shores of this southern set of lakes and rivers. While floating in thought he had decided to return when swinging around he say a swan again! Was it the same swan? Both places were blessed.

Confounded as he was Calle spent another day scouting. Where he guessed the two networks were closest he set up a lean to shelter. This would act as one end of a portage trail.

Back on his original rivers to the north Calle scouted up a hill. There he found wild turnips. He noted to himself to back after midsummer to harvest them.

Day 6 of the 6th week before winter

Nearing the first swan sighting Calle again saw that bear on the mire. Rather than hunt it he decided to explore north past the swan sighting. Around he found a river that was reaching into owl lands. Along its twists and rocks he found a rapids that wouldn’t freeze. The was “Drizzle stream”.  He set up a simple shelter here. Farther north the river went past a hill. Climbing up revealed several distant hills and that this was leading to large lake to the northwest. This final lake was “Point neck” said be skimming the south western boundary of the Owl tribe range.

Choosing where to homestead wasn’t going to be easy. Deeply he wished he could ask an elder. Having different types of terrain was good. The edge affect principle let you access the different things each had to offer. With swan sightings on both the north and south river forks Calle felt the whole area was blessed. Thus he could choose many spots.

That large inner lake was attractive. Though it had no river link that was also good to reduce the risk of raiders showing up. A short portage could connect him to either river. It would be great place for fence trapping.

North of the lake and west of the first swan sighting was that cluster of mountain and hills likely to yield iron.
The swan sighting itself had a peninsula south of it. Scouting by boat showed it full of growing berries and herbs. It was like having farm fields on hand. Those wouldn’t actually require regular tending.

The bear was on the mire again so Calle decided to once again try hunting it.

<Calle 046 Much scouting done>


« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2023, 07:16:54 AM »

Scouting the mire discovered bear tracks. A confusion is cleared up when its realized its a mother with a cub. Potentially the most dangerous thing in the woods. That the spirits say is too much (reloaded after the momma and cub combo won but they were limping).

A big bear is also about, probably a male. This is tracked and engaged with archery. Calle’s first arrows missed. The broad heads prone to causing bleeding are fired and missed. Another bone tipped raven arrow is fired to hit. Now the bear rushes.

Calle rushes off arrow shots as it charges. Then its bow away, shield up and handaxe. They batter at each other. The arrow that did hit is causing bleeding. Calle backs up behind the shield which stops most of the swipes.

Calles shrieks as a swipe skips along the bottom of the shield clipping the clothing of by his groin. Its slow bleeding bellows with pain.

The bear feels the hand axe blows. It staggers away. Keeping his head Calle resumes bow fire getting a few hits while the bear closing again.

Again the pounding on the shield and replaying hand axe. Dazed the bear is stumbling about. Backing up again Calle fires off the last of his arrows.

Confident yet cautious with the talking groin wound Calle sways up the felling wood’sman axe in two hands. The heavy blows by edge and back get deeper on the bear. A gushing neck wound makes it a matter of time.

Finally as the bear dies Calle catches his breath. Its night. The sun and moon are enough he had hardly noticed.

“This could have gone on the other way,” says Calle.

Reaching down he get the guts to spill out on the ground. The hide off the animal takes time to pull off. Together this lets the animal start cooling. Staggering from the energy coming off him Calle stumbles over to a pool of water. Mastering his fear the elders said. Calle focuses his mind on a task, cleaning the hide.

After that his energy is calmer. The natural pain killer of the fight has passed. He looks inside his pants to see the giblets are still where they ought to be. He has been bleeding slowly. Capillary cutting not artery. With herbs he had been gathering he washes the wounds wriggling in nettle to wipe it out. Then one of the bandages is tied on with more nettle to promote healing. That and a bruise is all he suffered.

Getting to the butchery takes hours. Nearly 200 pounds of meat are available. With a nearby pine tree Calle approaches. First popping out the teeth the skull given flower petals as a sacrifice. According to tradition Calle hangs up the head. Now with all the meat he can get to work on his cabin and even trade with the Kaumo. Hunts for his arrows find 2 of the 3 broad heads and 10 of the other arrows. A few were lost.

<Calle 047 Got a bear>


« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2023, 08:26:35 AM »
A heavy load of work followed. At the beach Calle roasted the meat. A few portions were left to use as uncooked meats for traps and fishing bait. Having a decent idea from his days of scouting Calle hurried to an area he had in mind. It was on the isolated lake along a pennisula hidden from almost all of the large lake though it did have a view of mire east.

He quickly dug out and planked a cellar. Ah! He was such a fool to have not done that first! Even with the cellar and bait allotment Calle figured a 100 pounds might spoil before he could use it. This then he rushed over to the nearest Kaumo settlement. He had seen it when scouting rivers but never gone. They called their village “Maiden’s stream”.

Calle wanted to get a cabin up. With all that bear meat he could bring in a few workers. Calle hired the Kaumo tribesmen Sampsa the Strong and Konsta the Carver. For the rest of the meat he traded for what smoked meat they could spare and a beaver fur. It wasn’t a fur he planned to craft with. This was just a trade for something valuable that wouldn’t spoil like the meat. The villagers were happy to have such a good amount of meat. The mothers were already talking about making a stew with spring plants.

There is a wounded traveller here. Hyvaneuvo was wounded by one of the bears of the land to the south east. He offers sword lessons in exchange. Something Calle hadn’t ever really had. If the spear can be recovered it will happen.

(saving as hired help have a habit of buggy deaths)

<Calle 048 Hired help>


« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2023, 10:06:10 AM »
Though Calle had come for help building the Kaumo are interested in hunting the bear. Its what their people do after all. Barely fitting in the punt the three head along the river. Calle is the first to spot the signs of the battle. Searching they spot the shelter.

