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Messages - shorun

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Suggestions / befriend wild animals
« on: July 26, 2018, 01:47:04 AM »
so, over the years my character has encountered several animals, not all being bad to have around.

so, how about making animals remember if you are hostile or not, and if you ignore them they eventually get comfortable around you and ignore you right back.

would be usefull having an owl, finnish people do this i think, make places nearby for owls so the owls would hunt the vermin off the field.

Suggestions / Re: selling animals back in town
« on: July 26, 2018, 01:45:06 AM »
traps, fishing, hunting.

increase the food supply.

but uhm, how many dogs exactly?

Gameplay questions / Re: Killing Foreign Traders
« on: July 21, 2018, 06:43:27 PM »
you have simply been lucky.

keep doing this and see how long you last.

Suggestions / Re: Lamps
« on: June 30, 2018, 12:26:51 AM »
perhaps mod the torch object and make lamps? just a long lasting torch really.

Suggestions / Re: Wind
« on: June 29, 2018, 02:13:40 AM »
yes please.

it could be implemented in stages.

first make it actually happen, just for decoration.
then, make it impact heat.
then, make it impact sleep.
then, make it impact hunting.
then, make it impact crops.

step by step. and make it random, like snow. having a year where winter lasted longer then usual and there are many storms in summer would mean poor harvest, adding an extra challenge.

Suggestions / Re: Earning Village Credit
« on: June 29, 2018, 02:11:16 AM »
sometimes npc's ask for your help, like gathering stones or branches. simple jobs. they give you credit for these jobs, so in a way you already have them.

to bad for you most finnish people are good at what they do and live a chill life, they dont want or need help.

to ask help is to speak to other, to speak to other, is horror. no ask help, no horror.

Yes, it's annoying.

The problem is that fixing it properly would mean teaching the NPCs to use skis (including when not to), as well as to wield/unwield the ski staff. Also, hirelings without skis would not keep up with your character (congratulations: you're going to have to make skis for everyone!).
I think the current situation is better than NPCs being easy targets because they're not using skis, which would be the "easy" solution. In the long term yes, NPCs ought to learn how to ski and be subjected to the snow fatigue influence as well.

if someone is dumb enough to get out into waist deep snow and not bring ski's, he earns it.

in winter, less human npc's in the wild, but they should all have ski's.

every npc needs to get the same penalty.

Suggestions / friends and their benefits.
« on: June 29, 2018, 01:54:41 AM »
we can already make friends with npc's, well, more with an entire town at once, but ye.

there are also woodsmen, hunters and adventurers, some we even resque.

how about, if the player spends some time at one of his cabins, that location gets marked as "home".

use rng to calculate the chance of it happening (keep in mind weather and season) and make npc's decide to come and visit you, if you live close enough.
them just showing up, staying for a while and then leaving again, maybe even giving a small gift. not all to often, not all to far. but it would be a nice break from the continued work.

in addition, the adventurers you can save by escorting them to towns, how about if you escort them to your homestead, they stick around for a as long as you treat them right, making the place their home location, make a handfull of special beds the player can build to mark their sleep location, this leaves the player free to manage the settlement as they see fit. of course a limit has to be in place, but a handfull of bro's isn't all that bad, right?

task one to look after the animals, another one to keep the pile of firewood/branches big, another one to keep the fire burning, manage your settlement as chief. give each npc 3 possible tasks, primary, secondary, third. first do the primary, then the secondary, then the third. and place a meeting marker to (village table) that makes them gather in your hall/courtyard when they have spare time.

when they need a tool, they should check wich tool is on the property and fits their needs best, pick up that tool and remember where they got it, so they bring it back. give them a "responsibility", not a specific command. eg: "you maintain the buildings" making them repair the structures you have, or "you are in charge of the milking", making them milk all the animals. have a "milk barrel" that they use to fill and that other npc's can use to drink from. or "gather firewood here", setting an amount, making that npc gather firewood untill that amount it set.

so, given the 3 tasks and priorities, ukko, the lost kaumo tribesman, first sets out to milk all the animals, then gathers firewood untill the pile is restocked, then proceeds to harvest the crops. meanwhile, rurik, the lost kaumo adventurer gets up in the morning, tans any furs/leather that remains to be tanned, then empties the fishing nets and places them back, dumps the fish into the cellar and finishes up helping with the harvest.

of course, they'd also need equipment, the player should be expected to clothe them, ensure there is plenty of food, and preferably even arm them, should the player fail to do this, the npc's should decide to bugger off. and seeing as the equipment already given is a gift, you lose that. so you better keep your bro's happy and fed. certain tasks such as planting and hunting (things that require planning and complex decicions) should be left to the player, the npc's simply take over the simple but time consuming tasks.

this way the small repetetive tasks can be distributed, keeping the fire going, keeping the firewood up, buildings repaired, skins tanned, etc.

combine it with the upcomming animal husbandry and structure decay, and more jobs to keep rich players busy, it would at some point even be needed to have a helping hand around just to finish up all the work, and such a large homestead sure is a lot of work irl. it would keep the late-game intresting, as slacking off for to long could lead to starvation and the collapse of your settlement.

i can already dream of it, a large meadhall, a few houses, a farm field, some pastures. a living settlement! people working by day, and drinking by night!

