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Topics - PALU

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I just observed the title event in my game, and suspect it is a bug (although it might be a new intended behavior).

As an aside, I've seen an elk trigger light lever traps by passing over them (which I think is good), and have found a bear trap triggered after having seen an elk on that tile. That elk was completely unharmed when encountered later, and I'm not sure that's intended behavior either.

Immediately after starting UrW I went into setting to change things to my liking, with the most important settings being Music OFF and full screen ON. I then exited out from settings and tried to quit (to allow the full screen to take effect), but UrW ceased to respond. After a couple of minutes I pressed the "close" icon in the top right corner of the window, at which Windows 10.1 asked me whether I wanted to close UrW or wait. Close closed the game.
I then started UrW again, and the changed settings had taken effect. I closed UrW and changed some additional settings in the urw_ini.txt file and started up UrW again and was able to generate a new character and play for a bit, and then save and close normally.

UrW probably generated the file urw_ini_tmp.txt as part of the process, as I found that file when looking for urw_ini.txt to change the additional settings. I'd guess that file should have been removed in the process, but get left behind when the game hang.

I'm using the Lifetimer Member version of UrW, in case it makes a difference.

Thus, not a serious issue, and I haven't tried to repeat it.

After some trouble getting the sauna to heat up, I took a sauna bath using a vasta, but that did not cause the advanced game course action to be considered fulfilled. It can be noted that the game course text still describes the old mechanics.

I've tried several times with various amounts of firewood (20 on the last attempt) but never managed to satisfy the requirement to have hot sauna stones to use the vasta. I just get burnt out fires in the sauna (built by the character, but it is the new sauna stove, not a regular one). In the latest attempt I lit the fire, got the message that it will burn for a couple of hours, moved one tile to the side of the homestead and cut down two trees (which probably took 1-2 hours), and then returned to take a well deserved bath, but finding only burnt out ash in the stove. I even closed the door to the sauna (which I don't think matters to the game). It can also be mentioned that I have been able to smoke meat in the sauna, so it's definitely not completely broken.
If trying to take a bath shortly after the fire is lit the stones aren't hot either (which makes sense).

Suggestions / Show status effects on injury screen
« on: January 18, 2021, 02:59:22 PM »
Currently there is no indication that the character is crippled apart from trying to perform some activity that's blocked or hampered by the effect. As the character heals the crippling effect goes away at some time, but the only way to find out when it has healed enough is to try something that would provide a message if it's still crippled on a daily basis.

It would be good if the injury screen showed which injuries cause crippling effects, or, list these under the injuries in the main list.

It would be an extra bonus if the game provided a message similar to the one telling you that an injury has healed fully when it's healed sufficiently for a cripple effect to be removed.

Bug reports / Cannot ask for punt craftsman (borderline bug/suggestion)
« on: January 11, 2021, 04:38:18 PM »
I suspect it's an oversight that you can't ask for the craftsman who's been tasked with making a punt in his village after the punt has been finished (I found him and he said it was ready and I could find it myself, but I don't really wanted to just take it before having it confirmed).

Gameplay questions / New fire mechanics gotchas
« on: January 03, 2021, 08:14:53 PM »
My current character has advanced sufficiently to go beyond cooking by a fire on the ground, and has encountered a few gotchas:
- Setting fire to a line of fuel (for farm plots) no longer automatically succeeds in lighting the fire when the adjacent tile is lit, but the character isn't adjacent to the lit tile


f=fuel, F=fire, .=open ground, c= character. Having the character within reach of the lit tile allows the automatic bringing over the fire, though.
- A single tile of fire at the end of a line of fire has managed to both set a pile of trunks on fire, as well as more or less the complete wealth of the character (clothing and weapons/tools), in two different incidents. Previously you needed two adjacent tiles on fire for the fire to spread automatically. I certainly hope it doesn't mean a single fire set adjacent to a shelter has some chance of setting everything on fire!
- Trying to smoke meat using the new sauna stove resulted in a "cold room" failure fore each one of the four 50 cut batches (well, I didn't try the first one, as I know it was cold before a fire was lit), and my character got cold while preparing the meat for smoking, rather than hot (it was snowing outside). I think I used 20 branches for the first fire and 16 for each of the following ones. I've yet to see how the whole smoking process turns out, though.
- I haven't seen any embers remaining in the sauna stove at any time I've started a new fire (each day), nor when I've tried to use the stove for cooking, so I've reverted back to cooking by an open fire outside...

I had a character that was freezing to death, desperately trying and failing to light a fire while dead tired. Eventually the fire got going (despite repeated interrupts due to confusion), and I could finally let my character rest. However, each time the cold condition IMPROVED to a less serious cold condition the character woke up due to the cold with the fire still burning. This should only happen when conditions worsen, not when they're improving, i.e. the the game should take the previous state into consideration when determining whether the character wakes up or not.

