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Messages - PALU

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 109
My character saw a reindeer out on the ice on the overland map, moved there (on the overland map), and found it dead by a hole in the ice, move to the hole and butchered the carcass. When trying to zoom out again I was met with the report that it wasn't possible due to the uncertain condition of the ice. OK. Call on the dog and let it carry 65 cuts of meat, push over the meat, and the dog falls through the ice. Still not able to zoom out. Lie down and crawl. The ice makes cracking noises. Drop the rest of the butchered products. Still no zooming out. Crawl. New cracking noises. Fall though. Drop everything carried, but the ice keeps breaking when trying to get up, which eventually leads to death. Given that I had moved there on the overland map I didn't know which direction the closest land was.
I had no idea the ice had grown weak yet (snow still knee deep), and there was no warning when moving up to the carcass, neither on the overland map, nor on the local map. I agree I should have gotten the hell out of there when seeing the reindeer and its hole in the ice, but it's still extreme that the ice melts from no indication of risk to lethal during the hours it takes to butcher the carcass.

Gameplay questions / Re: Animal Skin Management
« on: February 14, 2018, 10:54:20 PM »
I don't have any answers, but it's worth noting that value per unit of resources may not result in the same ranking as value per time unit. Fox pawboards use trees, which are essentially free (assuming you've got a useful axe), while pelts are harder to come by. Also, foreign traders only take pelts as payment.

I generally don't make crafts for sale, but sell primarily meat and pelts, where I convert the meat into dried or smokes meat as soon as I can and then sell that (currently I'm trying to be mostly self sufficient (Buiodda's mod), so the meat goes into hiring villagers for robber quests, while the pelts go to traders to build up a mound of valuables).

Modding / Re: Strange nutrition when "drying" berries
« on: February 14, 2018, 10:26:21 PM »
No insight, but the Njerpezit Cooking mod uses (I think I've made something to allow for mixed berries, but that's not important here) both divider and water tags:
.Dried berries.  (4)   *COOKERY*   /10/ \6d\  %30%    :151: 
{Berries}   #8#     [remove] [roast] [name:dried %s] [optional]
{Board} '+to lay out the berries in the sun'

Also, a max weight (optional) is used, rather than patch/patchwise.  I think skipping the optional berries completely results in berries with no nutrients (check the cooking mod, as it's recently been added to this board), or ask Bedlam what makes the recipe tick.

And, of course, using a mushroom board won't work with berries ;)

General Discussion / Re: Inconsistencies/problems with rope.
« on: February 14, 2018, 06:31:09 PM »
Cord can be made from leather and hide, as well as clothes. Don't use ropes unless the recipe calls for it, as it requires a lot more resources and is overkill for a lot of uses. Note that using cords (or rope) for drying and smoking destroys the cord, so don't waste precious resources on it (presumably juices get into the cord, making it stiff and brittle so it can't be reused).
Hunting birds with rocks can help you early on. Light lever traps can be built to catch birds that give a rather small amount of leather and a small amount of food for a lot of work, but it's part of my starting strategy.
One problem with javelin hunting is that it hurts the hide quite a lot, but that's a small problem early on when the hide working skill is poor (so the damage doesn't matter, as you can't make better hides anyway).
Endurance hunting is my main active hunting strategy (I mostly use passive hunting, i.e. traps), i.e. keep following the animal using tracking and try to get it to run back and forth along a river (as mentioned).

For future gameplay questions, there's a sub forum for that purpose.

Suggestions / Bird thief quest issues
« on: February 14, 2018, 10:16:01 AM »
I have a couple of issues with the bird thief quest, and think they can be dealt with reasonably easily:
1. It doesn't make sense to have to "relearn" the ritual in the quest every time: once the ritual is known, it should be possible to bypass the learning steps by getting the dialog option that the character already knows a ritual to get a bird thief to confess. I haven't tried to actually short cut it to see if it works as I'm not sure it might break the quest.
2. It makes sense that a lost victim of robbery is hazy about the whereabouts of the robbers, and it makes some sense that a traveling adventurer doesn't keep detailed note of where his shelter is built, but a bird trapper should know the location well and be able to give fairly precise directions. To make the matter worse with this quest is that the traps are few and not easily seen (they don't stand out like blood scapes, and if they're scattered over the tile I haven't found it), which makes them very easy to miss when placed in terrain with a lot of spruce, as the line of light is rather limited there.
It would be easier to find the traps if they're always placed reasonably close to the terrain feature border (that may be the case already) so you're sure to find them if you pass through the tile along the border.

Gameplay questions / Re: Puppy Chow
« on: February 14, 2018, 12:10:01 AM »
Dogs eat corpses only when starving, if I understand it correctly (I don't starve my dogs), and while starving they're barking incessantly. In addition to that, the next version will see starving dogs being less effective in combat. Dogs eat spoiled raw meat just fine, so just kill an elk and you've got food for a dog for a few months.

