Topic: this game in unplayable and i'm triggered  (Read 15211 times)


« on: July 30, 2018, 03:08:06 PM »
Seriously i had hope it will be the best game cus i like sandbox, crafting, survival games but my experience with this game is terrible so far. I already spent several hours doing literally nothing, tried easy start and min-maxing stats but it doesn't matter. I don't even mention my fingers are in pain due to this retarded movement in this game where you have to spam arrow keys 10 times to do one step and it's 90% walking game so it's a huge pain turning walking all the time. I tried to be fair i did watch some videos (where i didn't learn shit because people don't say what they clicking) and i tried to learn in web by reading wiki or something but it's useless info, nothing tells me what and how to do really, just raw info.

But how the fuck am i supposed to hunt anything to not die from starvation every single time? There are no animals at all, sometimes if i get lucky i will find one and so what? It always starts running away so ok, i search in google for tips and i found posts like:

"The best way to hunt on your own is endurance hunting. Animals are faster than you, but you move more energy-efficiently so they tire out before you do. Find an animal, try to sneak up on it, and see if you can ambush it. If it runs away (or you miss), just keep following it. Don't sneak, since that slows you down and you don't want to give it time to rest. Just follow the tracks as best you can (using the Alt-T 'Tracking' skill when you're not sure what direction it's headed) until eventually it's too tired to run away, and kill it."

Ok so i spend another 2 hours trying to do this and ofc NOTHING because you can never fucking catch anything in this game and at some point tracks will go in 2 or 3 directions because animals can use fucking mirror reflection and summon a fake copy of them. One time i managed to shot a wild boar with a bow!!! And? He just run away 1000000km/h i was running after it for 20 minutes and ofc nothing because it's immortal and will never get tired or bleed out. This is ridiculous.

And ofc you can't load save or leave the game w/o saving so you could easily reload and try again and maybe learn something instead of dying 500000 times and redoing all the shitty process of creating 1000000 character and world again and again.

Sorry i know i overreacted but i'm so fucking triggered cus of this game that punish you for trying to play and learn it. Tutorial in this game is useless.


« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2018, 06:21:27 PM »
I don't understand the "spam movement key" claim. One movement key press, one movement step. You can enter keys faster than the game reacts, but that means you can't react to what's happening (such as detection of an animal). There's also overland movement to get somewhere with fewer key presses.

The way I start the game I set up light lever traps, because they don't need much material or tools. I then complement that with zooming out to the overland map, move one tile, zoom in, look for a nearby bird (max 5 tiles) and throw a rock at it. If it hits (usually not, but can happen occasionally), I run up to it and hit it with anything (like the rock in the other hand) to kill it. During that same process I also look for large game for endurance hunting. However, I give up if there are too many tracks around, as it's impossible to make out where the bugger went with the poor initial tracking skill, but much of the time the area isn't track riddled.
Don't run when endurance hunting, as that will reduce YOUR movement speed to a crawl. I only run very small sprints to scare the animal into running again when it's started to get at least slightly fatigued, as the key is to get it to run until breathless. As fatigue causes it to run slower, you can catch up easier, to scare it off again and again (all this requires being able to track it, of course). Tracking anything in spruce infested forests is a pain, so aim for pine forests or mires, where the sight range is good.

Bleeding can stop spontaneously (and often does on wounded animals), so they usually don't bleed out. However, any injuries result in penalties that reduce the movement speed, and injuries to the legs causing them to walk lame reduces the speed further. This, of course, makes it easier to scare it off into running again and again.


« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2018, 07:09:26 PM »
Problem with movement is that in other games when you use arrows or WSAD to move, it's enough to just push them and hold so your fingers rest and your character run, you don't have to click all the time.
In Unreal World you have to click it to move one tile, and if you look north but want to go south you have to click several times untill you face south and click again to move. I don't know but even in very fast arcade games my fingers are fine but in URW i'm tired after a while of clicking. I tried traditional movement in setup options but it suck because you can't go diagonally which is a huge problem especially if there are many trees around.

I believe i start the game without any traps, fishing rod or bow so i have no idea how to get food. I twice started with a bow but it didn't help me much anyway. I don't run after animals i just walk but still got fatigued very fast and tired so i have to rest and sleep and i get cold and i die of starvation. This is how it looks every time i start.

Ara D.

« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2018, 09:33:36 PM »
If you are getting fatigued walking then I'm guessing that you started either spring or winter.  You do fatigue walking through snow, also animals don't seem to tire as quick in cold weather.  Start in summer maybe fall. My easiest start is a high speed character preferably a Kaumo. Spear is a great beginning skill as javelins are simple to make and are both ranged and and melee. Start south east corner of map, reemi territory, dark green culture area. Swampy tiles are your friend. Best vision over land map, fewest trees zoomed in. There are lots of them in reemi. When you spot a large animal walk onto its image and you get auto zoomed in. I like carrying a javelin in each hand and a third in my inventory. Throw the first two javelins hope for a lucky strike. Then begin following the prey. Your third javelin is to use as a spear. Remember ther more gear you carry the slower you are. Travel light. If you can find and afford one buy a dog.  On a cheat side of things copy your characters folder to somewhere else. If things go bad, you die, delete the your character folder from Urw and move your copy too URW. And your alive again.


« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2018, 10:01:17 PM »
I'd suggest that you take a breath,
There is a setting in the urw.ini file to change movement to something more conventional for you.

Wherever you got this ""The best way to hunt on your own is endurance hunting." Is pretty much bs imo.
Fishing is the method most use early in game to subsist until more reliable methods are implemented like traps or farms etc.

I did a tutorial for a couple versions back, When Steam version was released. I tried to impart knowledge for "new" players

To help is it's own reward.
Mods:;area=showposts;sa=attach;u=10 Player Quests, Arrow quiver, Bee hives honey & mead, Massive menus, Fish Farmer, Combat trainer, Player made markers, Weaving, Wood stacks, Chicken coop Fish cuts, string&bone.


« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2018, 11:03:50 PM »
Well, I've never had much luck with fishing... For my characters early fishing has been a way to starve to death slowly, as my characters start with poor fishing skills and no fishing gear, and spear fishing take as much time as you give it (leaving no time to do anything else), while only resulting in 1-2 pikes a week. Endurance hunting has worked fairly well for my characters, although I prefer trapping and farming as a stable base, but that takes some time to set up.

As indicated, there are multiple ways to start, although it helps to play with your character's strengths.
Starting in winter is bound to be hard. I prefer "spring" (it's still cold, frozen ice, and snow), as it tends to give me time to dry some meat before it gets too warm (as a fallback food source), and then use the rest of the year to set things up and prepare for agriculture the next spring.


« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2018, 11:05:24 PM »
oh boy, relax, take it easy.

if you want in can send you my save, you'll have a safe homestead, farmfield, tools, ok stats/skills, a few animals and ample food supplies, basic rituals and explored a bit, then you can check out the game at your leisure without fearing you'll starve or freeze.

its the start of winter in the save, but there is plenty of warm clothes and firewood.

now, as to your direct concerns/frustration.

Seriously i had hope it will be the best game cus i like sandbox, crafting, survival games but my experience with this game is terrible so far. I already spent several hours doing literally nothing, tried easy start and min-maxing stats but it doesn't matter. I don't even mention my fingers are in pain due to this retarded movement in this game where you have to spam arrow keys 10 times to do one step and it's 90% walking game so it's a huge pain turning walking all the time

you get used to it, or maybe i was already used to it since back in the day all games were completely keyboard operated. either way, take your time, no need to spam the key. step by step does it good to :D

. I tried to be fair i did watch some videos (where i didn't learn shit because people don't say what they clicking) and i tried to learn in web by reading wiki or something but it's useless info, nothing tells me what and how to do really, just raw info.

partially on purpurse, partially on accident. we dont want to tell you everything, after 5 years i still discover new things, there is a lot you haven't even found out about yet. and the wiki is notoriously poor for new players, it sort of assumes you're comfortable with the controls. to get started, using the "?"key ( remember, "?" not "/", shift matters) you can get a list of all keyboard commands, it's a bit annoying at first but once you got the hang of it you won't even remember whats the bid deal. i promise.

But how the fuck am i supposed to hunt anything to not die from starvation every single time? There are no animals at all, sometimes if i get lucky i will find one and so what? It always starts running away so ok, i search in google for tips and i found posts like:

Ok so i spend another 2 hours trying to do this and ofc NOTHING because you can never fucking catch anything in this game and at some point tracks will go in 2 or 3 directions because animals can use fucking mirror reflection and summon a fake copy of them. One time i managed to shot a wild boar with a bow!!! And? He just run away 1000000km/h i was running after it for 20 minutes and ofc nothing because it's immortal and will never get tired or bleed out. This is ridiculous.

hunting for big game is a poor start choice, it's difficult and doesn't always reward you. when you do have success you'll be eating for 2 months from a single boar.

