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Messages - Tom H

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Gameplay questions / Re: What are some good early game barter items?
« on: March 10, 2019, 11:32:35 AM »
The problem with building traps near dangerous predators is that dangerous predators are dangerous...

It seems to me that the wounded adventurer predators are more aggressive than random encountered ones as well, although it may well be because my behavior differs.

Aye. My technique is to spot the bear, then back off out of aggro range and then build the trap. Thus far, this method has been greatly successful, and I've always managed to avoid attracting the bear's attention.

It is possible that the single time I think I got the wounded adventurer bear that it was, in fact, another randomly encountered bear. My experience, too, is that that particular bear always seems especially aggressive.

Bug reports / Duplicating dried meat
« on: March 10, 2019, 11:23:44 AM »
I've been trading my excess meat at villages. My usual routine is to load 300 cuts on my small cow. Many times now I've carried 300 over to the cow, dropped it and pushed the 300 cuts onto the cow. Once done, it has divided the 300 into two stacks on the cow, roughly 245 and 55. No problem, so far.

However, I've found, several times, that when the cow is holding almost her max number of different items my cow receives the larger stack but not the smaller stack, and that the original stack of 300 is still whole.

Suggestions / Rendezvous for Foreign Traders
« on: March 10, 2019, 08:39:39 AM »
I think it would be great if there were an annual rendezvous of foreign traders somewhere so the PC is not limited to only randomly occurring encounters. French traders did something similar when trading for buffalo and beaver furs in the US. One might even be able to order something for the next rendezvous from the traders. I've never really accepted that there are groups of traders wandering the forests of Finland without an established circuit through the villages.

Gameplay questions / Re: What are some good early game barter items?
« on: March 09, 2019, 11:09:34 PM »
I want to add that the most reliable way I've found to get an early kill is to build a heavy deadfall very near where you've found a bear. Thus, carry either a piece of raw meat or fish (preferably a roach or animal fat, for weight) and a cord. If there are not enough felled trees around, you'll have to make your own. The key is to put the trap down right after you spot the animal, very near where it was spotted.

Then return the next day. Honestly, in over a dozen times I've done this, it has only failed once to trap a bear. I've done this for the mission with the wounded hunter, too.

A decent bear fur is a very good trade item and you'll have a lot of meat to trade, as well.

Gameplay questions / Re: What are some good early game barter items?
« on: March 09, 2019, 05:30:51 AM »
Early on, there isn't much that you can make that the villagers consider valuable. Depending on the type of PC you create, some cannot actually make anything! I've played PCs that took two days just to make a simple shelter! And, they had not the simple skill of making a javelin!

However, assuming moderate skill in woodworking, the easiest items I can think of are Fine clubs and Decent javelins. My new PCs usually start off by trading up their minimal possessions, e.g., some clothing, some javelins, and clubs, for an improved ax, or a spear, or bow. I'll always trade for a cord or loop snare, which they trade for a couple of pieces of dried meat, or a javelin. Ropes, needed for a raft, can be had for about 3-4 javelins.

Once you get a good kill, the dried meat or even raw meat is good for a lot of items that you'll covet.

I strongly suggest that your new PC accomplish the missions and receive the free hand ax and fishing pole. The ax will be useful in trading up, while the pole will be vital in keeping food on the table.

Paw board traps, yes, they are good trade items. The problem is that they are labor intensive> Fell a tree, make boards, make traps. Early on, it's tough enough finding food, eh? Without specific tools, every step becomes more time-consuming, whereas a handful of javelins can usually be made while performing the rudimentary missions.

In my experience, the number one method to good, early trading is to kill a Njerp! Honestly, that's a single action that breaks the poverty logjam. The second best is the kill of a large animal.

General Discussion / Re: Watchdogs just watched...
« on: March 06, 2019, 09:31:02 PM »
Fyi, I always try to set up on an island out in the sea, which is not accessible even in winter.

Your dogs need to be fired haha.

I've explored the sea a couple times and was much put off by the long voyages between islands. I assume you chose a small one near land, because I saw Njerps spawn on larger islands.

Indeed, my dogs are no longer on my gift list.

General Discussion / Watchdogs just watched...
« on: March 06, 2019, 03:32:32 AM »
I have a pen (5x5) with my cattle and dogs within. A lynx saunters up while I'm finishing off a superior hide and the dogs start making warning barks. I can't stop now, right? How many superior hides do I get, right? Not enough!

So, I ignore the warnings because, surely, with 3 dogs inside, no lynx is going to try anything, right?

