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Messages - caius

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Stories / Re: Orja Reemailainen
« on: December 01, 2017, 09:35:15 PM »
Part 4: The End

My revenge had become tedious.  I became careless while raiding the villages and was trapped several times in mires or outside of buildings.  I had layered myself with the clothes of the dead and waded into their villages with my battleaxe dripping from the last village I had slaughtered...

I continued to raid, even with light wounds.  By the time the snow thawed, there were seven villages left.

Once the Njerpezti were all killed, I collected all their dead from their 32 villages and stacked dumped their rotting corpses into massive piles.  While wading through the remains, a great calm came upon me, and I knew the spirits were pleased. 

The dead were stacked and sorted...

... and I counted all I had collected from their 32 villages...

Now, I am off to a bog.  I plan to build a fire and cast my mother's cursed comb into the bog to let her spirit rest in peace. 

The empty villages that now surround me seem pointless.  Even though I know I have appeased the spirits and are in unity with the world, I have no more purpose to my life.   I'm done.  I think I will travel back to the Reemailainen and settle down on a new homestead.  Hopefully, I'll find the peace.  What will become of me? 

Gameplay questions / Re: Kotas
« on: November 26, 2017, 02:32:06 AM »
You can actually build a larger kota but it requires the construction and deconstrution of several different frames to get the outer walls and floors in place.  The key is putting doors at the corner junctions where you normally wouldn't be able to build a straight kota wall:

I guess you might be able to expand the kota beyond the 9x9 for exterior size in one dimension and connect the wall sections with doors instead of a corner construction.

General Discussion / Re: Borders of Unreal World
« on: November 07, 2017, 10:33:54 PM »
Just tried this today, and the results were less than spectacular. Once you hit the edge of the map, you get a notification saying "For some reason you dare not go any further!"

I've gotten the same message when I traveled the length of the eastern edge.  I've never attempted to reach the map edge to the south, west, or north.

General Discussion / Re: "The Challenge"
« on: November 02, 2017, 04:41:32 PM »
We need more of these...

I agree.  But...

Please post below your stories if you ever dare to try "The Challenge".

These stories should go in the Stories forum.  Possibly with Silenia's "Poems of the Fallen" as appropriate.

Stories / Re: Orja Reemailainen
« on: October 27, 2017, 08:56:15 PM »
Part 3: Early Winter Raids...
I'm almost recovered from my latest wounds while writing this in late Center month.  Snows are piled around my cabin and I can hear my animals crying out in the cold.  The immensity of my task has settled firmly on me and my revenge on the Njerpezti is now daunting. 

I've now killed the filthy invaders in five villages.  My pattern is the same.  I layer on all the armor I can and still move, sneak near their village around midnight, run into one of their cabins, and then hold them off one or two at a time until the Njerpezti are crawling over their own dead to get to me.  I know they will hit me, I can't help that despite my skill and best efforts, but my layers of armor and clothes have so far kept me from dying.  Once I have killed everyone in a village, I bind my wounds and sort through all their goods and materials.  I even have started carrying extra rope to leash their animals.  I keep all their weapons, food, clothing, furs, tools, and anything of use or value.  I load it all onto my animals, and any animals I have taken in the raid, and carry back to my fortified settlement along the southern coast.  I also render their worn and rough clothing into bandages and cords for my own use.  So far, I have taken years worth of vegetables (>1000 turnips, >160 lb beans, >30 lb peas), seeds (>400 lb hemp, >50 lb turnip), and grains (>450 lb rye, >390 lb barley), sheep, cows, and a bull.  I have piles of weapons, tools, and armor.  But I have so many more villages to wipe from the map...

... and one of these raids almost ended me.  As I was scouting a village, a Njerpez warrior chased me into an adjacent spruce mire.  I killed him and the rest of the village swarmed me.  I fought a retreat with the pack of rabid villagers into a thicket with only 2 entrances. 

My panic subsided until the 2 Njerpezti I was fighting wounded my right hand and arm with several cuts and a puncture until I couldn't hold a shield or two-handed weapon.  I was reduced to fighting left-handed with my handaxe as my wounds, encumbrance, and fatigue made it almost impossible for me to continue fighting. 

I finally hacked the unconscious maiden's neck until she stopped breathing and tried to catch my breath for the next opponent.  I waited until no one else came and then crept out through the trees.  Apparently, the entire village had come into the spruce mire after me, leaving fires burning and doors open, but I was the only one to make it out.  I stumbled into their abandoned village, tended my wounds, and went back to gather their clothes, armor, weapons, and tools.  Over the next days, I recovered in their village and realized how close I had come to dying in my quest for vengeance.  I even gathered their bodies into an abandoned cabin before I packed everything onto my animals and left that cursed place for good. 

