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Messages - Tom H

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Gameplay questions / Re: Do Plants Spoil?
« on: January 24, 2021, 07:34:06 AM »
I've got lake reed plants that have been in my cellar for 4 game years that are yet unspoiled. Likewise, I have threshed herbs that old that are unspoiled, too.

In fact, I've never had anything but meat, berries, flour, and skins that spoiled over time.
+ mushrooms, fish, bread, prepared meals, boiled marsh calla roots, remains.

Oh! Didn't I mention those? lol

Gameplay questions / Re: Do Plants Spoil?
« on: January 23, 2021, 08:59:02 PM »
I've got lake reed plants that have been in my cellar for 4 game years that are yet unspoiled. Likewise, I have threshed herbs that old that are unspoiled, too.

In fact, I've never had anything but meat, berries, flour, and skins that spoiled over time.

Gameplay questions / BogBean plants
« on: January 08, 2021, 01:35:46 AM »
Seems odd that BogBean plants do not yield any beans when threshed. Anyone familiar with that plant?

Gameplay questions / Re: Children stole my stuff??
« on: January 04, 2021, 07:04:23 AM »
I've never trusted them enough to leave my goods out. Good to know!

Gameplay questions / Re: Do Foreign Traders still steal from you?
« on: December 31, 2020, 12:39:56 PM »
In my experience, building a fence around your settlement pretty much protects it from random visitors.

For instance, if you release a Companion within your fenced settlement, you pretty much have to guide him through a fence to get him to leave. Even though he will readily climb the fence when following you as your Companion, he seems to forget his climbing skill as an independent NPC.

If he has an ax, he will fell large trees you have incorporated into your fence, and then leave.

I've had wandering hunters and woodsmen stalk the area around my settlement for days, and even weeks, without ever crossing the fence. I've had foreign traders hover around my fence for several days before leaving the area, without ever crossing.

The only travelers that have ever willfully crossed my fence was when a band of 4 robbers attacked and made life interesting.

I guess the rule is, good fences make good neighbors, eh?

Suggestions / Re: ~Can't find my way hoome~ (Clapton)
« on: December 31, 2020, 12:03:47 PM »
A Companion that finished his service to me has been hanging around my settlement area for many weeks now. That's not a concern, although pathing may be a problem for him.

The problem is, his only weapon now is the broad knife I gave him. He had other weapons and a handaxe but now he's carrying only the broad knife and stones and rocks. He's killing birds and killed one deer, at least he finished off the wounded deer he'd chased for a couple of days when it ran into my deadfall trap!

So, has he thrown away his weapons during hunting? I just gave him a bow and a bunch of arrows. If he keeps hanging around I guess I'll be finding arrows soon.

What Shall We Do With a Disoriented Companion? (Trad.)

I see what you did

Suggestions / Re: Buff up the elks, add swimming and jumping over fences
« on: December 03, 2020, 08:42:29 PM »
Coincidentally, I have a small elk caged in one game. I had left a gate open because he kept wandering nearby. The next morning he was inside my single line of fence which surrounds my settlement. I goaded him into an adjacent fenced-in garden patch and then doubled the fence around it because I wasn't sure he couldn't just break through a single line. I'm just keeping him to see what will come.

"i cannot get a grasp of what you mean regarding the harvesting."

I refer to how the player will have orderly fields of 40x40 plantings (or even larger), whereas the villagers 'fields', in the clear lands around their village consist of widely scattered plantings of a single square of land. The latter would not lend itself easily to programming, I suspect.

Re: Animals eating- I've seen elk and badgers completely destroy my turnip fields (pretty much the only crops I ever plant). Would we want to have to grow a grain crop just to feed cows or reindeer through winter? 

Re: Leather- I recall when I started playing the game how I was excited to acquire leather armor bits. Then I learned about bear fur and started hunting that, instead. Meanwhile, I have characters with 50, even 100 pounds of bird leather for which I can conceive little use except as belts or ropes. How thick could it be? Anyway, perhaps we could make leather sleeping pads for keeping off the cold ground, or harnesses and load-bearing gear for our animals. I agree that leather could be buffed somehow to make it more valuable and useful in-game.

Re: Harvesting- It sounds like you're thinking about taking in your plots of tended fields. It might be awkward programming that when you include the villager's 'fields' or harvesting scattered herbs.

General Discussion / Re: Viable bait for deer/elk
« on: December 01, 2020, 06:50:38 PM »
I never tried to figure out what most of flora from the game would translate into my native tounge. I mean, I can make a good guess for most of it, but this bogbean and most of the "pipes" were just names. After reading your post, I decided to have a look at what is this bogbean really is. It turns out I know the thing pretty damn well :) A bit too well in fact. When we were kids, my grand mother used to ran me and my cousin ragged picking their leaves from nearby swampy area while they bloomed and made us drink this rather nasty tasting tea/tonic that made us kinda sleepy when we had stomach aches. You say elk likes this stuff?? Man.... its BITTER like you wouldnt believe! Really helps with he stomach though :)

That is so cool! My Korean wife is always bringing plants from her garden that, to her, are food, but I would never have known about them.

Anyway, these are Sami's animals. Who knows what he forced them to eat before they found my 'bizarre' roots? heh

Suggestions / Re: Directions from the women
« on: November 27, 2020, 08:01:26 PM »
Are you talking about the traveling/escort quest?

I remember that quest sends your character back to home territories and can successfully complete in any village there.  That would make a map marker more challenging because they'd have to place one on each village in your home culture.  I'm not sure that would even make sense. If they knew where to go, why would they ask for your character to escort them?

It would be pretty neat if your character had some memories of their home territory at the start of the game.

No. I refer to the ability to ASK a village women if she knows of any nearby villages. They'll sometimes know of none but when theydo, their directions are very general, such as, 'NE at 20 kilometers'. I'd like that village to then appear on my map, F6.

Suggestions / Directions from the women
« on: November 27, 2020, 08:29:44 AM »
I'd like the locations that we receive from village women to show on the F6 map when they give us the directions, instead of still having to scout the area to locate them. Call me lazy...heh

General Discussion / Viable bait for deer/elk
« on: November 25, 2020, 03:41:45 AM »
There was a good thread a while back on what baits were useful for various animals. I had a new character then and tried baiting with a few 'mystery' roots, those his Herbal skills could not identify, and found one called a 'bizarre root' that deer and elk seemed to love.

Now, finally, after two game-years, his Herbalist skills have identified it as BOGBEAN root. Good trapping! :D

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