Topic: Technical question related to Agriculture  (Read 2542 times)


« on: November 18, 2022, 09:03:33 AM »
I'm planning giant farm next to my settlement, eight or ten plots size of 9x14 each.

It is located next to my settlement on the world map tile, So I at first thought it will not occur overflow like my the previous attempt. (Like the old attempt to build a field in the same world map tile as the house)

I accessed wiki to look up which crops to farm and I found this :
Due to the limitations of the game, it is advisable to plant large (20x20 or even bigger) fields two or three tiles away from your main settlement. A fence can be built around large farms to prevent foreign traders from triggering the item overflow bug, though this is a lot of work.

What I worried is two thing and I have one extra question,

1) is my farm way too big for the game to handle already?

2) should I relocate my farm farther from my settlement? It's not at same world tile so everything's OK right?

3) Have developers recently increased the amount of resources the game can afford?


« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2022, 12:10:12 AM »
1. Not too big as is 9x14=126 tiles, x10 for 1260 possible stacks. BUT! If you have fences, traps shelter, you’re going to get nagged.

2. Yes. The game loads wilderness/zoomed out map and all 8 surrounding tiles. You’re going to hit item/stack limit. You should leave two zoomed out tiles between farm and cabin. So farm is at least 3rd wilderness tile away.

3. I don’t recall seeing that in release notes.


« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2022, 03:36:26 AM »
1. Not too big as is 9x14=126 tiles, x10 for 1260 possible stacks. BUT! If you have fences, traps shelter, you’re going to get nagged.

2. Yes. The game loads wilderness/zoomed out map and all 8 surrounding tiles. You’re going to hit item/stack limit. You should leave two zoomed out tiles between farm and cabin. So farm is at least 3rd wilderness tile away.

3. I don’t recall seeing that in release notes.

I should move my settlement :( Thanks a lot!

