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Topics - Willy

Pages: [1]
I tried hunting an elk with a bow but only managed to get a shot in its body before it took off. So I decided I would try running down the elk til it was breathless and it work like a charm (the elk wasn't leaving blood trails so I dont think it was bleeding). But then later that character died to a bear ambush...

But I really liked the idea of endurance hunting so on my new character I got a spear and carried nothing but shoes and some pants. But I can not seem to endurance hunt to safe my life. I chase them for ages and when I examine them there is no status saying they are tired or anything (is that related to eyesight or something) and they managed to slip away.

General Discussion / A lot of the cultures have nothing to trade?
« on: December 17, 2017, 07:43:25 PM »
So I have been playing around with different cultures and one thing I have noticed is a good chunk of the cultures have nothing to trade. I know the drik are the richest and have items to actually work towards like getting all the axes, different animals and eventually building your homestead which is good.

But the other cultures you cant even get a basic axe which leaves you screwed. You just live in a shelter and eat, there is nothing to work towards. Feels like my game is at a standstill.

General Discussion / Stop and resume a task/craft?
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:54:53 PM »
Just a quick question: Can you start a task, then stop and continue?

Say I am making a bow and I need to eat or rest to get rid of fatigue penalty. Can I stop making the bow do what I need to do then continue where I was? Or do I need to fill the task bar in one sitting?

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