Topic: Another lost dog situation [solved]  (Read 3991 times)


« on: November 21, 2023, 07:51:48 AM »
I'm settled on an island of ~7x4 tiles in the middle of a lake. I have six dogs. I was out looking for herbs and the dogs were with me. At some point, back at my settlement I noticed that three of my dogs have gone missing. They were not leashed and there is a fence surrounding my homestead. I can still call the three missing dogs but they won't respond. I can call them on most tiles of my island and some anjacent water tiles, so I'm assuming the doggos are somewhere on the island. Can't find them however. Any suggestions? I miss my pups.

edit. So I found the dogs. I took my punt and systematically called them at every water tile adjacent to my island, and located them to the sout-east quater of it. I then started combing thät quater up and down calling them every now and then. Finally I got a responce "you hear a creature barking in agreement..." Followed the bark and found my pups stuck inside a square of trees. Never seen that before. I had to fell a tree to get them out.

This has never happened to me before, but I used to keep my dogs leashed until recently, after growing tired of constantly leashing-unleashing them/tying them to trees.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 08:21:52 AM by Sotimieli »

