Topic: Pause for spacebar when you fall through the ice  (Read 4340 times)


« on: April 23, 2020, 03:26:04 AM »
Had a situation where I wasnt really paying close attention to the game during a local map walk. When I looked at the screen the character had fallen through the ice. Looking at the screen I realized it there were like 7+ tiles of him breaking ice to get out. His original direction being away from the shore this made it all worse.

When a character dies there is a pause for a spacebar press.

The suggestion then is to add that pause for a spacebar press when someone falls through the ice.

This is a highly emotional moment and potentially soon an end game.


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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 07:23:35 AM »
Agreed. Game even pauses when on wilderness map and character spots a settlement.
Falling through ice would be much more “Ahah!” moment to anyone really...

Hope Cronan will make it.


« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2020, 10:28:27 AM »
To try to save the character, drop EVERYTHING carried and not worn except a couple of knives that ought to be wielded to increase the chance of getting up onto the ice. Not only does it increase the chance that the ice may support the character if you manage to crawl up onto it (and don't stand up: crawl to the shore to spread the pressure over a larger area), but it also lowers the fatigue buildup rate and the chance to actually get out.

You may decide it's better to try to swim back than to try to get up onto the ice, but you definitely should lighten the load in that case as well.


« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2020, 03:32:24 PM »
Hope Cronan will make it.

Well...  ::) he's had a few deaths so far

3 times freezing in the ice when I took a lake short cut between the camp and narrows

3 times vs that Nerjpez noble hunter


« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2020, 07:23:27 PM »
So you're doing a series about a character and you're going back to a save every time he dies?

I'd rather follow a character who started in summer with custom-very easy than to follow a character who goes back to a save every time he dies. At least there's SOME risk involved in the former case, whereas your character is immortal for as long as you decide you want him to be.

At least you're honest about it, though. And maybe others see it differently.


« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2020, 07:28:54 PM »
On topic, I agree with the suggestion, though. Was it careless? Yes. But falling through the ice happens to almost everyone at some point and given how big of a crisis that usually is, it should pause the game for a spacebar press (assuming that wouldn't be particularly challenging to code.)


« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2020, 09:34:57 PM »
So you're doing a series about a character and you're going back to a save every time he dies?

My goal is something to do during Corona shutdowns and practice writing. It wouldn't be good writing practice to keep rewriting the initial "I need to build the first hut" over and over. When doing the Novrus write up that sort of thing was discussed along with the if a reader doesn't think its fair they can stop reading at a death.

Also the play through is proving useful for testing, fixing and adding things to the BAC mod.

The ice deaths, brought up here, are in part not playing close attention to the game during hum-drum real life. For example I was pressing the walk forward button on the local map. The character had fallen in the ice. With the go-forward held down, and not looking at the screen, he had pounded through around seven more tiles of ice >deeper< onto the lake. By the time I noticed it would then be seven plus one to get out.

This is what prompted the suggestion to pause for a space bar button. Those holding down the walk key would stop at the initial plunge.


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« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2020, 02:21:06 PM »
Had a situation where I wasnt really paying close attention to the game during a local map walk. When I looked at the screen the character had fallen through the ice. Looking at the screen I realized it there were like 7+ tiles of him breaking ice to get out. His original direction being away from the shore this made it all worse.

When a character dies there is a pause for a spacebar press.

The suggestion then is to add that pause for a spacebar press when someone falls through the ice.

Pause has been added. It doesn't comfort this character a lot, though.
- Sami | UnReal World creator