My character received the spirit of the forest quest a week before mid winter, and performed the ritual 2 weeks later. However, when my character felt the presence of the spirit, it was so dark that the visibility was a single tile, so the spirit wasn't visible (spirits don't wear light vests like humans do). I waited and turned, waited and turned, ... for a fair while, but nothing happened. Then I took a step in a random direction, and was spoken to by a still invisible grey bearded man. I waited a fair while more, but nothing more was said (or seen, of course). I then walked in a rectangle around the ant nest, but nothing was happening or seen, after which I gave up and went to bed. When reporting the quest to the sage that had given it, it hadn't registered, so I guess it will have to sit there for some months to wait for brighter times (there's still two or 3 usages left on the item bought for the quest)...

I had some roasted elk meat that tasted awful, probably because it was stale when it was roasted, and my character's cooking skill isn't stellar either. A while later (i.e. one or a few days) it "decayed" into stale bland roasted elk meat.
I made a copy of the character's save immediately after detecting the improvement, if there's anything useful to gain from it.

There are a few cases where you'd really want quite substantial lengths of material when crafting items. Currently this affects mods only, but once those kinds of crafting recipes make it into the game itself they may cause issues.

The cases I've encountered or envisioned so far are:
- Making a net is going to use a whole lot of material, and I doubt 255 ft is sufficient (I haven't tried to convert the old recipe yet).
- Weaving (from thread) is going to require a lot of thread. The modified mod I've used bypasses the issue by still using a weight for the raw material, rather than length.
- Knitting. Similar to weaving, the length of the yarn is going to be rather substantial. The mod modification I've tried is to use two sets of wool, each 135 ft long (and I think 15 ft for ½ pound of wool is probably too short) to get the 270 ft required for the largest wool garments.

As indicated, it's not urgent, but something that may become an issue in the future.

Version 3.52 (stable): I just processed an elk calf, resulting in 179 cuts of meat and a 3 lbs skin. The amount of meat produced is close to what a small adult would provide, but the skin is about 1/7 (and on par with a glutton skin). It's not a serious issue of course, just somewhat surprising.

Bug reports / Bird Thief does not know location of new quester
« on: February 26, 2019, 10:18:46 AM »
A rather minor issue:

I've performed a Bird Thief quest fairly recently (about 3 quests ago or so). As I came to a village looking for a new quest I was allowed to ask for the location of Apro, and also was informed that Matti needed help. I located an unknown villager approximately where Apro should be, said I was looking for Apro, asked how he was, and told him he deserved being punished for stealing birds (without revealing who'd put the hex on him). Neither on the first, nor on subsequent attempts did he recognize Matti had a quest (nor allowed me to ask for Matti's location, but that's typically available only after being informed Matti has a quest for you).

As mentioned, it's a very minor inconsistency, as there's no shortage of other people to guide me to Matti, but the bird thief ought to know of the village's quest.

Bug reports / Multiple quest people not cleared on quest resolution
« on: February 04, 2019, 11:04:27 AM »
When a quest involves multiple people, the secondary person remains as a person you can ask for the whereabouts of when the quest is finished by reporting to the main quest giver. This entry is cleared once you have talked to the secondary person, though (and that person doesn't have any quest related entries in their dialogues). I've encountered this with the bird thief quest as well as the robber quest (where the bird hunter and the witness remain respectively).
As the dangling info doesn't cause any trouble and clears itself when the secondary people are spoken to it's more of a quirk/inconvenience than a bug, though.
Note that I haven't had a case of any failed multiple people quest with the current version, so I don't know how that behaves.

Also note that both of these cases were with the latest version, so it's not a case of the remaining people from old quests in the previous version: as far as I have seen all those cases have been fixed.

Edit: No, the second quest can't be the bird thief one, as I've gotten that one again, and the old bird hunter disappears after I've given him the bird. Looking back at the quest log, it must have been the Forest Maiden one, with the gossip girl being left dangling.

Suggestions / Allow humans to recognize baited traps
« on: December 20, 2018, 10:22:37 AM »
Humans recognize trap lines and avoid/deal with them, but can (accidentally or intentionally) get caught by isolated traps.
After having a merchant getting killed in an isolated trap of mine, I thought it might be possible for humans to recognize baited traps as being traps, and thus avoid them. This would still make it possible to intentionally target humans by leaving traps unbaited, but would allow you to avoid accidental human casualties by ensuring those traps are baited (at least until such a time when bait can be taken by creatures of the "wrong" size, such as birds taking meat from a pit trap without triggering it).

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