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Topics - paulkorotoon

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Bug reports / [3.82] Companions lose aggro before battle ends
« on: November 28, 2023, 06:14:07 PM »
For some reason, when attacking Njerpez camps with a gang of hired people, they occasionally become inagressive after killing a single Njerp. It takes a turn or maybe two before another Njerp attacks someone, and companions start fighting again.

It's pretty disadvantageous behaviour, as it increases chances to lose a man.

I've uploaded the savegame to DropMeFiles, it case it's necessary for tests.

Hi everyone!

Well, I like UrW like it is, and this mod adds just a few things I've been lacking. First, having a water supply in my homestead. It becomes pretty annoiyng over time to go back and forth for water. And second, repairing all kinds of clothing. It's a bit strange that in vanilla game you're able to easily repair things made of fur and leather, and completely helpless when it comes to clothes made of other material.

So, now it is possible to construct a well beside your house. You'll see a "Well" in the Building menu (Alt+B). In this mod it is really hard job, so you won't be able to dig a lake. Feels pretty fair to me.

As for clothing, there are three new options under the Handcraft menu (+ or M), one submenu for each kind of clothing. Well, it is not real repairing, as this mechanic, AFAIK, isn't available for modding. In fact, you create new item out of worn-out one.

The general recipe is pretty simple: say, if you want to "repair" woollen socks, you'll need a needle (craftable, the option is placed under each clothing submenu), some yarn (linen for linen clothes, nettle for nettle ones, and hemp for clothes of wool — just for things to not be too easy), a pair of worn-out socks and (new wollen socks weight)x2.5 of any woollen rags. Such expense of material imitates cutting out appropriate pieces of cloth, to make the process feel a bit more realistic. Quality of repaired clothing is capped to decent (at least I tried to).

Thanks to:
@Brygun for BAC, which is the source of code for building a well
@mlangsdorf for the idea of repairing things this way and his code I used as an example
@Xaidread from UrW discord, who helped me to make the well code work

To install the mod, just unzip it to the game's folder.
Feel free to comment, suggest and criticize.

UPD 1.1:
  • fixed typos
  • added woollen footrags recipe
UPD 1.2:
  • lowered unnecessary high effort when repairing clothing

Bug reports / [3.82] Items from njerpez settlement get (taken) status
« on: November 09, 2023, 11:53:06 PM »
For some reason items I pick up in wiped njerpez settlements become taken. Seems it only happens when I have no companions or no companion sees me picking things up, and this happens only to items which are not at the same place as the body of their former owner.

It is weird and a bit annoying as, for example, taken items do not stack with other similar items.

So, today I've managed to unleash my favourite big cow (packed with all of my furs) and didn't noticrd it. I'd been heading hone from nothern lands, so the cow is definitely not somewhere close.

I looked into msglog.txt and found a string telling about unleashing. Does those numbers and codes at the beginning of each line mean something valuable for me? Can I use them to find where exactrly I've lost my cow?

Just bought a sheep and leashed it with my own 2m rope, rather then default 5m rope you get when buying an animal. The sheep immediately started escaping. As soon as I unleashed it and then leashed with 5m rope, the sheep calmed down.

UPD.: This strange behaviour persist. Just leashed my sheep with 2m rope and it started escaping again.

Suggestions / Leather cords weight to be adjusted
« on: October 12, 2023, 09:18:07 PM »
Just noticed funny thing: when making leather cords of worn-out clothes, overall weight of character's stuff increases. One cord takes 0.23 kilos of leather, but its weight is 0.45 kilos, which is pretty much unrealistic.

I suppose a cord should require 0.45 kilos of leather, or its weight should be reduced to 0.23.

So, I started playing UrW again after a while, and noticed lone Njerpez camps appear here and there. Obviously, I started hiring companions and wiping Njerps. Obviously, few of my party members have been killed.

And now that I'm back on the warpath again, in some villages adventurers decline my proposals saying "Not until we see X who left with you again".

In the long term, it's going to become impossible to hire new companions from settlements nearby. In the even longer term, it's gonna be impossible to hire at all.

So, I suggest adding some way of calming people. Let a player tell one of villagers that their fellow fell in a battle. Or maybe, let a player deliver a dead adventurer along with his weapons ang cloths first (it would be also a nice act of respect, I guess).