Bug reports / Lost hirelings
« on: February 13, 2018, 11:38:40 AM »
I know I have an adventurer former hireling near my homestead, and I fear he'll drown once it thaws, as he's wandering around on the river for a fair bit. I dismissed him a few kilometers to the south, which is in the general direction of the village he was hired in.

However, this is another strange hireling issue:
3 months ago my character hired a large number of assorted villagers to deal with robbers, and I dismissed them a few kilometers south of my homestead (again, in the general direction of their respective villages). However, I just ran into "a rem hunter", zoomed in, and saw a large number of characters that most probably was the group I had employed. I looked around (on the zoomed in map), and they were suddenly all gone, but there were very fresh footprints, and I followed one set running parallel to another set, until it suddenly stopped, and at that time I followed the other set. I made a save after following footprints for a fair distance, without catching up with anyone (I'm not sure if the save was before or after running out of the first set of footprints).
It's probably unrelated, but I was unable to find any quests on my last attempt, visiting about 8 settlements over two days.

Gameplay questions / Re: How do I catch perches?
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:41:18 PM »
The latest versions of UrW has seen an increase in the number of nets for sale, so net damage is not that much of an issue.
I don't actually want a lot of fish, only perches for perch skin mod glue, as they're hard to process in a useful manner (although I've recently realized roasting them and then stuffing buns with them is a good Njerp usage: the fish soup doesn't look very apetizing). While fishing during winter the buggers still don't stack properly so using drying isn't that effective/uses a lot of cord.
However, I'll try your suggestion once it thaws, as I think I'll need a fair number of perches (used for a bow and for blunt arrows, and blunt arrows are consumed fairly rapidly and are hard to find to buy).

Gameplay questions / Re: Best Trap Fence Setup?
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:33:39 PM »
I've had my grain getting "picked" in the few hours between getting ripe and my character checking on them. Now, you can't manually pick grain (I tried, just to make sure), so it must have been the work of animals, presumably birds (no visible track, and I think birds were inside by snare trap line when I arrived).

Gameplay questions / Re: Catching a glutton - advice?
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:26:24 PM »
Spoiled roasted meat and fish is completely wasted: not even dogs eat those.  Spoiled raw meat and fish is eaten by carnivores who happen to get caught anyway, and might have a very weak attraction factor, but fresh (including stale, but that will change quickly) is the way to go.
The two mid sized deadfall traps is the way to go, as mentioned, although I think I've occasionally gotten lynx and badgesr in fox pawboards as well, but the glutton is probably too large. I think bear and pit traps are too big for gluttons (they work for wolves), while bird traps are too small (snare and the smallest deadfall).

I would also try multi baiting with turnips, roots, and berries, as I think gluttons won't shy away from vegetable food, although that probably works better with badgers.

As mentioned, gluttons are small enough to just run straight through trap fences.

Gameplay questions / Re: Wooa, too many things...
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:10:50 PM »
It actually is caused by a bug (I posed a report in the bug section a week or two later when it went up to unbearable [couldn't cook anything that required embers, as those disappeared when the fire went out, etc.]). Sami has found the issue and provided me with a UrW build that fixes it, and I haven't seen the problem since, so I expect the bug fix will be in the next release.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Game Crash
« on: February 11, 2018, 07:53:34 PM »
If you're on Windows 10 you should probably upgrade to 10.1 to get bug fixes etc.

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Game Crash
« on: February 11, 2018, 05:43:10 PM »
Are you running Windows 10 or 10.1?

Windows (10.1) doesn't kill DF for me even during world gen (where it may be "unresponsive" for minutes at a time), so that is probably something peculiar to your computer/OS/setup. UrW is never particularly unresponsive, so I suspect that's not the issue.

Have you placed UrW in some bad place, such as C:Program (x86) (or whatever it's called on your computer)? If I understand it correctly, it doesn't play nice with file access there (I guess it sort of thinks only code should be there, not data). Personally I have UrW (and DF) under D:\Games\Unreal World (and D:\Games\Dwarf Fortress).

Gameplay questions / Re: Harvest field near village
« on: February 10, 2018, 04:52:23 PM »
Given that the area is owned by the village I would think they'd consider all farm plots in it to be theirs. I don't think it's been tried, though, and I don't think it's a good idea to try it unless you're trying to provoke obscure bugs.

Stay away from the villages with your homestead and farm plots.

General Discussion / Re: You feel unity with the waters around
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:54:25 AM »
Interesting. My character has felt unity with the forest multiple times (and that kind of messages always seem to appear late at night), but I haven't stumbled upon any gifts. I haven't encountered any relation with the waters either, but haven't done much fishing.

I may have a more boring explanation for the gift, namely a bug. There's a thread in the bug section about item duplication when things are pushed out into water (or was it ice?). Sami hasn't been able to replicate it, I think. If you've been doing things of that type at that place earlier, and the bow stacks with the one you have, I'd guess that's probably that odd bug at play. However, your character probably deserves a gift...

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