Topic: Is there any way to slow down the wait timer when doing things like felling  (Read 3196 times)


« on: July 31, 2019, 07:37:17 PM »

Right now, the wait timer goes super fast. I can't notice any of the changes as they happen. When I need to wait to warm up, I use the period key because the actual wait goes so fast that if I notice something, I can't press ESC quickly enough.

I do like the fact that the wait timer goes super fast, but in some situations I would like to slow it down so that I can press ESC when I notice certain things reaching their maximums, like maybe sleepiness.

For example, when fishing it can take anywhere from in-game 30min. to a few hours. You can't really predict the wait timer very well. You also don't want to uncontrollably fall asleep while your fire goes out. If you do, you risk injury, and I don't even know yet if we can die by uncontrollably falling asleep in the cold when the fire has gone out.

Side note, I don't know if this game has deserts, but in desert regions, falling asleep in the middle of the day can kill you.

So, is there a way to choose how fast the timer goes?


« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2019, 08:18:00 PM »
There are no deserts in Finland...

There are settings for the game that allows you to be interrupted when detecting creatures, and there's really not much reason to break off tasks that can not be resumed, but would have to be started from scratch (basically everything except building, currently). If in doubt, don't start the task.

There is a setting for the timer speed: [SPEND_DELAY_ADD:0] in urw_ini.txt (the comment recommends changing 0 to 10 and not go above 100).

You wake up due to snow/rain if you're sleeping outside (including when falling asleep when trying to build a shelter, and you can't continue with the shelter because you're too tired...), but I don't know about cold.


« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2019, 01:06:02 AM »

There is a setting for the timer speed: [SPEND_DELAY_ADD:0] in urw_ini.txt (the comment recommends changing 0 to 10 and not go above 100).

Finland . . . that's that nation that recently published a climate study that found that there is no actual evidence that humans have influenced global warming. I wonder what the left is doing to those scientists right now. Can't imagine the left is making their life easy.

If you can't tell, I'm right wing in politics, so I kind of like Finland right now. And they're the ones also that wanted to be honest and tell the space police about the space cash, so the rest of the world nuked them into vapor to keep them silent. That was on one of the South Park episodes a few seasons ago.

Thanks a lot. I'm going to look for that file and see about adjusting that.