Topic: Sown plants disappearing after save  (Read 7373 times)


« on: August 24, 2018, 06:49:23 PM »
Hey! I'm a weatherbeaten hunter used to chasing big game with my javelins in the deep woods. After my many adventures I finally decided to settle down and give farming a try. Having happily prepared my log cabin and fenced areas for fields during the winter, I've suddenly found myself deprived of the great joy of my very first crops - they're just disappearing (after simply saving and starting the game again)! Please tell this old hunter he missed something, or hath I fallen prey to this thing that village sages call "a bug"?

Note: my settlement is located on a heathland river bed


« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2018, 10:25:52 PM »
Your description is somewhat patchy (much exposition, little info). However, I suspect you're planting in early spring and saw plants spring up around your feet immediately, but those plants weren't visible later. If that's the case it's somewhere in the borderlands between bug and feature: You've planted late enough to plant, but not late enough for the plants to actually sprout (which can happen a week or two later depending on the plant). Those plants will sprout "for real" when they're due, so you haven't actually lost anything in that case.
It can also be noted that some plants have exactly the same hue as some types of ground during some growth phases, making them effectively invisible during that time, but that's probably a different issue.

And no, it can't be bugs, because they haven't been introduced yet. They'll probably appear together with other calamities such as droughts and rats ;)


« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2018, 10:38:18 PM »
Your description is somewhat patchy (much exposition, little info). However, I suspect you're planting in early spring and saw plants spring up around your feet immediately, but those plants weren't visible later. If that's the case it's somewhere in the borderlands between bug and feature: You've planted late enough to plant, but not late enough for the plants to actually sprout (which can happen a week or two later depending on the plant). Those plants will sprout "for real" when they're due, so you haven't actually lost anything in that case.
It can also be noted that some plants have exactly the same hue as some types of ground during some growth phases, making them effectively invisible during that time, but that's probably a different issue.

And no, it can't be bugs, because they haven't been introduced yet. They'll probably appear together with other calamities such as droughts and rats ;)

Thanks for your answer! Correct, I'm a few days in the earliest spring! So there's a bug in that small plants show up immediately then, something that should not show until some week later?


« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2018, 08:04:06 AM »
As I said, it's in the borderland between bug and feature. The feature part is that you receive feedback that you've planted. In a more exact simulation you shouldn't get any indication at all until the plants actually sprout (or not, if eaten by birds, which UrW doesn't model [currently]), which would be dependent on soil temperature (for the seeds to start to germinate), and time (how long it takes before the growing plants break the surface of the soil).

JEB Davis

« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2018, 03:04:50 PM »
Do you think we might see something in the story section from you, Jakob?


« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2018, 04:02:21 PM »
Do you think we might see something in the story section from you, Jakob?
Mayhaps! ;)