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Messages - Buoidda

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Suggestions / Re: tanning terminology + rinsed should not spoil
« on: December 28, 2020, 08:00:30 PM »
1) Rename the 'rinsed' * skin to 'hard' * skin and remove it's ability to spoil. Rotting at this already-tanned stage doesn't make any sense to me. Also the 'hard' adjective describes better what is expected to do next. Also IRL this is how we refer to skins at this stage.

how about the 'rinsed not spoil' bit? It was kind of the most important (also featured in title)...

Reason: most other stages of game tanning are fairly quick and over with overnight wait. But the last bit (softening rinsed) can take hours of time so the rush to soften is a bit much sometimes. Also, from rl perspective, rigid leathers awaiting to be softened tend to pile up in the warehouses... It's not really something one would be in a rush to do: it shouldn't rot anymore.

(I'd still consider changing it to hard or rigid, but ur call  :) )

- when entering from mainland to coast: a short message like "a salty gale greets you" (I know the sea isn't especially salty, but something like this to note the presence of the sea would make a really nice ambient element, especially if approaching in zoomed-in map and the sea isn't yet seen)
(would probably need a cooldown not to spam all the time when on the coast: maybe retriggered only when inland)

Not bugs / Re: [3.63] minor consistence issue in repeat fishing
« on: December 27, 2020, 09:47:04 PM »
I see I was actually using 'a'pply and the fishing rod was first. I must have been using a rock with the repeat. Too automatic keypressing and tired. And clever me even had tested the "bug" with 'f'ishing with a rock intentionally.

Sorry for misreport.  :-[ I'll go to bed now before I get myself killed as stupidly.

if I 'f'ish with a fishing rod, while injured and carrying stuff: no penalties seem to affect and no message about it

but if I follow it with 'r'epeat command, game message tells penalties do apply

Suggestions / Re: Dog's Priority List for Food
« on: December 27, 2020, 08:13:28 PM »
Yes I too am a bit frustrated of dogs not eating the cuts of meat I've thrown them earlier. (Without telling them to eat.) Instead they starve, bark and gnaw on bones.

So I end up quoting myself. I concur a bigger issue with dogs is them not eating.

Modding / Re: modding trees - tree painters needed
« on: December 27, 2020, 08:07:26 PM »
Pretty smooth. I'd rather be a lumberjack ;D

Suggestions / Re: Point and click start location
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:45:38 PM »
It seems @Night was a bit too modest here and @Sami missed it. Night indeed has done excellent work and provided us with an external start location chooser:

Urw start location selector

Modding / Re: modding trees - tree painters needed
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:32:14 PM »
Thanks trowftd. I'm just posting here too that this work is complete for while at least. You can find our graphical fruits within my craft mod release in the profile link below.

I'm still interested in revamping the vanilla bushes among other things, but it is not very urgent atm since the major release is out. Graphics are easy to replace later and don't affect character compatibility. So feel free to bump this thread up if you feel the same about revamps.

Not many Monty Python fans here, is there?  ;D

Stories / Re: Island challenge stories
« on: December 27, 2020, 12:20:11 PM »
In celebration of my latest and laborious new mod release, I generated this new character, Lemet. I actually managed to get reasonably low speed and eyesight (for a seal-triber) without rerolls. Using @Night's magnificent start location selector, I'm trying a completely different place than usual.

I'm using my craft mod (2.3) and therefore I can start making a stone axe pretty soon, but let's see... The best new trees grow on the other side of the world. Also swimming to the mainland shouldn't prove a problem, should I survive to the summer. I think I've done enough swimming for a while anyway.

Spoiler: show

The skills are modded in ini_skills.txt. I didn't like the zero skill types because some skills are just horrible to try to raise later in game (especially carpentry).

Suggestions / Re: More usefulness for curing
« on: December 27, 2020, 09:17:26 AM »
I've heard of the method too. @JP_Finn be sure to link any finds in the offtopic board and tag me. There's actually a suitable topic already in which to reply: Fur, leather and tanning resources

It's not necessary, nor possible, nor good gaming experience (in my opinion) to have all the possibilities in there, but rather to feature the typical and characteristic ways that deliver the experience we like to deliver. I kind of always trust quality over quantity.

Those words resonate strongly in my modding endeavours as well as professional life. Well said.

Mod Releases / Re: Buoidda's crafts 2.3 [released 2020-12-26]
« on: December 26, 2020, 11:54:18 PM »
Thanks @trowftd. There were still a couple of graphical issues - now fixed.

Important: Characters from previous updates will not have flora updated - at least not in explored areas. Sometimes out-dated flora will also find their way in new areas too. That's why best practice is to start with a fresh character whenever flora files are changed.