WRONG! I'm alerted that I hear some stumbling. You know it's coming. I finally finish the 7-hour task and, yep, a lynx has killed a cow and my 3 dogs have not a scratch on them. Well done, doggies!

So, I skin my cow and at least get that back. Next day, I buy a small cow for 150 Tasty cuts of elk. Really? That's all they cost? I return to my settlement and, Lo!, the lynx returns. I keep all my animals inside the cabin. I have shutters on every wall and can see the cocky lynx walking around my cabin, looking for another easy kill. I wonder, "Can I shoot arrows through shutters?".

Oh, yeah! I put two broadheads into the cat, crippling it, and go out and finish it with a spear. Just a crappy harsh hide, but, I don't care. Just glad that problem is dealt with.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bait order relevancy, various questions
« on: March 01, 2019, 02:03:08 PM »
Yes, bears take the raw fish in traps. I like to carry a roach with me because it's so light, for times that I want to immediately set up a bear deadfall.

Gameplay questions / Re: Bait order relevancy, various questions
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:15:14 AM »
Great replies, thanks!

Yes, I'm asking if bears will eat berries and trigger the trap.

Still wondering about whether multiple baits in a trap are all visible to the prey...

Suggestions / Bears/Wolves raid traps?
« on: February 28, 2019, 07:52:22 PM »
It would be interesting if bears/wolves raided/destroyed smaller traps to get at the bait in them. Just a thought.

Gameplay questions / Bait order relevancy, various questions
« on: February 28, 2019, 07:49:49 PM »
When I bait a trap with, say, meat, a turnip, and some berries, does it matter which is first/last? That is, does the prey see ALL the various baits, or does the last one placed obscure any others? I've always wondered about that.

Is there a medicinal use for roots from plants like bearpipes, dogpipes, etc? Thus far, I've just used them as vegetables in my cooking.

Re: Dried/smoked meats- I've found that the program often combines like types of prepared meats (ie: tasty smoked elk) even when the batches were prepared at different dates. I'm assuming that these combined stacks will go bad as a whole, rather than staggered as they were in their creation. Yes? Does the game consolidate ALL like types, always? When it does so, does it set the 'use by' date according to the first batch made or the last batch combined?

When I catch the flu, does it exacerbate the condition if I spend a lot of time out in the snow or rain?

I ran across a wounded adventurer in a village recently who did NOT have a quest/mission to recover an heirloom, he's just a wounded man. Can players reach a point where the missions no longer occur?

Why aren't berries considered bait for bear traps?

General Discussion / Re: The currious case of Robbers
« on: February 27, 2019, 12:03:14 AM »
Thank you all for re-awakening my fears of dying to some event I cannot do a damned thing about...hehe!

Gameplay questions / Re: Bird bait
« on: February 26, 2019, 11:58:46 PM »
I have caught 3-4 kuikka this warm season in snares set at the water's edge (river). That's 4 traps set a few steps apart. Initially, they were baited with fresh lingonberries. The berries have gone stale but the kuikka have still been taken in the traps, WITHOUT eating the bait. So, it's possible they are simply stumbling into the traps randomly.

In the very early game, I used the free handfuls of seeds given by the missions to bait snares, successfully. Again, the bait was NOT eaten by the catch. It may be that seeds cannot be consumed by animals? Anyway, SOME seeds seemed to work while others never caught anything, so, again, it may have been totally random stumbling into traps. In fact, early on I have set snares with NO bait at all and had good success in places with a lot of bird activity.

For hares, turnips are so successful in my snares that I stopped trying mushrooms (which never caught anything). Also, I bait heavy deadfalls with turnips and have caught many deer/elk in them.

When I see owls and hunting birds, I bait with raw meat and have had good success.

Regarding the traps, almost all my bird catches have been in snares. Only rarely have I had a bird caught in a paw board trap. Likewise, only rarely have I caught a hare in a paw board trap.

Gameplay questions / Re: Trees as effective barriers?
« on: February 14, 2019, 09:03:50 AM »
I have seen lynx and gluttons waltz right through my fences, bypassing tons of traps which I've set for them in the area. I can't say that I've seen them ghosting between adjacent trees.

Gameplay questions / Trees as effective barriers?
« on: February 13, 2019, 06:19:33 AM »
When possible, I've incorporated trees in my fences. I do so under the expectation that, since I cannot traverse through trees, wild animals/intruders are unable to pass through them. Is this logic sound?

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