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Topics - HUNterHUN

Pages: [1]
Mod Releases / HUNterHUN's Vivid Backgrounds
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:29:27 PM »

I started this project very long time ago, (more than a year) but I not really playing this game very frequently.
Because of that I several times left my enhancement work alone.
Finally, I finished it.

I already posted one example, it was at March 28 2020, in this post, tho' that is about RPG-ish portraits, not the backgrounds.
Take a look, if you are interested.

Here, a few other example, to see what I've done.
(The origial backgrounds are on the left side, the enhanced ones are on the right.)

Motto: "The snow is not blue. Period."

Most of the work I done are just some change in colour-tone, sharpening, and such.
There are some pictures that just doesn't seems to look good, but after enhacing them they look much better:

And there were a few, that because of the low resolution and the very strong lossy compression, they just looks very bad.
But it still can be fixed, you don't need ultra-high-HD resolution, to have a good guality photo. ( 8K my a..   ;D )
Here, take a look at one of those photos:

Enjoy the colorful scenery by downloading the the ZIP from the link, and extracting it over the original backgrounds.

Modding / How, and where to post background modifications?
« on: July 31, 2021, 10:20:54 PM »
Edit #1: (Sadly, most of the pictures that can be enhanced the most, are licenced images. Removed them, because they can not be modded due to copyright.)

Edit #2 Removed everything that is not related to the question and moved to the released mod's thread.

Hello to everyone.

I started this project very long time ago, (more than a year) but I not really playing this game very frequently.
Because of that I several times left my enhancement work alone.
Finally, I finfised it.

I already posted one example, it was at March 28 2020, in this post, tho' that is about RPG-ish portraits, not the backgrounds.
Take a look, if you are inetrested.

Motto: "The snow is not blue. Period."

Most of the work I done are just some change in coloure-tone, sharpening, and such.
There are some pictures that just doesn't seems to look good, but after enhacing them they look much better.
And there were a few, that because of the low resolution and the very strong lossy compression, they just looks very bad.

My question is, how I should shere the complete background-pack?

I only playing the free version, on a Linux machine (I installed it from the AUR-repository), so I worked on those backgrounds.
I don't know if they are the same on the more updated Steam and Itch versions.

Also there is 2 picture (RITUALSBG.BMP and SKILLSBG.BMP) which are not in the "/usr/share/urw3/truegfx/" folder as the ohers.
They are under "~/.config/urw3-Linux/".
Also I don't have a clue where all the files are stored under different OS.

So how I should share my finished work?

Pages: [1]