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Topics - Kouvostoliitto

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / he ate whole trout or salmon
« on: December 25, 2024, 04:45:46 PM »
The first time a character ate a whole trout (or was it salmon?) was when I bought a lot of dogs and was traveling with them. I was surprised that it takes about 40 minutes to eat.
Now, while traveling north (in a new game without dogs), the same thing happened again - a man ate a whole smoked trout.

Suggestions / Ability to know language?
« on: June 04, 2024, 02:52:01 PM »
I got an idea. Ability to know the language. I think there are 4 cultures with different languages ​​in the area: merchants, Sámi, Finns, and Njerpez. Everyone knows sign language, but to have better contact would it be good to know a foreign language?

I took the two clothes of the boy who fell into the trap and died. The woman noticed it, and demanded that I come back with the things I took. I started walking towards the southern border of the village, where there was a trap, because the others had been triggered, and there was no time to start fixing them.
When stepping past the trap, the villager man following me, stepped into the trap, causing the program to "crash". The other half of the field of vision turned into empty terrain, and soon the program teleported me to a field, on the east side of the village. After this, the game seemed to work normally. 0_o

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Arrows from island to another do not fly.
« on: February 08, 2024, 05:21:02 PM »
The arrows do not fly from one island to another, but fall into the water. Also rocks.
And there's only 2-4 m to fly.

Not bugs / Too much cold
« on: November 04, 2022, 10:31:59 AM »
In winter, it may be so cold that a person dies in frost after only a few hundred meters of skiing. This happens even though he is wearing woolen clothes and furs.
It happened to me after he left the campfire feeling "hot".
It would be good to know how much it's freezing outside. It seems to be more like -80?

Another problem is the villagers who go after the criminal in waist-deep snow and fight against sword with knife. Women don't tire as quickly as a hunter.
The third problem is, that the villagers don't know how to throw anything. I'd be in trouble if they know how to throw rocks. Instead, they try to hit with a rock.

Another problems:

- You can fill (partly) a drinking vessel with dried meat.
- Salt spoils.

Not bugs / [Not a bug] Digging problem
« on: October 28, 2021, 06:37:01 PM »
Cannot dig, if there's blood or tracks?

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