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Messages - Dungeon Smash

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General Discussion / Re: [Lore Question] Cultural differences?
« on: December 13, 2019, 10:28:08 PM »
I would appreciate a book recommendation or two for a beginner :)

I hear ya - I often lack the time even to play, much less mod!

I have been messing around with the new version and new mod recently however, just fyi: birch root recipe currently produces 15 feet of birch root cordage each time, it might be better if it were more like 5?

Birch bark strips do not work for the bark fiber recipe described above - birch-bark strips must be harvested from trees using the Timbercraft skill, and then use the recipe "Birch-bark rope" under "Tying equipment"

Ok, I found out the chain for making alder bark cordage.  Right now, I don't think it works as intended - the recipe calls for *-bark*, but it should be *bark*.  This makes the recipe work with Sheet of Alder Bark.  It takes 2 Sheets of Alder Bark currently to make 7 fibers, which I'm not sure is intentional or not?   Also, it may work with birchbark as well, not tested yet. 

After that, the fibers can be combined into Twisted Cord the same as in the last version.

or possibly just "*bark*"?  Is there any non-willow non-alder form of bark?

there is now, Saami added proper birch bark harvesting
Ah, i see.  Perhaps you can help me clarify - I'm having trouble conceptualizing how cordage is formed at this point, with the new tying equipment system and everything.  How exactly does one peel bark from an alder and turn it into cordage?  what are the steps?  And, with birch?

or possibly just "*bark*"?  Is there any non-willow non-alder form of bark?

It is a hard find, but there are cliffs and mountains near mires + bogs.  Just takes adequate searching, much as it must have been hard to find native bog iron.  If it's too hard, you can always edit the files to make it gatherable in any mountain

I have a different question - I am trying to make fibre to create cordage, the mod seems to be telling me "Sheet of alder bark doesn't work as willow or alder bark!"

I am on a Windows OS and do not experience graphical issues so far.

I've finally gotten a chance to tamper around with this mod some.  I'm running a fishing character, and I have some questions about some of the recipes.  Fishing rod currently requires 2 cords - in the new infrastructure, this means 30 feet worth of cord.  Is this meant to that way?  30 feet seems like an exceptionally long fishing line but maybe I'm not conceptualizing it correctly.  I changed mine to require =10=

General Discussion / Re: Just wanna be loved...
« on: November 11, 2019, 01:44:36 AM »
Maybe they just get the wrong vibe from you?

Off-topic / Re: The Long Dark
« on: November 03, 2019, 04:09:02 PM »
My little brother plays this game.  It looked alright until I realized you can't wear socks as gloves and I became Triggered

Suggestions / Re: A Few Ideas: Agricultural help, Snake fangs and more...
« on: November 03, 2019, 04:07:08 PM »
Snake fang shouldn't be hard to mod in, depending on what you want to do with it. 

.Snake fang. "Hunting horn" [effort:0] [phys:hands] *HIDEWORKING* /15/
{*snake carcass*}       'Pick up snake carcass'

Something like this.  I haven't actually tested to see if that will work, you can also add a custom graphic if you like. 
Then all you need to do to integrate it into other recipes, would be to add a line {Snake fang} [remove]

Gameplay questions / Re: Finding an item
« on: October 19, 2019, 10:17:57 PM »
I once lost some extremely important items, and were able to recover them.

more details here:

Gameplay questions / Re: Question about Combat and Accuracy
« on: October 19, 2019, 09:42:33 PM »
I've been trying to properly get into this game for a week now. I love the grounded elements and how the game plays so slowly but with a great deal of pressure placed on me to be efficient and prepared.

What I can't stand is the sheer inconsistency of the combat mechanics. Example: Playing full rando start. Get some middling axe skills 45%~ and a Fine Woodsmans from trading starter gear and go hunting for some reds. Find two, poorly equipped but so am I. I drop both in 7 rounds after first blood with proper spacing and back peddling. Bleed, and retreat, and repeat. Go for the killing stroke (Edge to Necks) let them bleed, and score some nice gear for use and trade. Never got a scratch. The problem comes after that character died.

I roll a Warrior Woman. Proper Amazonian Archer, maxed all stats but Int and Touch. I go Red hunting. Find two, and with my master bow and spear skills (85/90) miss two of my three >20 tile distance shots with my shortbow. I go for the unarmored head of the uninjured one when he closes aiming with a fine spear. I counter and attack and get 6 consecutive misses/ glancing blows. 3 to body, 3 to head and none connect. He meanwhile lands several hits going through my counters every time with a basic handaxe. The second guy closes and I die.

Both times I had proper rest, less than -8% Encumbrance Penalty, and average protection. Can someone tell me why this happened like this? Every time I roll a combat character I never see a big difference in how they preform. I still miss 4 of 5 bow shots with short bows on all of them. Is there some mechanic besides Penalties and tiredness that effect combat accuracy? I understand getting killed because the other guy gets a lucky hit on my neck but for the past 4 characters I set myself up to win and the attacks just don't land.

I want to like this game and I know the combat isn't supposed to be much more than dice rolls but I'm getting frustrated. If I die I want it to be my fault and not because my shots on elks miss every time and I starve.

TL:DR Why do my characters who are basically combat demi-gods on paper keep missing ranged and melee attacks? INB4 RNGesus hate me.

Shortbow range is extremely low.  I wouldn't even bother unless they're within 10 tiles, preferably within 7-8 tiles or less.  Also, shortbows are not good for combat at all.  They are emergency-level survival bows.  You might get lucky and kill some game now and then, but not suitable for combat.  As for why your spear thrusts failed, I would say bad luck.  Or, possible the nerp had really high axe skill (or both).  On the other hand, I would say you survive your other combat due to good luck.

In this game, combat against a human opponent is by far the riskiest activity available.  You should not view this as a standard roguelike, where combat is a major component and is meant to be balanced.  In this game, It is meant to be highly unpredictable and dangerous.  Even high-level characters with quality armor and weapons should approach every encounter with the utmost caution, and seek to maximize every advantage (outnumber your opponents, bring dogs, strike from surprise).  Even then, you can easily be killed through bad luck.  Starting characters should view combat as an absolute last resort.  Going into combat when you are outnumbered is a sure way to die.  Some players do make a game out of hunting nerps, it is certainly possible.  But not the focus of the game.

Thanks for the quick turn-around on the new version, Brygun!  My time has been short lately but once I get a chance I'm excited to try it out.  I'll be sure to report any bugs/fixes I find.

I'm building mine on the shores of a large lake system :) Can't wait to ply it through the waves and visit the villages on the other shore, I'm going to finish it once it becomes Spring-time in the game.

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