Topic: More tools for seal hunting  (Read 2403 times)


« on: October 13, 2021, 10:44:49 PM »
I was thinking about how tricky it is to hunt seal in URW (which is very accurate to real life, so great work there!) and wondering how existing traps and tools in the game could be maybe tweaked for realism and maybe(?) better luck hunting seals specifically, especially if one wants to play an Islander or Seal-Tribe character who relies on hunting seals for a living. There is an interesting source here: which has information about specialized seal net traps which could be set on land or in open water, as well as the fashioning of hooked seal-spears with elk leg bone.

I know the Ango is already in the game, but does it actually provide any bonus to hunting seals as its in-game encyclopedia entry suggests? I would be curious if there was some way to adjust its attack values/add a length of rope so that it lowers the movement ability of a seal, making it harder for it to dive away. There are a few interesting threads about it in the forums already, and maybe these things could be incorporated into a future fishing/water-hunting update involving making your own fishing nets, shallow-water fish traps/fishing weirs,  and other traps which have been recorded as early as the Bronze age in Sweden. Perhaps I am being too specific here, I know this would all be a lot of work when the devs have already done so much already. It just strikes me as odd that some of the most reliable seal-hunting techniques involved deadfall and bear traps. Obviously something like this would be a far-off (if ever) update, but if anything I thought it would be an intriguing discussion at least.

Here are links to where you lovely folks and the legendary devs have talked about this before, and the last one is a good thread about seal-hunting in general.