Suggestions / Re: Inviting foreign trader to another location
« on: June 29, 2018, 01:38:33 AM »
yes, either trade posts (make them stop in a few bigger towns or something) or ask them to go to a location.

I just put a long post is a separate subject that probably should have gone here:
I have a few comments on the marriage poll and incorporating marriage into URW.  Others can comment on the role-playing nature of an NPC spouse or the ability to have children and have a multi-generational URW experience.  But I am reducing the arguments to two options for incorporating a NPC spouse: 1) the Resource Drain NPC Spouse, or 2) the Resource Generator NPC Spouse.  These options might be considered over simplifications (they are mechanistically not mutually exclusive). 

Option 1: The Resource Drain
For this option, a NPC spouse becomes a drain on player resources.  First, the spouse must be wooed and courted with furs, tools, weapons, valuables, etc.  In this option, a significant expenditure of player time is given to attract and then obtain a spouse.  The "cost" of a spouse would then be proportional to the perceived "value" of that spouse.  In this scenario, the spouse becomes a status symbol for the player through their ability to attract the "best".  It could be even that the spouse gives the player increasingly difficult quests as they become more involved along the wooing path.  Maybe there are differences between an in-culture marriage versus an out-of-culture marriage?

Second, after a marriage ceremony, the spouse must be provided for.  In this option, the NPC spouse is a bystander that consumes the player's food, clothes, tools, and weapons (maybe also armor, cords, bandages, bowls, etc.).  The player must spend time ensuring the spouse is sufficiently provided for so they stay committed to the marriage and alive.  In this option, a NPC spouse likely functions like current NPC villagers.  They wander around a specific location or follow the player around, but have limited utility.

The entire purpose of a resource drain NPC spouse is to add a monumental achievement to the URW experience.  That is, the player can not only provide for them-self, but they can attract and maintain the NPC spouse as a status symbol.  The resource drain NPC spouse then would "unlock" PALU's generational feature...
It can also be noted that there are probably very few people who play their characters for 17+ years so that they could have had "adult" offspring. This means you could potentially start a family, but any children would be unlikely to be adult when your character expires, so if a generational feature would be introduced it would probably have to be able to skip a number of years, which would require some kind of logic to advance the world (which should include repopulating village animal stocks, at the least, and probably replace some of all those villagers who died fighting robbers with your ex character as well).

Option 2: The Resource Generator

For this option, a NPC spouse would need to function differently than other villager or companion NPCs.  The NPC spouse in this scenario would need to be a productive member to contribute to living in URW.  For example, the resource generator NPC spouse would need to actually engage in meaningful labor around a settlement or while on a hunt.  This means they would need to accept and execute commands that take advantage of skills.  A resource generator NPC spouse is likely more accurate (they help contribute to life), but much more difficult to develop.  This option could also lead to players gaming the system or to unexpected results (or danger to the NPC spouse) due to poorly issues commands and limitations of the AI. 

A wooing process would need to take place.  However, while a resource drain NPC spouse would be a status symbol, a resource generator NPC spouse would be valued to complement the player.  For example, if a player is unskilled in something, woo a resource generator NPC spouse to compensate so they can perform those skills for you.

Once the courtship is completed, the resource generator NPC spouse would need to be functionally helpful to a player.  For example, if a player provides the necessary items (tools, weapons, seeds, pots, cords, etc.) and key instructions (location of a field to prepare/tend, trap fence to monitor, materials to process, etc.), the resource generator NPC spouse could process through a que of instructions.  For example, a resource generating NPC spouse could contribute to agriculture, hideworking, fishing, food preparation (smoking, salting, drying meat or making flatbread, stews, grinding flour, etc.), hunting, building, monitoring a trap fence, checking traps, making clothes, tools, or weapons, etc..  A resource generator NPC spouse would need to have skills that would affect their ability to perform all of these actions/functions. 

