Topic: Cow of Burden Burdened  (Read 8057 times)


« on: March 11, 2018, 04:45:17 PM »
Hi, I've been playing the 3.5 beta version and recently I've bought a big cow to carry around extra equipment but it seems her weight carrying capacity described in different Wiki sites (400 and 100 lbs) was greatly overestimated since mine can carry only about 50 lbs. Is this a bug or an alteration from the previous versions?


« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2018, 05:04:41 PM »
You've probably hit the item limit, rather than the weight limit. Try putting mostly items of the same type on the cow (one stack counts as "one item" for the cow's item limit, I believe), and only stuff that weights enough to be a burden to you.


« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2018, 06:43:03 PM »
As koteko said, animals have a much lower item stack limit than the PC, so you can easily hit that limit. I typically load the heaviest stacks onto the cow first.

The weight limit should be a lot above 100 (an average reindeer is 95, I think, and I think a large dog has the same limit). I think an average cow can carry a log (at least some of them can, as I've used a cow to move logs. It might be that small ones are too small, but I've never had any of those).

Also note that it seems to take the same time to push one item regardless of the size, so I ended up wasting hours when just pushing a pile of feathers to the side... Thus, carry stacks of many items on you character and load stacks of the same weight but with fewer items onto your cow (or dog) of burden.


« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2018, 09:41:53 PM »
Thanks for the help, I'll try that as soon as I have heavy stacks. Currently, there are several robber clothes who were unhappy to have met me.


« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2018, 08:22:45 AM »
How do you find out what the clothes think of you? ;)
And yes, clothes typically don't stack as they all have different levels of wear. Fur cloaks, for instance, are heavy and good candidates for being carried by beasts.