Topic: Killing foreign traders in 10 easy steps!  (Read 4957 times)


« on: September 25, 2020, 01:57:19 AM »
If you don't like exploits, don't read any further!  ;)

Hi guys,

I discovered (or re-discovered, surely somebody already thougth of this) a simpler, friendlier way to be a mass murderer to eliminate foreign traders.

First, about you:

1. Please have your bow skill as high as possible. Above 75 is fine, but YMMV. (Be nice and please be born as an Owl guy, with high eyesight and dexterity. Thanks)
2. Have in your posession many furs. Good furs. Winter furs, from the North.
3. Also, a good bow and some arrows/broadheads may be useful, or so people say.
4. Some armor, but not so heavy it impairs your bow skill significantly. A good fur overcoat and/or a cuirass (depending on your strength) are enough.


5. Meet the traders in some kind of open terrain. A frozen lake, an open mire or similar. No one's going to hide!


6. "Frozen lake" wasn't a poetic preference. Do this in the deepest winter, with the snow almost touching your cristallized but still functioning testicles.


7. Look carefully at the happy traders. Ascertain which ones are selling arrows and broadheads. Buy all of them with your furs (you remembered to bring them, right?) Smile. Try to learn to say "hello" and "thanks" in their language. Also, "you suckers!". Keep smiling. It is a wonderful cultural exchange (you may also buy some of their swords and axes to be extra sure, if you have enough furs). 

8. Once you are the only one that has any arrows and/or  broadheads in a ten kilometer radius, step back to a comfortable distance, take your bow, bow, and start shooting. Use the broads at first against the nearest traders. Your objective is to kill or maim. Once a trader is unable to walk, let him crawl awhile and shoot the ones still standing. NEVER RUN! Ski backwards, let them tire themselves in the gonads-high snow. The more hurt they get, the faster they'll tire. After a few good-placed shots, all those sword-and-axe wielding capitalists will be either dead, crawling in the snow or so hurt/tired they will never harm you. If you are running out of arrows, give the coup-de-grace to the nearest blue sad sack and retrieve your arrows.

9. Recover your furs, arrows, and add an ungodly, game-breaking amount of loot.

10. Optionally, feel guilty. Not recommended. It is a game. (You know that, right?)

And that's it. I don't think this is an original find, but I discovered it with my latest character, a mad Owl with bow skill at 97 that got invaded by a band of traders that just wouldn't leave the settlement, and he was kind of a nervous little man. A sensitive, delicate soul, what can I say...

« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 06:14:10 PM by Utumno »


« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2020, 10:09:48 AM »
Instructions unclear, gonads froze off


« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2020, 01:06:06 PM »
Don't worry. Just woo the traders with your new, sexy falsetto voice. But be sure to name your character Farinelloinen, eh? ;D

I tried this exploit in a heath field with no ice or snow. Apart from sparing me the testicular cryogenics, it worked very well. Usually there are like 1-3 traders with ranged weapons, so you need the same amount of furs to buy their arrows, one for each trader. Bring 1-2 extra just in case. (you'll recover them or die, so just don't worry) If you can buy their bows/crossbows, great, that way they can't shoot you with a picked-up arrow.

And lastly, I was wrong about the armor: just forget about it. If it gets to a melee, you lost. Wear almost nothing but your weapons, not even the skis. You need to be as deadly as possible at a distance for this exploit to work.

Just to make it clear, I normally hate exploits. But after doing all kinds of challenges to make this game harder, I decided to give my next character an easier life  ;).

« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 01:26:06 PM by Utumno »


« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2020, 08:02:10 AM »
Hire 9 villagers then attack.  :P

Buy 9 dogs then attack :p

Buy 9 reindeer then attack :p

Im joking of course. Never really went into trader hunting. Couldn't resist the humor chance.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 08:16:50 AM by Brygun »