Topic: 3.80 (beta) Add "quests" to the quest menu (F2) for ordered goods  (Read 4755 times)


« on: April 26, 2023, 07:30:55 PM »
I've commissioned the construction of a broad axe from a blacksmith, and it will take two weeks to make it. That's a fair bit of time if your character is active (rather than performing tasks that take a long time in game, but only a little time for the player, such as construction or active fishing), and it gets even worse if you need to set the game aside for some time (business trips or other real life obstructions).

It would be useful if longer time tasks could be logged in the quest log and then be removed when completed (rather than cluttering the log with completed tasks). I've lost at least one hide due to forgetting to check the very long dehairing process, and quite a few tanning skins because I forgot they were in process when I pick up the game after saving. Net fishing is another task that may be tricky to remember the timing for.

However, the main aim of this suggestion is for ordered goods that may take quite some time to produce, be it current blacksmithing products or (hopefully) future precious woolen socks and mittens.

Bert Preast

« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2023, 07:41:33 PM »
Yes; I don't get to go on business trips but I do play drunk quite a lot, and it's a bugger remembering what was going on when I next load the save!  The quest log could be a lot more useful than it is.

I remember Sami removed the old SHIFT+L message log because he said nobody used it.  I did!  It was my only way of knowing when I had put my nets out  :(


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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2023, 05:24:55 PM »

I remember Sami removed the old SHIFT+L message log because he said nobody used it.  I did!  It was my only way of knowing when I had put my nets out  :(

Same, I still try to hit Log to see when I set the nets, only to be prompted it’s not available any longer.


« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2023, 07:49:53 AM »
before i save the game, i hit [v] and make a note to myself about what i'm in the middle of, and if i'm leaving an area then i make a note on the F6 map like "meat drying, ready mid center month" or "come back on the 5th of the 7th" but i agree it'd be good to have some automated way of remembering these things.

if you set a net and then leave the area, the F6 map will show when the net was last visited, but if you set them at your homestead like i do then the F6 map will show that you were there today even if you havent physically pulled them out of the water for 3 days because it tracks when you last entered the tile.

for nets i just have a habit that i always check them every in the morning, or if i sleep past morning then as soon as i wake up. morning isn't special here anymore, any time of the day will do.