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Topics - Twig

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / Running in Skis
« on: October 02, 2017, 11:54:58 AM »
I just want to call attention to the as yet unresolved bug that I detailed in one of the 3.40rc (release candidates). Link:

I may be misremembering but for one of the release candidates I think running in skis was added as a genuine feature (that got you fatigued rather fast, but had you going well above your regular running speed).

The bug remains exactly as described. It would be nice to see either running in skis bug turned into a feature or the bug resolved. I believe the bug is something similar with the being able to "swim" on land (i.e. incorrect updating of what activity the character is doing).

Not bugs / [not a bug] Increasing stat upon Course Completion Fails
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:46:54 PM »
Hello again and I must say I like the new forums.
Anyway, onto my bug report.
Obligatory: LINUX user.

[I have a save game that has already succumb to the below bug, and but I don't have a save game handy in a state just before testing the bug because I accidentally saved the game in the bugged state]

I've been trying to take the game to its limits in various ways, and on one character I decided to attempt to make the most out of the speed system. I.E. Max speed, as much endurance as possible, and hand-to-hand only so I dont need to carry weapons.

I was having a blast playing as 'The Flash', and competed the Begginer (not sure if that is the name) Course to further improve your attributes. When completing the course (last thing I did was leash a cow) you are asked: improve a skill, improve a stat, or learn a ritual. Anyway pretty sure I have never chosen to improve stats before, so who knows this might be an old unfixed bug.

Anyway the point is that the stat screen flashes and closes itself and I am not given the opportunity to attempt to further increase my speed stat. [this is the bug]
I did do this twice - it is repeatable and happens the same way.

[ was doing this to actually look for bugs in upgrading a stat that is already maxed out, so I really hope that there is code for 2 stat increases to an already maxed out stat (from the 2 courses)]

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