Topic: [3.82] Paul's Simple Things: build a well, repair linen, nettle, woolen clothing  (Read 5853 times)


« on: November 12, 2023, 07:12:38 PM »
Hi everyone!

Well, I like UrW like it is, and this mod adds just a few things I've been lacking. First, having a water supply in my homestead. It becomes pretty annoiyng over time to go back and forth for water. And second, repairing all kinds of clothing. It's a bit strange that in vanilla game you're able to easily repair things made of fur and leather, and completely helpless when it comes to clothes made of other material.

So, now it is possible to construct a well beside your house. You'll see a "Well" in the Building menu (Alt+B). In this mod it is really hard job, so you won't be able to dig a lake. Feels pretty fair to me.

As for clothing, there are three new options under the Handcraft menu (+ or M), one submenu for each kind of clothing. Well, it is not real repairing, as this mechanic, AFAIK, isn't available for modding. In fact, you create new item out of worn-out one.

The general recipe is pretty simple: say, if you want to "repair" woollen socks, you'll need a needle (craftable, the option is placed under each clothing submenu), some yarn (linen for linen clothes, nettle for nettle ones, and hemp for clothes of wool — just for things to not be too easy), a pair of worn-out socks and (new wollen socks weight)x2.5 of any woollen rags. Such expense of material imitates cutting out appropriate pieces of cloth, to make the process feel a bit more realistic. Quality of repaired clothing is capped to decent (at least I tried to).

Thanks to:
@Brygun for BAC, which is the source of code for building a well
@mlangsdorf for the idea of repairing things this way and his code I used as an example
@Xaidread from UrW discord, who helped me to make the well code work

To install the mod, just unzip it to the game's folder.
Feel free to comment, suggest and criticize.

UPD 1.1:
  • fixed typos
  • added woollen footrags recipe
UPD 1.2:
  • lowered unnecessary high effort when repairing clothing
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 06:02:08 PM by paulkorotoon »
Biggest Russian UrW fan


« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2023, 02:35:38 AM »
Always good to see more additions to the games framework


« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2023, 04:07:07 AM »
Oh I should have mentioned... the well recipe predates me. It goes back to the old forums.

I used its methods as a basis for the homestead raincatcher and cliffside raincather.