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Topics - jojojay

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / using "reputation" as currency
« on: May 29, 2017, 10:47:21 PM »
the game currently does not have a currency, which is realistic. however, i think that implementing a currency would make the game-play better. one way to do this and still be historically accurate would be to use reputation as a currency.  my idea is that whenever you give away("sell") an item, you would get reputation with the village/culture that you gave the item to. the reputation gained would be exactly equal to the items value you then could use your reputation to "buy" items. the reputation cost would be exactly equal to the value of the items.  furthermore, if you trade an item of 200 value for an item of 100 value, you would gain 100 reputation. and if you have 100 reputation, you can use it and an item of 100 value to buy an item of 200 value.

the player would not be able to buy an item using reputation if the player does not have enough reputation, obviously

if you kill or steal from a certian group, your reputation with that group will go down. groups will not trade with you if you have a negative reputation; you must give them items to restore your reputation. (maybe quests could increase reputation instead of giving actual rewards?)

i think that the bartering system should also be similar to fallout's, so that you could freely add and remove items from both sides of the barter to attempt to balance the barter.

maybe, after you get the reputation system in , you could make it so that if you have a low enough reputation with a group, members of that group would demand that you repay your debt and attack you if you refuse. (maybe send hunting parties after you to force you to pay up/kill you?) of course, this could be done later or not at all. but i feel that this game urgently needs a currency system.

Suggestions / non random start
« on: May 28, 2017, 04:04:10 AM »
can you make an option that lets you choose your starting stats and items? i know that you can choose your starting skills, but i want to be able to choose my starting stats and items. i really do not like the random aspect of starting.

it seems that this mod would be easy to do , and would only take a few hours max. but i think that it would be really useful.
you can leave the random generator for people who want to use it, but getting high stats by re-rolling until i have a perfect character does not feel fulfilling to me. you could make it so that we have a certain number of points(the average number you would get by randomly rolling) to assign and we can choose as many items as we want as long as they are under a certain value.

i would also appreciate the option to have auto-saves and be able to go back to your last auto save after death.

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