Topic: [to 3.63 only] Community mod BAC: Smith, Cooking, Survival, Carpentry, Sewing  (Read 517463 times)


« Reply #720 on: January 18, 2021, 03:19:41 AM »
In something I'm not entirely sure if it's an overlook or a design choice, as of  the recipe to extract fibre from dried retted plants lack a [noquality] tag on the ingredient, which is produced with said tag.

Tuukka has seen some fine fibers. I checked his stockpile and im showing fine from spruce bast. Which isn't the right plants. I think he had fine nettle/hemp fibers that he used in his clothes.  It will be a while before I have a fresh stock of retted hemp/nettles to check again.

Weaving in real life was something people, typically women, specialized in so I think there should be skill ratings.


« Reply #721 on: January 24, 2021, 05:36:04 AM »
Making the blunt arrow under Fletching menu requires {*perch-skin}, but there doesn't appear to be any way in the mod to get perch-skin, or otherwise skin a fish.

I've changed it to        {*glue} #0.05# in my copy, since there is already an established method to get glue.


« Reply #722 on: January 24, 2021, 07:44:49 PM »
I dont normally use blunt arrows so missed this one. Thanks for catching it.

I think the fletching which came from an existing mod was first and I added pitch glue later.


« Reply #723 on: January 24, 2021, 07:47:16 PM »

fixing the fletcher glue issue spotted by rudy


« Reply #724 on: January 26, 2021, 12:48:55 AM »
Above the recipe for .Build a bloomery furnace. there is a comment indicating that a fireplace can be assigned as a forge, and so you do not necessarily need to build a bloomery furnace. The comment further says that "later recipes the calls are for *forge so both work equally well".

Later down, such as under .Wrought iron billet., you can see this is the case, as {*forge*} is used in the recipe. Similar for others.

However, for a very central recipe, .Smelt ore into iron., {Bloomery*} is used instead of {*forge*} making the bloomery furnace required after all. Assigning a firecplace as a forge is largely useless for this reason.

Either this is a mistake in the comments, or an oversight. If the latter, the recipe for .Smelt ore into iron. should be changed to use {*forge*} instead of {Bloomery*}.


« Reply #725 on: January 26, 2021, 06:31:29 AM »
They are different things.

Bloomery (youtube) is an enclosed furnace capable of higher temperatures and forge is a regular blacksmith's forge/fireplace.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 07:07:43 AM by Buoidda »


« Reply #726 on: January 26, 2021, 12:24:36 PM »
For roleplay reasons it is good to know that the bloomery is for smelting the ore to get the iron and in the forge you heat the iron to start hammering it.

You can get more info about some BAC functionalities if you download the Extended Encyclopedia  8)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 12:27:50 PM by Ezezaguna »


« Reply #727 on: January 27, 2021, 02:27:40 AM »
They are different things.

Bloomery (youtube) is an enclosed furnace capable of higher temperatures and forge is a regular blacksmith's forge/fireplace.

For roleplay reasons it is good to know that the bloomery is for smelting the ore to get the iron and in the forge you heat the iron to start hammering it.

You can get more info about some BAC functionalities if you download the Extended Encyclopedia  8)

I'm aware of both of those things, but thank you both.

There is a comment in diy_BAC_Metalworking that reads:

// In terms of later recipes the calls are for *forge
// so both work equally well

That comment is made immediately before the recipe for the bloomery furnace. Thus, I naturally assumed that it was in reference to the bloomery. This is borne out by the fact that the actual name of the Bloomery is "Bloomery furnace (forge)" in order for it to work for the forge recipes.

Bottom line is that, as the code is currently written, you can use the bloomery as a forge, but you can't use a forge as a bloomery. If you must build a bloomery (and currently you have to), then there is no reason (other than roleplay) to also build a forge.

If the intent is that you must have both a forge and a bloomery, then the "(forge)" should be removed from the name of the bloomery.

If the intent is that you can use either, and only need one or the other, then the {Bloomery*} in .Smelt ore into iron. recipe should be changed to {*forge*}.

If the intent is that all you need is the Bloomery for everything and the forge is unnecessary, as is currently the case, then there is no reason to have the .Build a simple stone forge. recipe at all, or the .Assign a fireplace as a forge. recipe.


« Reply #728 on: January 27, 2021, 03:47:40 PM »
there is no reason to have the .Build a simple stone forge. recipe at all, or the .Assign a fireplace as a forge. recipe.

While that might be true for your settlement and play style, refining ore is supposed to be a lot of work. My original mod intended these two to be used for roleplay*, yes, but also for those (rare ?) instances where you want to forge stuff out of existing iron items or when you are far from your base or visiting a village. I admit those instances might not ever come across.

Also some crazy ppl like to hunt the red crazy ppl and will accumulate a lot of iron (and precious steel) that way. While loot is ofc more valuable for trading, one just might want to use the iron for forging, at least in special circumstances.