I scouted the Njerpez lands and realize I have 27 more villages to cleanse.  I don't know how I can make it though this trial.  But at night, I still hear my dead mother's voice crying for vengeance.  I'm now spend my time bundled up as the temperature plummets and the snows mount.  I work until I drop from exhaustion to avoid sleeping.  But all my wounds have healed, all my chores are done, and I am staring at the walls in loneliness.  At the start of the snows, a band of traders came to my settlement and I traded for a beautifully crafted battleaxe.  It was so pleasant to speak with another human, but they left without a goodbye the next morning.  I dread to use that axe, but I have it packed and I am prepared.  I leave in the morning.  I might not return.  If I don't and you find this record, please take my mother's bronze horse comb and cast it into the mire.  I am leaving the comb in this cabin rather than carry it with me as I have until now.  I hope she can find rest. 

Let's announce just one small but significant upcoming addition....

 - added: wounded or starving dogs may refuse to attack on command

        If your dog is seriously wounded or starving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs still defend
        their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, but are just reluctant to act as war dogs who always
        run after a given target completely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you to keep your dogs
        more safe and better fed from now on.

Did this comment contribute to this addition?  ;)
  • Neglecting Dogs
    Dogs are a huge help/advantage for hunting large game, and a player can treat them very poorly for their huge help.  I recommend some tweaks to augment their obvious advantages so that the player needs to balance the cost/benefit of keeping a pack of dogs...

I like the addition!

Gameplay questions / Re: What decides which animal I buy
« on: September 30, 2017, 04:43:47 PM »
Can someone provide a link to an accurate price list/comparison?  Thanks.

Stories / Re: Orja Reemailainen
« on: September 29, 2017, 07:38:06 PM »
I left my dogs to heal and most of my provisions near my landfall and traveled to the east where I remembered there was a famed raider settlement.  I avoided a bear I saw on the way and soon came to fortified village near a small bay...

I scouted around and saw numerous warriors in the fortified village, so I because more cautious and only approached at night.  There was no way to get close to the village and I did not believe I could safely draw away the Njerpez one at a time.  I spent a night watching and lurking around their village and saw no way to begin my revenge.  So, I went back to my dogs to think and commune with the spirits.  As I approached the spirits with hate in my heart, I realized they demanded a sacrifice for my revenge.  So I gathered my faithful dogs, equipped all my armor, and together we went back to the fortified village. 

As the late morning sun shone, I quietly approached the village fence from the east and hid behind a big rock and tree.  I tied my dogs to the tree, thanked them for their love, companionship, and trust and equipped my hunting bow.  I shot a Njerpez warrior in the back with a broadhead arrow and I hid back behind the big rock.  As the warrior charged, my two faithful dogs, Sitoa and Lakko, became enraged and drew the attention of the whole village.  As the whole village approached my dogs tied to the tree, I ran to the nearest building and quickly equipped my shield and sword.  I heard my dog's cries as they were brutally killed and steeled myself for the coming fight. 

Due the door and small building, I kept the filthy raiders from surrounding me and instead, struck them down one at a time.  I needed to conserve my energy, so I often paused rather than strike and counterstroke when they attacked me.  Because of the spirits' protection, my caution, shield, and defensive strategy, I was only lightly wounded.  Eventually, the last of the raiders were breathless as they crawled over a pile of their own dead to reach me.  When there was one Njerpez warrior left, I approached him and ended his life...

Their village was now mine.  I burned my two dogs for their sacrifice and to thank the spirits.  I spent the next days recovering from the battle as I ferried my supplies to the village, gathered their gear, tamed their pigs, and stacked the bodies of the dead.  I then spent weeks remaking their village to suit my needs.  I tore down several of their buildings, expanded several buildings, tore down much of their fence, built pens for animals, and put up a smaller perimeter fence...

I even traveled back to the Reemi to trade, buy sheep, and new dogs.  I can't bear to name them yet as I don't know what more sacrifices the spirits will require of me.  While with my people in the west, I even hired a companion to hunt down a bear that mauled a Reemi adventurer and find his father's handaxe.  I understand the significance of tokens of parents as I still carry the horse ornamented comb of my mother. 

While I finished my preparations, the first snows fell and withered the crops in the fields.  Winter had approached while I wasn't paying attention and I lost a harvest due to my neglect.  Regardless, I am now prepared.  I have more equipment and better armor and weapons.  I have decided to leave their Njerpezti bodies to rot in the field.  If the smell bothers me or begins to attract scavengers, then I might burn their corpses.  Soon, the cold and snows will come and bring the darkness of winter.  I will stalk the villages, and nurse my revenge.  Besides, I have the whole of the unexplored Njerpezti lands before me...

