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Messages - TheyCallMeSibs

Pages: [1]
Stories / Re: Island challenge stories
« on: January 02, 2021, 06:02:53 PM »
Yeah, I saw that part. I've now gotten exactly one bird and one pike for my struggles, and Winter has set in properly. I hope I survive the starvation to the first seal :C

Stories / Re: Island challenge stories
« on: January 02, 2021, 02:45:03 PM »
My Wilson is stranded on a 3 tile island in the very south west, further than anything I've ever been on. I've got the self sufficiency mod I might play around with once I survive the winter. So far he's 21 days into the experience, put up roughly 40 light traps and hasn't seen a single living thing, which worries me greatly. Injuries stayed steadily above my fishing skill until starvation took over, so that hasnt worked out either. What if there just arent any spawns on my little corner?

Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.2
« on: December 21, 2020, 02:46:31 PM »
Note to guests searching for the mod here, you need to be logged in to see the download.

Pages: [1]