So 36 days into my first serious game, I was on a trek to check a semi-successful trap I had set up. I was desperate, with my starvation meter at about the 53% mark. I had just constructed my first bow using animal leather from animals I had killed for cord. I was very excited to use it, but I needed more cord to make arrows. Had every ingredient but cord

. Anyways, I was seriously hoping I had caught something in my trap. On the way, I was notified that I had been jumped by a kuika tribe robber. The map zoomed in, and I noticed a man laying down about 5 spaces ahead of me. I should have just run away then. After telling him to piss off, I would not be giving him anything, he called out his buddies, and they beat me until I was unconscious. When I woke up, I had no weapons and no tools. I had to construct a crappy stone knife to even do the simplest of tasks. I continued on my way to check my trap. If needed, I could use my knife to butcher whatever animal I caught there, since it was a small animal trap. I finally arrived, only to find an empty trap. I sulked back towards the shelter I had set up. Along the way, I ran into a hunter. I asked to trade, since he had tons of meat and food on him. He said I had nothing of worth. I did the only logical thing in return: I plunged my stone knife into his neck. He swore, and within seconds, he had beaten me to death with his club. Part of me believes I attacked him for food, part of me believes I had hoped for death. Anyways, total actual game time for all this to transpire: 8 minutes, a dead adventurer, and countless swear words said along the way. 10/10 would recommend the game.