Stories / Re: Orja Reemailainen
« on: September 29, 2017, 07:05:03 PM »
PART 2: Return to Njerpezti

My righteous rage and burning grief after escaping from and then killing my slavers has cooled to a smoldering thirst for revenge.  I traded some of the gear from my slavers for a punt and paddle, axes, food, and two dogs.  I named them Sitoa and Lakko and they became my fast companions as we hunted for elk and reindeer.  They allowed me to put up several hundred pounds of meat to smoke in a Reemi lodge, food I would need to seek my revenge.  As I waited for the meat to cure, we traveled in the southern parts of Reemi lands, traded for more goods, helped identify a bird thief, gathered branches for an old man, and reconnected with my people. 

Through all this, Sitoa and Lakko were my truest companions and they could tell I was growing restless.  I was tempted to settle down and live my life among my people.  But my mother's prized horse ornamented comb is a constant reminder of my hate.  I am learning to savor it, to sip at it, and to anticipate my revenge.  As soon as my meat cured, I packed all my gear into a punt, leashed my two dogs, and pushed out into the sea.  I came to a string of small islands before the great deep and stopped to rest throughout the last night and into the morning.  When I awoke in the late afternoon, I pushed out into the sea without even acknowledging the spirits or feeding my dogs. 

I must have angered the spirits in my haste as I quickly tired as I paddled east and realized I would need to sleep in my loaded punt in the middle of the sea in the dead of night.  However, the rains came in the night and I could not sleep.  All that night the rains kept up and I was too tired to keep paddling and unable to rest.  As the sky lightened with the coming day, the rain strengthened and I spent even longer exhausted, wet, and miserable.  I didn't know how to appease the water spirits out at sea, so I clung to my punt and dogs and made little progress.  Finally, the rains stopped and I dropped exhausted to a dreamless sleep.  I made it to the southern coast of the Njerpezit.  I made landfall at a place called Ironfen along the southern coast and knew there was a village near the coast.  Knowing I was in hostile land, I put on all the armor I could, gathered my weapons, and left my punt and provisions along the coast.

I saw a cliff and hiked to it to get a view of the surrounding land and was immediately confronted my a band of 3 Njerpez thieves.  They didn't even ask for my equipment but ran at me with their weapons waving.  I loosed Sitoa and Lakko and entered the battle.  Although all three of us were wounded, we killed the thieves and I used their rough clothes to make bandages for my wounds.  I wish I could have bandaged my precious dogs' wounds to help their healing for they truly saved me that day.

From atop the cliff, I saw the raider village surrounded by mire and knew it would be a miserable place to set-up as my base for revenge.  I decided to move on, but knew I would be back.

Suggestions / Re: More kinds of structures
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:26:31 PM »
I like these ideas and agree this would likely be challenging. 

...This would also lead to a better game system for caves, because they could actually be inside mountains and hills rather than inside a group of stones.

I love this idea.  Anything to make caves more interesting would be great.

Gameplay questions / Re: Witnesses/aggression?
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:22:17 PM »
...However, the spirits frown upon such behavior. Once you've killed enough innocents, you'll receive a message warning you of the sense of unease you experience. This sense of unease is a very real negative luck effect on your future endeavors, designed to karmically punish you for your murderous ways. Njerps don't count.

Really? I have one character I've put ln the back burner who has systematically killed all NPCs in several owl villages and i never received an alert. Does anyone have the text of this warning?

Gameplay questions / Re: "Hear a thud"
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:19:15 PM »
I've never had NPCs enter my homestead. I had been worried my homestead might be raided, but it hasn't happened in numerous characters.

I do still put up a fence around my homestead though.

Gameplay questions / Re: Help with bird thief quest
« on: September 25, 2017, 06:32:28 PM »
I too got this quest and am wondering when the thief will confess.  I gave the sage the dead bird, cast the spell, and the quest originator immediately game to me and said we'll need to now wait and see when the person confesses.  It has been 7 days of waiting for the bird thief.  How long does it take to actually catch the person?  When I talk to the quest originator, his pat answer now is:
"We still have to wait.  I have no news about the thief." 
...and my response is, "So we'll wait and hope that the thief eventually comes forward." which his response is, "Let's do like that. Maybe we'll be wiser tomorrow."

Any guidance?

General Discussion / Re: Just Wow
« on: September 13, 2017, 04:41:12 PM »
My like character drowned from swimming too far.

You aren't the only one who has done this.  My first character died in the same way and I realized there was no save* or reload built into the game.  I thought, crap, this game just got real. 

*There are ways around this, but the reality that a character might die changes how you act when you: consider provoking a wandering bear, encounter a pack of wolves, agree to hunt down a band of thieves, or try to steal from a village.

Modding / Re: Use of dried/smoked meat/fish in cooking
« on: September 12, 2017, 04:22:03 AM »
Those are great responses and exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks!

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