This led me to thinking... what type of shield are Unreal World shields, exactly? I always assumed they represented "Viking" shields, and the in-game graphic seems to support this. However, 6 lbs is quite light for a Viking-era shield..

The thin, unfaced reproduction shields shown in the photographs on this page weigh about 5kg (11lbs), while the thicker, leather covered shields weigh more than 7kg (15lbs) when dry.
These shields are about 3 feet in diameter and 0.25 - 0.5 inches in thickness. With the shields shown here, you can imagine how someone could almost completely protect themselves from arrows by crouching down low behind the shield.
However, the UnReal World shield appears to be different, based on the weight. It must be smaller in diameter, or thinner, or both. It could actually be more similar to the buckler that the OP described. I wonder if Sami or Erkka could give us their thoughts... if it is meant to be a Viking-style shield, perhaps the weight should be increased?
Yes, this the round shield in UrW represents the viking shield, which as described in the article was usually 70-100 cm in diameter (depending on the size of user). Though the shields described on the hurstwic page are at least double in weight, they are heavier reconstructions than originals obviously. Originals were from linden wood (which is lighter than many others) and were thinner (as is indicated on the page).
However, the real reason UrW use roundshield with specific size is that it was the shield used in HarnMaster (where it was based on viking shield). Here are the shield from HarnMaster third edition:
Buckler 3 lbs
Knight Shield 5 lbs
Round Shield 6 lbs
Kite Shield 7 lbs
Tower Shield 8 lbs
They are kind of light, especially the bigger ones. For some reason only the middle size is currently in the game.
By the way, as the article says, viking knew about smaller roundshields (bucklers and targes) but their main shields were bigger than these.
Okay. Let's suppose a buckler's good enough to block ALL arrows while a man is sitting crouched.
But no man can move this shield from head to legs in a 1/25s while being standing.
One turn lasts for 10 seconds I believe... Which is kinda slow, there are real world archers who can shoot about 10 arrows in that time. But that's not UnReal World

This sounds like a bug. Because they should use both hands to shoot (just like Player Character), and couldn't use a shield while doing so. They can, however, strap the shield to their back, then wield bow, use it, and that's probably what was happening (see the message log). Still, it should use time. Is your character slow, encumbered or wounded?
How much time's between a single move?
Theoretically 10 seconds - or more.
Why can't i see in which position they holding the shield?
I don't know - I can see the shield's position when I look at them. Are you playing current version for sure? Also it's possible (though hard to test) that if they carry the shield in neutral position (without choosing style) then it is not described in any meaningful way. But when I cared to look, the style has been always indicated, so far.
Why can't i shot them right with a dexterity=18, 36 (and 80!).
Because DEX is not important at all for this, only skill at bow, and the actual bow (some of them fail more spectacularly). Plus luck with rolls. Dexterity is used for example to determine if you drop your weapon when hit, or if you catch a tree when falling from it.
With all x at 80 moving speed is about 50 km/h while running, 15-17 while walking.
ANY other NPCs are moving maximum at 6/22 km/h and i can't outrun them.
So hacking speed above limit still increases actual speed? Nice. But apparently the limit of 10 seconds per turn still stands.