Topic: Earthenware: some PNGs and thoughts  (Read 14504 times)


« on: March 29, 2019, 06:53:39 PM »

Here are three .png files for clay cup, pot, and statuette/figurine. Use them any way you like.

I made them a while back when playing with Buoidda's crafts 1.6.2 mod. I found the clay pot image a bit too jarring (pardon the pun). So I made a different one, and then a cup and statuette in the same style. The statuette is loosely based on the Venus of Willendorf, which by itself is wildly anachronistic and anatopistic for the URW setting. Then again, it doesn't strike me as crazy that similar statuettes might have circulated in Iron Age Finland. (Compare e.g. these Iron Age gold statuettes found on Bornholm -- not the same thing, but there was plenty of exchange over the Baltic.) Does anyone know more about this?

My code, adapted from Buoidda, for all the clay items:

Code: [Select]

.Dig clay. "Hunting Horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *COMMON* /1/ [noquality] [patch]
{[TERRAIN:lake river]} 'Lake or river (not rapids)'
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]} 'Pit for digging clay'
[NAME:clay lump]

.Dig clay from sea shore. "Hunting Horn" [effort:2] [phys:arms,hands,stance] *COMMON* /1/ [noquality] [patch]
{[TERRAIN:sea]} 'Sea shore'
{[TILE:Water]} 'Stand in water'
[NAME:clay lump]

.Earthenware cooking pot. "Pot" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /3h/ \24h\
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]} 'Firing pit'
{Fire} +'Fire nearby'
{Clay lump} (4) [remove]

.Earthenware cup. "Wooden mug" [effort:0] [phys:hands,one-armed] *COMMON* /20/ \8h\
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]} 'Firing pit'
{Fire} +'Fire nearby'
{Clay lump} (1) [remove]

.Terracotta figurine. "Rock" [effort:1] [phys:hands,one-armed] *RITUAL* /2h/ \8h\ |1| %10%
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]} 'Firing pit'
{Fire} +'Fire nearby'
{Clay lump} (2) [remove]


I finally got down to sharing this after a quick try-out of the exciting new BAC mod, which seems to use different (more complex) earthenware crafting recipes. The images could be used with BAC, too, though they hardly cover all of BAC's options.


* The values I used were just a rough guess, not really tested for playability.

* At first blush I prefer Buoidda's simpler recipes -- pit-baking being one of the more 'primitive' ways of producing earthenware. But I haven't tried BAC's kiln mechanism yet, so can't judge. Also, no idea how Iron Age Fins actually baked clay. Anyone?


* When I try to dig for clay in the shallow ponds/puddles of a pine mire, "The setting you are at now doesn't meet the requirements" (for water). Does anyone know what should be changed about

Code: [Select]
{[TERRAIN:lake river]}            'Lake or river (not rapids)'
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]}         'Pit for digging clay'

(identical in Buoidda and BAC) to change this?

With gratitude for all the mods and for this wonderful game!


« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2019, 09:59:12 PM »
Code: [Select]
{[TERRAIN:lake river]}            'Lake or river (not rapids)'
{[TILE:Hole in the ground]}       'Pit for digging clay'

Well, it says it right there, the [TERRAIN:lake river], is not a pine mire.

Refer to:


« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2019, 01:09:53 AM »
Thanks, Credit.

Looking at the wiki, it's not so much TERRAIN which needs to be tweaked: clay digging should not work in all of the pine mire, just next to the water.

Turns out {[NEARBY_TILE:Water]} is what I was looking for :) Though there may be cases where it doesn't make sense. Like for water next to a rocky 'mountain' tile? So that might require a long {[TILE:]} list including all shore types where one could sensibly expect clay, excluding those where one wouldn't.

Whether digging for clay while standing on a shore is sensible theme-wise is a different matter... How did Iron Age Fins obtain clay, if at all?


« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2019, 01:27:11 AM »
Thanks, Credit.

Looking at the wiki, it's not so much TERRAIN which needs to be tweaked: clay digging should not work in all of the pine mire, just next to the water.

That's why I linked it, good it worked out. But AFAIK only the TERRAIN tag allows for multiple inputs, ie lake river, whereas TILE and NEARBY_TILE don't.


« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2019, 06:00:07 PM »
I've heard the same thing as Credit, i.e. that if you want multiple kinds of tiles you'd either have to skip it and assume the player role plays it properly (informing the player of that, of course), or make multiple, almost identical, recipes.


« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2021, 02:15:59 AM »
I am so sorry for the extremely late reply, but this was what came up when I searched about the clay digging issue. I have found a solution without changing the terrain requirement. I simply used this instead:

{[NEARBY_TILE:Hole in the ground]}

I hope this can help anyone who searches for the same issue.


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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2021, 03:46:47 AM »
I am so sorry for the extremely late reply, but this was what came up when I searched about the clay digging issue. I have found a solution without changing the terrain requirement. I simply used this instead:

{[NEARBY_TILE:Hole in the ground]}

I hope this can help anyone who searches for the same issue.
That’s outdated in current version. There are no more “hole in the ground”, now they’re called “pit”


« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2021, 04:04:44 AM »
BAC has a bunch of Earternware type things including "amphora" as larger liquid containers. There is also some figurines though I didnt have a graphic to use.

Historicaly clay containers played a big role in humanity. They still work for liquids like water or things to kept dry like seeds. Depending on the availability of clay it may be easier or harder to make than wood containers. Either way clay doesnt burn nor rot the way a wood container might if left in a cold damp cellar.

