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Messages - DfDevadander

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Off-topic / Re: Drawings of my travels in UnReal.
« on: October 31, 2017, 05:28:12 PM »
That was an incredibly intriguing article, thank you for sharing! I'm not Finnish myself, but I did grow up in the woods with my grandparents (never left the woods, really lol) and I know that deep, spiritual connection to the forest permeates my very existence

Also, I love your drawings :)

Stories / Re: Poems of the Fallen
« on: October 31, 2017, 05:14:15 PM »
No opposition from me as long as you put a quick note along the lines of "Lyrics by Silenia at UnReal World forums" or "Adapted a poem by Silenia at UnReal World forums" somewhere. :) If you need to make some small changes to improve the flow, that's quite fine too. :)

You will be credited for sure, and my intention is to upload it and only place the link here in the forums since I wanted it to be a sort of gift to the UrW community for being so awesome and supporting this amazing game :)

Also, sorry if this has knocked the thread off-track

Stories / Re: Poems of the Fallen
« on: October 30, 2017, 07:53:01 AM »
Just a quick note which hopefully doesn't get things sidetracked;
I absolutely love this thread.  It's so great this was started, and that people joined in.

Oh I would love to have some of these verses to be composed into proper songs. Any composers/musicians/singers around who'd need a new project... :)

Sami, I am actually wanting to put a tune to Njerpez Fallen and make a recording of me singing it along with playing the tune on my mandolin, if Silenia wouldn't be opposed to me doing that with their work! Not for profit or anything like that, of course, but simply as a fun little project  ;D

Off-topic / Re: Generic chat thread
« on: October 29, 2017, 06:48:27 AM »
JEB Davis: That sounds a bit too intense, and I bet even Iron Maiden would feel overwhelmed by that many speakers!

  No concerts recently for me, but I did go to a wonderful Renaissance Faire over the past two weekends and listened to a fair amount of live music there. Bought a new seax and some other odds and ends as well, and sampled some good mead and cider. Last weekend was sunny and warm, but today was overcast and wet with the temperature getting to just barely above 4 Celsius; thank the gods I wore my wool tunic and cloak, although I still felt like an ice block by day's end!

  I'm ready for the winter to go full-swing, as I've spent a good deal of time splitting wood for the fireplace over the summer, and the wood from last year (mostly ash with some walnut and oak mixed in) is seasoned well enough to keep us toasty all winter :)

Question: How do you all prepare for winter in the real world?

General Discussion / Re: Culture Poll
« on: October 09, 2017, 06:39:15 AM »

Good picks. Just out of curiousity, where'd you grow up? I has a somewhat similar upringing in rural British Columbia. The game is like therapy for having to live in the big stupid city.

I grew up in the southwestern part of Tennessee in the US, a good distance northeast of Memphis. I've always wanted to do some camping in BC but it's difficult to get up there since our government changed the travel laws to require a passport to get back in from Canada even if we're just driving up there for a couple of weeks, and I can't really afford a passport at the moment

General Discussion / Re: Culture Poll
« on: September 28, 2017, 05:44:51 AM »
For me, it's Kaumo and Islanders.

Kaumo: The Kaumo culture hits close to home for me, as I grew up living much the same lifestyle as these people; lived in a heavily forested region with no neighbours that were closer than half a kilometer or so (but were very tight knit), got our food mostly by hunting/trapping and fishing with some subsistence farming to round out our diet, and I would spend up to a couple of weeks at a time away from the homestead while hunting with my grandfather and learning about the forest. We made nearly everything we needed, and traded with neighbors for things we couldn't make, only going into town to buy luxury items when we could justify spending what little money we had on something extra.

Islanders: Who wouldn't enjoy the relatively carefree lifestyle of the Islanders? I don't recall ever seeing any Njerpez in Islander territory, and I love hopping around from island to island while setting up traps/nets as well as shelters and small cabins. As a bonus, I can spend weeks at a time just fishing the day away and smoking my catches to prepare for winter!

Have a good vacation and stay safe!!!!