but first things first. get an "easy" food supply, i suggest starting as the fisherman when creating your character, this will give you free nets and/or fishing rod, the fishing rod is a life saver if you have no tools or weapons, this is merely to sustain yourself as you learn the game and collect the basic tools you'll need for your chosen lifestyle. it's also a relatively relyable method, albeit time consuming.
use the fishing rod (or nets, but that will require you build a raft or get a punt first, so rod is better for this purpuse) and fish a small supply of food and treck around looking for a home base. you'll need water close by and you'll need lots of trees for building, so look for that.
once your site has been chosen, start with a shelter (so you can sleep in rain) and after that, a cellar. fish when you have to. once you have a cellar you can store food 2x longer, wich will be important.
so, with a cellar and fish you can now place a few traps. the thing about traps is, they are not relyable. but when they do catch something, that's a day less fishing and more doing other things, and free leather/fur. so place several traps, preferably right on top of food sources (eg: berry bushes) or in narrow passages in a forest, especially if they allready have tracks there. i'm thinking 20-30 traps here. use the cheap ones, don't worry to much yet, the traps are just extras. fishing is your main food supply for now, untill you know how to catch food.

so, assuming you want to be a hunter (since this is what you attempted first), stock up on food, i'm thinking 4-5 days worth. hunting can be very time consuming so ample food supplies are needed. and dont wander off far from water sources either (or use containers such as a bag or waterskin), it can be days before you find anything at all. (real life has this to you know)

at some point tracks will go in 2 or 3 directions

stand on the track, do alt+t, it will tell you how old the tracks are and in what direction they aim, do this on tracks that do not overlap, either it's a very small circle the animal made (and you'll be back at the start soon, so follow the other paths) or if it's a big circle there will be a time difference. this skill levels automaticly by you so it becomes easyer in time.

nothing because it's immortal and will never get tired or bleed out. This is ridiculous.
they do get tired (this is how you catch them) and they can bleed out, however i dont really try to get them to bleed, i try to wound them to slow them down.

you may also want to consider getting dogs, they are very usefull in the hunt. and keep every cord you find, you'll need them when you catch something big.

And ofc you can't load save or leave the game w/o saving so you could easily reload and try again and maybe learn something instead of dying 500000 times and redoing all the shitty process of creating 1000000 character and world again and again.

actually, go to where you installed your game, in the game folder there is a folder with your characters's name. make a copy of that, when you fuck up, delete the contents of the folder and place the contents back (make sure the folder is empty when restoring the backup, new explored regions may cause corruption with older saves that have not explored it yet).

Sorry i know i overreacted but i'm so fucking triggered cus of this game that punish you for trying to play and learn it. Tutorial in this game is useless.
sad to say i have to agree, for new players it's somewhat difficult.

character name: dodwaert
lives in the kaumo region, next to a mayor river. uses "self sufficiency mod".

character name: shorun
lives on the northern coast in between the two northern tribes. has ever tool, massive wealth. doesnt use mods.

on the top right there is a "download" button, use that otherwise you'll just be browsing in the archive.

extract the folder in the archive directly into the unreal world folder, you should see your other savegames are just like this to.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 02:55:40 AM by shorun »


« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2018, 02:21:43 PM »
Thanks for the saves but i don't think it will help my in any way. The problem is i don't know how to do things in this game so even if i start with everything already i will die because i don't know what to do with all the things. Or even if i do something i'm not sure if i do it right and maybe should do something other instead, in different order etc.

I super luckily managed to kill an Elk but i didn't know what should i do first, i had a lot of cuts so i couldn't even move carrying it but i quit the game cus i don't know what to do with all things if i can't carry that meat, i don't know how should i preserve it and where to store it. And it applies to all things in the game, it's not intuitive like in other games.


« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2018, 06:25:41 PM »
It's not intuitive at first, but everyone of us managed, and you will too - but you need to get in the right mindset ;)

The others have given you a lot of advice. I will only say this: learn the controls. Understand how to access all the menus.

- Have you found how to access all the recipes (even if you don't have the means to cook them yet)?
- Have you seen the traps menu, and tried to build a few?
- Have you noticed that in some menus you can craft weapons, or clothes from furs/leather?
- Can you start fires, move stuff without picking it up?
- Do you understand how the weight penalty affects your skills?

I would suggest you start a new character, pump your fishing skill and start as a fisherman. You can then survive on fish (and even barter it for clothes, or furs to make clothes) while you figure out the basics.

