Topic: Rare random dead bodies  (Read 11727 times)


« on: August 19, 2018, 02:43:22 AM »

Just saw the movie Alpha today. At one point he found a dead hunter and got a few useful things. he could have also stripped the clothing too.

It occurred to me that it could be a possible, though rare, encounter to find a dead person in Unreal World. Someone dead from the cold, a sickness got them, starved to death, bleed to death, ate the wrong mushroom and so forth. Our own avatars do die at times. It could be possible to come across a dead person with a few useful things.

It would need to be rare and limited in items to avoid unbalancing the game. For some the "naked and afraid" type play it would be a major find.


« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2018, 09:58:16 AM »
I find dead people far too often. They're villagers who drowned in the village ponds...

If you were to find dead people in the wild (where you missed the case of messing with the wrong bear), you'd have to incredibly lucky to find the body at the very beginning of the game, when you need the items, unless the world is littered with dead bodies all over the place (or the game games bodies in for new character to stumble upon).
Basically, you'd most likely stumble upon dead bodies when you don't have much use for their gear, as you already have several Njerps under your belt, so it would be a feature that mostly would be of limited value for the off chance that someone gets incredibly lucky early on.


« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2018, 01:55:02 PM »
I think it actually already IS possible.  Just - as you say, rare.  For example, I once found a bunch of robber and foreign trader corpses sitting in close proximity to a couple live foreign traders.  I find bodies of dead reindeer who feel through thin ice and froze to death fairly commonly.  Hunters/Adventurers do wander randomly, so there's always a chance they'll run afoul of something.  I don't know that they actually chase or hunt anything aggressive that might reasonably kill them (like wolves or bears) though.

Dungeon Smash

« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 04:21:42 PM »
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.

JEB Davis

« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2018, 09:32:12 PM »
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.
And you would get a reward for bringing back the body for her. This would be a good quest to introduce along with a new item, either a travois drawn by an animal or a smaller one or sled (in snow) pulled by the character.


« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2018, 09:46:44 AM »
There could be a quest... "My husband has not returned from hunting for 7 days, last I heard he was heading in the direction of Wolf Falls in the north-east..."  When you find the hunter, he is already dead.  Not dissimilar to the "Wounded Adventurer" quest.

I've thought for a while that it would be cool to occasionally find abandoned camps/settlements.  Some of the starting scenarios allow you to do this but it would also be neat for it to originate organically during play.
And you would get a reward for bringing back the body for her. This would be a good quest to introduce along with a new item, either a travois drawn by an animal or a smaller one or sled (in snow) pulled by the character.
And it would be even better if the missing hunter was injured rather than dead some of the time, although that would require mechanics for carrying/loading injured people onto "crafts", which is a good thing in itself, but requires additional code.