The entire purpose of a resource generator NPC spouse would be to expand a players skills set, provide a companion in shared activities, and/or help reduce the tedium that can occur when surviving in URW (i.e. division of labor).   I can imagine scenarios where the resource generator NPC spouse...
  • prepares the soil, plants seeds, harvests crops, threshes for grain/seeds, grinds flour
  • skins a carcass, cleans the skin, tans furs and leather
  • butchers and smoke the meat or cooks any of the other food recipes
  • prepares logs, blocks of wood, boards, etc.
  • builds a wooden building or kota if the player outlines the walls and doors
  • follows a circuit of traps, or a trap fence, to collect the trapped animals, reset the traps
  • being sent out into a delineated geography and asked to harvest all the berries or herbs of a given type
  • wanders a geographical area to actively hunt
  • joins the player and sets traps in a designated place
  • joins the player on an active hunt
  • follows the player to a village to trade and carry items
  • etc.

I've said too much...

Option 1 would be easier and provide for "end game" objectives.
Option 2 would require the player to spend a great deal of time managing the NPC spouse.

how about both. your spouse can either be a partner, doing hard labour and helping you set up, and while pregnant/with child be a resource drain.

children/offspring will obviously be a resource drain, you could get them to gather branches or milk the cow, but no real use for them.

add to that aging, make old age matter by reducing stats such as eyesight, strength, endurance, speed. eventually you'll need your wife/kids to gather enough for everyone and combined with animal husbandry (wich would require you to farm food for the animals) promote a whole different lifestyle.

once dead, the option to continue as one of your children should be present, letting you chose to continue living as the family head and simply taking over as another character, or  making you strike out on your own with a few random tools (a reason to have spares/doubles, eg: if you have 2 punts, give one of those punts to the player), setting the village you built with your first character as an npc village just like any other. except of course these are your siblings.

make villages repopulate as well, over time of course (a system where if a villager dies, a random couple in town gives birth), unless the village got completely wiped or has no more breeding pair. right now, every dead villager is permanent, eventually your save will be ruined, but a renewal system would prevent this.

i know it's all a lot of work, but how nice would it be to be able to relate to other npc's, see your character grow up from baby to adult, see the homesteads you've built grow into towns, even connect them with roads, build your own tribe!

General Discussion / Re: unusual plants
« on: June 28, 2018, 12:27:55 AM »
thanks guys, i've taken your advices into account, i now use those unidentified plants i'm growing to train herblore, wich already went up 2 points in 2 weeks. so it should be a matter of time, one day i will find out what i'm doing!

and it's a bit of a shame that seeds are not wanted, it would be nice if you could sell seeds to a village that doesn't have those plants.

i'll see if i can use seeds to feed chickens in the chicken mod, otherwise i'll see if i can adjust the mod. i know my chickens eat just about any seed i give em irl.

and yea i know turnips spoil eventually, but that's not a real problem since i eat them before that happens. a turnip a day keeps the shaman away. but if the seeds spoil i'll need a system to get rid of my old spoiled seeds.

a final question, if i let my dogs patrol the plants, do they eat/damage them? traps do well enough against hares and birds, but so far a quarter of my beans are gone, and they ain't even done.

a big bull might be able to carry a tree trunk (500 lbs).

a big bull can carry a tree trunk. mine can. i can even add several stones to it after that.

i think somewhere around 600 lbs.

General Discussion / unusual plants
« on: June 27, 2018, 02:01:08 AM »
so, i keep finding unusual plants. berries, grasses, mushrooms, just about anything.

i even farm one, i'm farming something i don't know what it actually is.

the question is, how do i get to know what plants these are?

also, if i plant turnips at around midsummer point, is that in time for a second harvest? the turnips are done much sooner then the rest.

and do spare seeds have any trading value? do they ever spoil?

General Discussion / Re: Mini Zoo in Unreal World
« on: June 25, 2018, 02:51:56 AM »
did they only have one village for you, or did you already wipe out the others? for me they always have several villages and completely wiping them out has never been a success, i've already lost several characters on this. (i did get half way tough)

General Discussion / building roads
« on: June 25, 2018, 02:50:10 AM »
ok, first up, beware, roads can burn. do not use them on a farm field. i learned this the hard way.

so, a few mods add roads that you can make.

did anyone every actually build a road to another village? my own homestead is about the same distance from the next village as they are spread from each other. about 10 tiles or some. did anyone ever actually do that distance? so far i've managed to do a whole tile in my spare time, took a quarter year to do, at this rate, a single road to a single village would take me about 4 ingame years.

i'm building it anyway, it's a visual que that tells me the way, is that the only usefull aspect they have or do they reduce travel time to? and if i build one, does it show on the world map like it does with the existing roads? does it also increase potential of visitors, considering i just had to fight off 4 robbers, this is a concern...

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