Suggestions / ‘Toggle off cultural regions on F6 map by default’ option
« on: February 10, 2021, 08:21:55 PM »
It would be nice to have such an option in the game's settings. I guess I'm not the only one, who prefers playing a bit more hardcore, and not knowing where exactly you are and where exactly to head in order to get to people, is a part of this play style.

Yep, I know, I can just close my eyes before pressing F6 and then hit ‘C’... but sometimes, having to do this annoys me a little.

Off-topic / Best music to listen while playing UrW
« on: February 10, 2021, 02:26:03 AM »
The other day I came across the latest Burzum album Thulêan Mysteries. Not only is it a staggering mix of ambient, pagan folk and post-black (not sure though, I'm not quite good at identifying genres), but also it fits playing, and intensifies immersion, and makes UrW feel a little differently. Solemner, more frightening, more enigmatic.

What music do you listen to while wandering the unreal land? And does it change the usual feeling of the game?

Off-topic / The beauty of winter in your land. Sharing photos
« on: February 06, 2021, 05:56:17 PM »
For the last few days, I truly crave for taking a long long walk to some area untouched by man, where only silence, wind, and snow crunching beneath the feet is possible to hear, and for setting a campfire and sitting by it, with no thoughts, just watching the world exist...

But there's still zero snow in my part of the country, and so no least desire to go outside. At least I can enjoy photos my friends take, and hope you'll like them too. These are from outskirts of Moscow.

Spoiler: show

And how does winter of yours look, adventurers?

Off-topic / Streaming UnReal World. Any advice and suggestions?
« on: February 06, 2021, 08:14:53 AM »
Hi there, adventurers! Really glad to be finally back and see you all again.

After a couple pretty hard months I've happened to have a plenty of time free from duties, and there had been already  thoughts on trying to stream stuff the last year... so recently I've finally started a channel and now going to give it a try. Not to become a pro streamer, just for fun (and, in a way, for the sake of self-therapy).

I do know UrW is not quite a game to livestream, like it's been said in YouTube content thread, and my case is gonna be even worse because of poor English and pretty low PC setup, haha. Yet, I suppose there are people who like it exactly the way it is, slow and calm and amateur.

Nevertheless, would be great to hear your thoughts guys on how to make letsplaying UrW better. Should I stick to challenges? Look for some appropriate relaxing soundtrack? Play funny or as hardcore as possible?

Hope @jonottawa is still here, maybe you can share experience you've got after making so many videos about UrW.

Just noticed this strange thing. Never happened before. It's the first NPC I met playing this character.

Looks like an error message, but I can't even guess what's the reason. Save is here.

My UrW is clean Steam copy, no mods (but a few custom portraits), no messing with game/save files except custom pc-male.png.

UPD: Reinstalling the game fixed everything (yet that poor adventurer will be known as eastm.dat notfouDV forever).

Spoiler: screenshot • show

General Discussion / How do you plan your year?
« on: October 27, 2020, 12:51:41 PM »
So, one of my characters has lived three years and I've thought it's better to plan her activity.

At the moment her schedule looks about like this:
  • Late autumn. As soon as it's getting colder, she starts gathering berries for baiting and sets loop snares and trap fences.
  • Winter. Passive hunting, replenishment of dried meat supply, tanning hides, building, just sitting beside a fire and dreaming.
  • Summer and early autumn. As soon as the weather becomes warmer, she disassembles traps (as smoked meat doesn't lasts for too long, and it's too easy to get meat spoiled or hides rotten). Time to craft arrows for barter, travel, trade, complete quests, hunt Njerpez, go fishing, peel bark for tanning, plant and harvest rye, turnips and nettle.
  • Occasionaly she hunts (usually bears), cooks something complicated, goes to mountains for stones and rocks, and takes a sauna once a week.

What are your plans, guys?

Suggestions / Animals for sale respawn
« on: October 24, 2020, 10:16:51 PM »
It would be nice if new animals for sale appear instead of ones you've bought, over time. I guess it may be implemented along with animals breeding, or even earlier.

Suggestions / Auto-confirm if hauling a single item
« on: October 22, 2020, 05:51:10 PM »
When grabbing a single item, player doesn't have to press Enter or Space to confirm picking up. Shouldn't hauling a single item work the same way?

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