Topic: [Not a bug] Digging problem  (Read 12336 times)


« on: October 28, 2021, 06:37:01 PM »
Cannot dig, if there's blood or tracks?


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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2021, 05:36:59 PM »
Cannot dig, if there's blood or tracks?

Blood or tracks shouldn't matter in digging a pit. Please be more specific, what did you try, what happened, what did the game say?
- Sami | UnReal World creator


« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2021, 10:14:42 PM »
Cannot dig, if there's blood or tracks?

Blood or tracks shouldn't matter in digging a pit. Please be more specific, what did you try, what happened, what did the game say?
You were right. Traces in the blood do not prevent digging. What was the reason before? Well, I'll see later.


« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2021, 12:57:59 PM »
Cannot dig, if there's blood or tracks?

Blood or tracks shouldn't matter in digging a pit. Please be more specific, what did you try, what happened, what did the game say?
You were right. Traces in the blood do not prevent digging. What was the reason before? Well, I'll see later.
A few more areas for improvement:
- You can get branches from adult pines (impossible without climbing)
- The number of ant nests could be doubled.
- There are no standing dead trees.
- Choosing Firewood: Leaf trees are safer, because they don’t shoot.
- When a tree is felled, it only leaves a piece a couple of meters long, which can be moved when the branches are in it.
- A person is unable to lift or carry logs, but is able to build a house?
- Tar trees and stumps? (more lighters) The same thing with birch bark.
- Able to build a kota from a whole cover? But weight? Leather too heavy.
- The number of wastes or bones of large animals to find could be doubled (I haven't found any yet)
- Flocks of ravens and crows at dead animals?
- Using bones as arrowheads too?
- Dropped deer antlers? I haven't seen it anywhere yet.
- Wolves didn't react to a piece of thrown meat
- The villagers seem to sleep outside in the rain, and even in the middle of the yard. In winter, someone might hike without footwear.
- You have to find all the goods, etc. yourself. Good if you could ask if there is stuff you want in the village.

I guess the reason the climate changes to “zero state” is perhaps if person “runs” from place to place. The beginning of the change is shown on a dark background as strange pixel changes.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2021, 08:15:52 AM by Kouvostoliitto »


« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2021, 11:46:19 AM »
There's a suggestion thread for suggestions. Suggestions posted in bug reports will probably get lost.

Building from logs:
It would be boring if the player couldn't build houses...
However, it's possible to lift and move logs by lifting one end as well as using levers and wedging things under the raised end of a log to gradually lift it up. It would be a lot of work, and a lot safer and easier if you had additional pairs of hands to help you.