Bug reports / Re: A Very Strange Start
« on: June 07, 2017, 08:04:24 PM »
Well, it's kind of our bad that there's so much text in the game  ::)

Nonsense; I actually quite enjoy that you've taken the time to write so much story into the scenarios, as I've always loved to read and have a good backstory laid out so that the experience feels more rich and full. I say keep the amount of text currently involved in the game, and I will just do a better job of not skipping over it  :)

Sounds like an unintended feature to me. The bad people torched the whole village, not just your homestead! :)

It would seem to be the case, and perhaps the two survivors were merely doing their dead kinfolk an honor by placing them and their belongings in the sauna where they felt most comfortable in life

Suggestions / Re: Confirmation before eating unknown items!
« on: June 06, 2017, 04:59:47 AM »
I've had my character eat unknown mushrooms based purely on the description; if it seemed to be a happy/positive description, I ate it. This tactic has lengthened my Ancestors list by a good deal  ;D

Bug reports / Re: A Very Strange Start
« on: June 02, 2017, 05:08:09 AM »
Ah, I must admit that I feel a bit foolish since I didn't read past the basic description on the scenario selection screen; I had never actually chosen that scenario before so I was a bit confused when I started up to find a burned out homestead and dead body in front of me :-X

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: White screen? anyone?
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:49:08 AM »
What's so special about Win.10 anyway?  :P

Windows 10 is quite "special"  ;D

Bug reports / A Very Strange Start
« on: May 31, 2017, 04:45:14 AM »
I just started a new character in the most recent version of UrW, and there are some very strange things happening.
First, I chose the All Who Wander Are Not Lost scenario. Upon starting, the first thing I see is a dead Kaumo hunter lying in a clearing where many different fires had apparently been set, but with no other NPC around. Thinking this a bit odd, but nothing to worry about, I took his useful items and pushed him into one of the fires.
After zooming out, I see a village only a tile away so I headed there. All of the buildings were  empty of items except for the sauna building which contained a single stack consisting of several dead villagers and their items. The only two living NPCs were a man and woman. I took two screenshots of the item stacks but they are too large to attach to the post.
I don't know if this is a bug or what, but I am willing to email the game file and screenshots if Sami would like to review them to see what the deal is.

Off-topic / Re: What do you like to cook in real life?
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:22:47 AM »
My diet is quite simple:
-I make my own breads, both leavened and unleavened, with wheat or rye depending on how I feel. Sometimes I will add ground venison and cheese, along with herbs and spices, into the dough before I bake it

-Porridge is a staple food in my house; mostly vegetable porridge throughout the fall and winter after having harvested everything in my garden, and over the summer I tend to make more meat-based porridge

-Simple homemade cheeses are something I make year-round so there is always a good supply of them here

-Hearty stews and soups are another pair of staple foods, mostly vegetable-based but I do a meat stew once every couple of weeks since I make enough to last a week so I'm not cooking every day

-Berries, apples, oranges, and lemons are my main fruits; however, they aren't cooked (aside from baked apples) so I don't know if that actually counts in this thread

My UrW character and I seem to eat basically the same foods, which is something that actually drew me in when I started playing a few years ago. With the Njerpez Cookery Mod installed, he now eats a much greater variety of foods than I do in real life!

I grew up in the country, raised by my grandparents, and this is the way I have always eaten; I love it :)

Gameplay questions / Re: Keeping the game fresh
« on: May 23, 2017, 01:05:24 AM »
Nothing too special normally. Generally though I will play a theme. I enjoy seal-tribe living a semi-nomadic life hunting seals. Sometimes I edit the plant files so that every single herb and plant produces seeds (this is moderately time consuming but not hard) and then make myself a massive farm where I grow every herb and just experiment with various cooking and medicine components.

I remember a while back I kept trying to see if I could eat those poisonous black mushrooms and survive with my special medical herbs.

That is a pretty good idea; I use herbal medicines in the real world instead of pharmaceutical products (we've got some nasty "medicines" here in the US that shouldn't be in production) so I've always had a love for the in-game ability to harvest and use herbs and other plants for medicine, I just had never thought to mod them so that I could cultivate them instead of wild harvesting!

Also, how did your experiment with the mushrooms turn out? I tend to stay away from the in-game and real world mushrooms (bad experiences in both settings have fostered that caution) but I'm curious to know whether or not you managed to survive a lethally poisonous fungus

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