*I wouldn't normally want to use a bloomery for forging irl since it is a different setup, but it can be used nonetheless.

In gameplay terms the bloomery, once set up, will make the others obsolete in that location. Note that bloomery requires clay which is pretty freezing work to harvest in winter.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2021, 03:59:25 PM by Buoidda »


« Reply #729 on: January 27, 2021, 05:26:25 PM »
That's fair. It still seems to me the better path to require both things (so remove "forge" from the bloomery name), but I won't claim that's an error. I've removed that from my own copy so that I need to make both.


« Reply #730 on: January 27, 2021, 05:42:43 PM »
My original mod intended these two to be used for roleplay*, yes, but also for those (rare ?) instances where you want to forge stuff out of existing iron items

As a note, this is not possible under the current iteration. There are a few items you can specifically "recover" iron or steel from (axes, swords, scimitars and mail armor), but otherwise no.

The comment in the file notes that:

// {*Iron*} changed to {*Iron bloom} to avoid other items

I've changed it back myself, so that damaged iron items, such as helms, can be reforged.


« Reply #731 on: January 27, 2021, 07:55:41 PM »
In something I'm not entirely sure if it's an overlook or a design choice, as of  the recipe to extract fibre from dried retted plants lack a [noquality] tag on the ingredient, which is produced with said tag.

Tuukka has seen some fine fibers. I checked his stockpile and im showing fine from spruce bast. Which isn't the right plants. I think he had fine nettle/hemp fibers that he used in his clothes.  It will be a while before I have a fresh stock of retted hemp/nettles to check again.

Weaving in real life was something people, typically women, specialized in so I think there should be skill ratings.
The recipes for extracting fibre from Birch-Bark and spruce saplings (but not Rowan Bark), in the Barkware module, all have the base ingredient with a noquality tag, allowing them to be made fine. The recipes for extracting fibre from dried retted plants on the other hand, in the Weaving Module, don't, not allowing fibre of better quality than the dried retted plant, which is a noquality ingredient.

Code: (From diy_BAC_Weaving.txt) [Select]
.Dry Retted Plants.  "Branch" [noquality] *AGRICULTURE* /2/  \7d\ [patch:20] |-2| [effort:1] [phys:arms,stance,one-armed]
{Retted *} [remove] [patchwise] [name:Dried Retted %s] [naming:last word] '+use retted hemp or nettle'

.Extract Fibre. "Rock" *AGRICULTURE* /15/ [patch:10] [effort:3] [phys:arms,stance] [assist:1]
{Dried Retted *} [remove] [patchwise] [ground] [name:Fibre from %s] [naming:last word] '+Dried, Retted Plants'
{Club} '+for scutching'
{Knife} <Small knife>
{*comb} [optional]
// Icon provided by Kaaven from the Urw Forums, modified

In comparison:
Code: (From diy_BAC_Barkware.txt) [Select]
// Adapted from Bouidda 2.1
.Extract Spruce fibre. "Hunting horn" *CARPENTRY* /45/ %-50% [patch:5] [effort:0] [phys:arms,stance] [assist:1]
{Spruce sapling} [remove] [patchwise] [ground] [noquality]
{Fire} [noquality] '+for softening inner sap'
{Beater} [noquality] '+for scutching'
[NAME:fibre from spruce-bast]

.Fibre from birch-bark. "Hunting horn" (7) [phys:hands,one-armed] *HIDEWORKING* %-70% /1h/ [patch:5]
{*Birch-bark*}   #1#   [remove] [noquality] [patchwise] [name:Fibre from birch-bark]
{Knife}             [noquality]


« Reply #732 on: January 27, 2021, 08:03:59 PM »
Straight up, simple to fix, bug:

In the .Make Lamellar. recipe, under armors, the Steel Billet ingredient is missing the [patchwise] tag.


« Reply #733 on: January 29, 2021, 08:03:23 PM »
I seem to be having problems installing this on OSX (Catalina). I copy the files into the directory, replacing all, and the game crashes. I tried running from the terminal, and I at least get some sort of error:

Code: [Select]
/A/U/C/MacOS $ ./UrW
 > Running under: Mac OS (X)
 ! Can't find linked file '/Users/tom/Library/Application Support/urw3-Darwin/truetile/*.txt': remove old link
 > Entering The UnReal World RPG Version 3.63
 > App data dir is: '/Applications/'
 > App home dir is: '/Users/tom/Library/Application Support/urw3-Darwin'
./UrW: line 170: 79770 Segmentation fault: 11  "${URW_BIN_DIR}"/"${URW_BIN}"

After reinstalling without the mod, I don't have any issues.


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« Reply #734 on: January 29, 2021, 08:50:11 PM »
The app home directory is hidden. Not sure if it makes difference. (To show all hidden files: in Finder, press Command-Shift-. in a folder with hidden file or hidden folder. Root of you hard drive is good spot)

I’ve not had issue running any mods, I’m on High Sierra. (13.6.0 IIRC)