It WILL get much easier, eventually. So easy that we older players must gimp ourselves to make it harder. So keep at it and enjoy this weird wonderful game :)


« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2018, 06:58:48 PM »
Thanks for the saves but i don't think it will help my in any way. The problem is i don't know how to do things in this game so even if i start with everything already i will die because i don't know what to do with all the things. Or even if i do something i'm not sure if i do it right and maybe should do something other instead, in different order etc.

I super luckily managed to kill an Elk but i didn't know what should i do first, i had a lot of cuts so i couldn't even move carrying it but i quit the game cus i don't know what to do with all things if i can't carry that meat, i don't know how should i preserve it and where to store it. And it applies to all things in the game, it's not intuitive like in other games.

well, as i said, a cellar doubles how long your food lasts. prepairing food increases the time even more.

roasting: build a fire and use the cooking menu to roast. fast, easy, cheap, does not las long.

drying: use cords a wall and cold weather to freeze-dry your food, takes over a month to complete and in a cellar lasts over a year.

smoking: same as drying but requires a smokehouse to do, lasts allmost a year.

when you make a kill, first rest (quality matters), then use "h" and "skin the pelt".

now you should have a nice pelt, rest again and then  use "b" to "butcher". this can take a while, depending on the kill.

sometimes you cant carry it all, to bad. for now thats spoiled, later you can get animals (dogs) to help you carry stuff.

if you cannot preserve it yourself, trade it in towns. keep the pelt, and within a few days, clean it, then tan it 3 times (different stages). when completed your pelt will no longer spoil.

pelts are the most usefull thing, especially since you'll need to make cords to smoke/dry your next kill. dont let them rot away.

i sent the saves so you can experiment with the controls while sitting on supplies to last you trough winter, so you can relax as you try everything. you dont need to use them, but it will take the performance pressure off your hands while you learn the controls.

JEB Davis

« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2018, 03:03:39 AM »
Has anyone mentioned there is in-game help?
While playing...

Hit "ESC" for several options that are helpful.


Hit "?" for a comprehensive list of how to do stuff. Page down & up for 3 screens of info.


"F1" for the encyclopedia.


« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2018, 07:19:27 AM »
The wiki, and wiki tutorials are still very valid.

I tend to make items and trade it to villages for food in the beginning, and also set up lever traps.  Don't have an axe?  Find a village that has an axe, drag a log over to it and use it, then trade boards for the axe (and food), if I recall correctly.


« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2018, 01:33:51 PM »
Others have already talked about hunting, and I would generally agree, though I wouldn't say it's unrealiable for getting food, just that it takes a long time. I think it's actually a very viable way to get food reliably, you're just unlikely to ever have time for things like building and crafting much if you have no other food source, atleast early on. So generally early on hunting is mainly only useful for getting furs/leather for clothing or trading to foreign traders, and the first few big animals you kill will ofcourse let you get your first tools quite easily through selling most of the meat that you won't be able to eat anyways. Later on though you'll have an overabundance of cords and rope, and a home, so you can dry or smoke most of the meat and then put it in a cellar once it's done, and then eat that when you are building or crafting and you'll only need to hunt one big animal every now and then to have a consistent supply of food.

Others have also already talked about some hunting tips, I'd also recommend to carry a fishing rod with you on your hunting trips though, it doesn't weigh a lot, and if you don't find an animal or fail to catch one it's good for getting you food to continue traveling or return home. And you don't need to carry a lot of food with you this way, and can instead carry a small amount of food and a fishing rod. You will also get a fishing rod easily through the "Living in the wild" game course, aswell as some other items later on which will take a bit longer to get to. And as mentioned before the Fisherman start will also give you two nets for passive fishing (aswell as a fishing rod). Here I'd say starting in spring also helps, since early on the ice will still be strong enough to carry you, so you can just walk out on the ice a little ways, and then make a hole and set the nets, or alternatively, an even better choice is finding someplace with rapids and walking out on the ice next to it and setting the nets in the rapids. That way you can make use of the nets before you have a punt or raft.


« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2018, 03:38:15 AM »
 Everyone came and said something, gave a tip, and advice.

 I will stick with Koteko, look at the game controls, find them, even if you dont have the itens to craft them.
 Get used with the controls on the help page ingame (? button, shift matters)
 After you get a glimpse on the controls, start your game on custom - too easy, select summer month and go with the "I want to be a fisherman" start-up scenario and "Living in the wild" game course.

 I thinks that would be the best way to start the game out and learn the basics


« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2018, 09:22:01 AM »
I was about to be mean but everyone in this thread has been really constructive so I guess i will be too. A word of advice, games like URW, dwarf fortress, the like are unintuitive, but if you can learn how to play them, the gameplay is out of this world. I hope you do not give up.

