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Topics - Gnorf

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Stories / The War on Wolves
« on: April 10, 2018, 06:36:39 PM »
So I started this story on steam, but figured this is a more appropriate place to continue. The story begins with a wolf attacking my reindeer on a mountain top while I was sleeping. I never really cared for that reindeer. I mean I only got it to carry my stuff. I had named it Last Resort, you know, just in case the meat it carried became more valuable than having a beast of burden.

That night, when I woke to Last Resort being savaged, I was mostly just pissed that the "big wolf" had the balls to try this. After missing an easy javelin throw, I chased it off and returned even more angry, cursing the damned wolf and my own javelin throwing ineptitude. To my surprise, the reindeer wasn't dead.

I thought, "Ok, great, at least I still have the deer, I'll just let him heal up."

When I decided to return home, I realized that Last Resort was crippled and couldn't walk. I'd move a few tiles and he just stayed in place, even though he was on a leash. I started waiting, hoping he'd regain some strength and get the heck up, but no luck. I kept seeing this brazen wolf appear at the edge of the screen, and would chase him off, throwing javelins ineffectively. I just couldn't get close enough. I stayed by the deer for about a day and a half, chasing off the wolf, and was starting to come dangerously close to dying from dehydration. There was no water close by and I couldn't wander away. So, Last Resort, the poor savaged reindeer lived up to his name. No point in leaving him for the wolf, I told him I was sorry before bashing his skull until unconscious, then driving the point of my spear into his neck. Blood gushed. A few minutes later all that remained were bones on the ground and meat in my pack.

I swore revenge as I trudged home.

I got my two dogs and headed back the next day. I used some of the meat to set some deadfall traps, even though my trapping skill was horrible. But in my experience just getting the animal's attention is the important part, even if it turns it's nose up at the trap, my dogs and I can do the rest. That night, sure enough, the apparent lone wolf showed up. As I expected, it wasn't dumb enough to climb in the trap for me. Oh well, I unleash the hounds and issue the attack command.

When I finally caught up one of my dogs was on the wolf, the other no where in sight. My dog was hurt, bad, but still fighting. I rushed to get in javelin range but before I could my dog was down, its neck was torn and there was blood everywhere. I could feel the rage pumping in my ears. The wolf ran. Unfortunately for the wolf, it had to climb a cliff wall, which gave me time to get in range. The javelin struck home in the wolf's abdomen. It fell unconscious, and I finished it off with my spear as my other useless dog showed up in time to bark at it.

Disgusted, I collected it's pelt but left the meat to rot. I burned my dogs body and left.

Once home, I realized that killing the wolf wasn't enough. Rage still burned, and I decided I needed to kill the rest of them. Every.. Last.. One.

Realizing that my skill with a spear alone wasn't enough to catch the slippery bastards, I began to train my trapping skill. I found some mild success, trapping a couple here and there, but it didn't quench my thirst for revenge. I began wandering around at night, looking for them. I knew it was a suicide mission but I didn't care. I knew I should get more dogs but decided they didn't deserve to die with me. I stopped leashing my remaining dog and giving him attack commands, giving him the option to flee but shame from the last encounter, I think, kept him close. Or maybe it was just the food.

One night I found what I was looking for. A pack of them scouring the pine mire near my home, probably checking to see if I had any more reindeer to eat. I didn't. I chased after them, and they ran at first. Right up until I wounded one of them with a long, lucky javelin throw. It turned to attack. My next throw missed, and I heard my dog yelping somewhere behind me. I got out my spear, ready for a fight to the death. I dodged it's attack, and struck. The wolf went down, but so did I. At least one of them must've gotten in behind me, probably after killing the dog.

The last thing I felt as the world faded to blackness were my bones crunching and my stomach being ripped open as the wolves gathered around what would soon be my corpse...

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