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Messages - Sproink

Pages: [1]
Bug reports / Re: Impossible (?) herb gathering quest?
« on: January 31, 2018, 01:31:01 PM »
Possible fixes :
  • Quest giver only asks for herbs that grow mature in current season and time limit is one season, Quest cannot be given in winter.
  • Quest has one-year time limit
  • Time limit is the day the herb in question starts withering in the wild + some days
  • Let it be, (not a fix, this option is unfair to new characters and annoyance to older ones)

Also, it would be cool if taking the quest auto-identifies the herb.

Glad to help.

I could send you my whole game folder if you want it just say it.

For your information, I never used any mods or messed with game files with this copy. This is what I got from installing the game with steam.

I used the save file I sent and the dog was indeed sleeping and moving. Since you didn't get the same results I suspected some of my game files were corrupted so I validated files with steam but got the same results.

Here are screenshots of Moon Moon's dancing:
Spoiler: show

5 turns later:

Left my dog named "Moon Moon" at my settlement to gather some rocks for my fireplace, when I came back it was sleeping and moving around the tree it's tied to. I went inside and built my fireplace and it was still doing that.

Save file:

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