Here is a good place to say something about version numbering that I follow:

Buoidda's Crafts 2.3.1
2. <----- Major version number (not all that interesting)
3. <----- character compatibility number (likely flora file change): if this changes, previous characters are not recommended
1  <----- new crafting recipes, bug fixes, graphics etc.: characters are compatible

EDIT: Bugs fixed in 2.3.1:
  • .Juniper bowstaff. recipe was not possible in dry terrain, even though they can be found on it (heathland):
    {[TERRAIN:cliff grove meadow settlement clearing fresh dry]}    'Cut branches on site'
    There were also weird numbers on the recipe but they have no effect. It was fixed by removing the 'settlement'.
  • {Cord} requirement in fletching recipes won't work with "cord of rawhide" (because the base item is not a cord). Changed reqs to {*Cord*}
  • Offset graphics in straight winter rowan

EDIT: Other changes in 2.3.1:
  • bowstaffs are staffs (weapons) now, possible to get better quality staffs now with a stone axe, at the expense of finding the material
  • updated bowstaff graphic
  • Straight birches' commonness down to 20. (Minor flora update, old characters might see more of them.)
  • [mushroom]-class changed to [root] in *trees.txt. They randomly spawn up until withering period - not just sprout month.
  • [noquality]-tags off from lumber items. (Timbercraft much more important in bowying.)

Characters started with previous versions might have trees spawn little differently, but nothing serious.

Any feedback on flora distribution is especially welcome.

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: December 26, 2020, 11:15:40 PM »
Sounds like interesting documentary. Would love to see that.

I can play a little to see if there’s something that immediately requires attention.

We'll at least my characters have thrown a single rock at an uninjured adult elk's body and see it drop unconscious from that far too often. Many times, not just a few. It's probably because of its fatigue. But in that case I wish they could cope with that a bit better.

The thing is, who is to say how many of the say 100 elks you get cornered would really choose to attack the pursuer to their fullest potential. 25%, 50%, 100% ? We only know it’s not 0% but not 100% either.

I wouldn't say fullest potential but enough to get away. This video found by @Brygun captures beautifully how an elk wishes mostly to be away from a human.

6) EDIT: Attack: Trampling. (Allow aggressive elks/big reindeer/beoars to enter a tile with a character, making them 'fallen'.) Hehe. And there it goes...

I’m not too fancy to add new attack mechanics as the wound effects with the current ones are similar,  but truly the big animals could do harm simply by running against the character.

I suggested trampling mainly to give big animals a way to get through the tile character is standing on. This would maybe help alleviate the cornering/blocking escape route situations where players exploit the fact that they can't do that.

Suggestions / Re: seal-catching and dangers of entangling into a net
« on: December 26, 2020, 10:42:59 PM »
Yes I meant possibility of seals get stuck in the nets urw already sports.

Sorry, audience. Finnish scientific quote:

"Historiallisen ajan hylkeen
verkkopyynnin levinneisyyden (Friisien saarilta ja Skandinaviasta itään
Pohjois-Siperiaan ja Alaskaan) perusteella on päätelty, että hylkeen verkkopyynnillä olisi pohjoisimmassa Euroopassa esihistorialliset taustat.17 Tämän ovat Itämeren alueen hyljeverkkolöydöt vahvistaneetkin."

Juha Ylimaunu: Itämeren hylkeenpyyntikulttuurit ja ihminen-hylje -suhde. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2000.

General Discussion / Re: Humane and Proper Butchering?
« on: December 26, 2020, 12:32:29 PM »
Blunt trauma to the skull works well with the right weapon: mace or stone axe for example. Masterwork mace is a real killer.

With blades I'd try neck. Neck and thorax hits often lead to serious bleeding and loss of consciousness / death. This does affect skin quality a bit, sadly. But with good enough hideworking skill, the larger animals such as ram will yield decent or even fine skins even if the carcass is "harmed".

For role-play / rl simulation, I'd do both. First knock it out / then cut carotid arteries (neck veins). Once the poor unconscious thing is bleeding, you can wait a bit to see if it dies. If not, only then cut again.

I usually just pound the skull though. But it does need the right weapon. Here's a sad story from one of my suggestions:

I know I asked to buff them up, but please don't make the head any harder.

Spoiler: Story of a particularly hard-headed elk • show

That sums up to 27 solid hits to the skull with the blunt end of a woodman's axe.  ;D

Was intentional though just as you explained. It was actually expected to have to work on the same billet over and over again. Poor steel billet would be useless in the weapon recipes.

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