As they come in the bear charges out!

Konsta takes a cracking hit to his ribs, a fracture straining with every breath. With the three of them Calle is able to wield his felling axe viciously. A battering hit bruises Calle’s shoulder. Between the workmen’s cuts and Calle’s walloping axe the bear is soon being skinned. Then searching the camp and recovering the spear is a simple matter.

The tale is well received. Konsta is seen by the elders. No one seems to have an infection. As for the meat there is more than they can handle. They will roast it and take to the work site.

Several days of work has the trio getting the walls started. Calle has selected a natural U shape that will elevate on three sides. It will be a much bigger interior than before, possibly even have a dividing room. They told Calle that this place has an old name: “Linenfell” though what that means is debated.

Day 7 of the 4th week before midsummer
Konsta and Sampsa left days ago. Since then Calle had been fed by the bear meats Calle from the quick cellar. That quick cellar had been raised is a small clearing with enough room to also have a shelter, fire ring and storage pile. This was warded with guard traps. Now cabin walls were enough that he could lay boards as a slanted roof over floor boards so he kept sleep under a hard roof if he wanted. The weather was quite warm now.

To be honest the on hand meat Calle would carry was getting stale or souring bit by bit. It left him a little ill almost all the time.

For a change of pace Calle went back to the mire where he had taken the first bear. The berries it had been munching had become plump. They were so juicy in the mouth. A long awaited fresh berry! While strolling a glint of light flicked at Calle’s eye. Walking over Calle recognized a fetching feather. He found the third broad head arrow! 

<Calle 049 Found broadhead>


« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2023, 09:23:36 PM »
The joy of finding the lost broadhead arrow still filled Calle’s heart. Months ago he had traded for five of them. Being back up to three meant much better odds at a deep wound on large game. These had a really wide cutting surface made of iron. On hitting it was many times more likely to cut an artery. That’s the part he couldn’t yet make himself. It gave him a hope that the spirits here were in tune with him. Its like they had held onto the arrow for a while until passing a judgement to let him stay.

He now took a breath. Plants. He was going to gather plants like the berries. He could also plant. It was past the early spring. With a tiny bit of roof, the shelter and two bear furs he would be quite warm until North Wind came back. Could he rush in a few crops?

It takes a lot of work to turn up ash for crops.  Its late fallow season. This isn’t seedtime. He might get peas and broad beans up in time. Turnips certainly a possibility though he found wild ones. Nettle, sorrel and yarrow can go in.

(see )

Hiking back to the Linenfell homestead Calle checks his cellar. That little bag of peas for his starter crops are there. Grunting Calle realizes he doesn’t have any broad beans left. Sitting down he wipes his face. Martti. That was the name of the Reeemi villager that traded him broad beans. In his early struggles Calle had needed to eat them. Calle had lived. He didn’t regret eating to live just that he never got any more.

Normally the field is put in a little ways away from the cabin. With only a few crops to plant could he set up near the cabin? He had found an open ground sunk down just into the base of the pennisula. It was a cup in the ground like it had been pounded with a sky. No trees were there. Calle decided to do the ash turning there.

By being a little ways off the field will let animals come in. That is a problem unless you are a meat eater. Then the fields are themselves a giant bait. (There is also a game issue if too many objects are in an area random gear gets lost so it is very much recommended not to have big fields next to your home)

With the supply of peas being limited to only three pounds Calle selected an area amid the trees just off the open ground. This critical field he surronded with traps for birds and squirrels thus turning peas into meat. In the most obvious large passage instead he made a pit trap. This meat for reindeer or elk. Doing this shelter had been better than all being in the open. A little disaster happened when two of the trees had caught fire but it didn’t spread far. The guarded pockets would be handy espicaly with limited seeds like the peas. Open area fields would also go up.

The area was yielding results already. A half dozen birds caught whose cries had attracted a lynx. For the lynx a medium weight trap was assembled and baited with fresh bird meat. A mallard was paddling on the lake water. Calle smiled watching it. With his foods stocks his heart was happier watching the mallard live.

As an extended work site Calle had put a shelter in a small pocket of trees. This was guarded with traps for alarm and had caught one of the birds. It was a short walk to the lake shore giving access to water. Here a tanning station was setup to treat the birds as they were caught.

Days of work say the fields slowing growing. Still far form sustaining him alone is should multiple the few peas into enough seed for next year. To gather stones for guard traps Calle climbed. A clip clop sound drew his attention. There at a long bow shot was an elk. Crouched Calle studied it. He could start shooting though it could take several hits to wound it enough. This was summer with no snow to slow it nor make it easy to track. Calle smiled he would trust instead to trapping at the his fields. That elk might well come visit and into a pit trap it could go.

It was a very tiresome task though good to be working the land in a suitable wilds. Calle worked up a second guarded pocket of ash turned ground. Calle figured he has only planted as much as the peas as he though there would be time for. A third was still left. Several lynx traps were up now baited with messy raw bear cuts. Calle brought over one of the baskets of turnip seeds. These would go in the ash turned areas that were cooling to late for peas.

In reflection Calle felt better with using the heathland for the fields. The trees made natural pockets that could be better guarded with traps. It isn’t a matte of animals never getting at the crops. This style is based on catching more food value in the animal’s meat than what they made off with. One deer or elk could devastate a field over weeks yet once trapped could feed you for months.

As for fishing by leaving the net Calle was flustered. It had been out for over a week while he worked the fields. There wasn’t even a dead carcass in it!

Calle’s next task was to portage the punt back to the north rivers. From there to make for the hill with the wild turnips to harvest them.

<Calle 050 First Linenfell fields>
« Last Edit: May 08, 2023, 10:40:43 PM by Brygun »