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Hunting gripe I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past, it was easy to follow tracks, maybe too easy, but at the same time, the current system is the opposite.  It's nearly impossible to track animals through woods, something that should be vastly, vastly easier than tracking them through the open.  I would likely be less annoyed if it weren't the simple graphical limitations of what we are doing making it not work, you have to be zoomed out to hunt because animals react to you before they are on screen at any reasonable zoom.  I don't like squinting at the tiny graphics on the screen, that's annoying enough on it's own, but the changes to tracking within wooded tiles are just unforgivable.  An elk moving through forest leaves a distinct trail that should be EASY to follow, thick woods make it easier to do, not harder, yet the second an elk is in thick woods, which represent probably 80% of the map, it's impossible to follow them with the sparse tracks.  Zooming helps, but not much.  You can't have relevant game data hidden by the normal environment like that.  The past system might have been too forgiving, but the current state of "oh, you want to see a track that's behind this normal sized tree?  Too bad, I know you'd be able to see them clearly if you were standing on the ground but you are hovering 60 feet in the air.

Punishing us this way is inane.  Hell, hunting in general has become inane.  Animals recover fatigue so quickly that chasing them down over the course of hours just does not work anymore, and I'm on a character with 6km walking speed.  There's no point to hunting in forests at all anymore, live on a mire or don't bother hunting.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all. I watched C:DDA descending into utter unplayability over the course of years and seeing this game become less and less playable as time passes makes me sad.  And it's not just this, I've read the new beta nerfs fishing, requiring bait to get anything at all.

Which is silly, because the game doesn't offer you the infinite free bait available to any iron age finnish fisherman.  Every single pike you caught would have it's guts put into a trap for other fish.  Worms are everywhere and free with a little sweat.  Other insects too.  There's no reason to nerf fishing other than "it made surviving too easy and we want it to be hard", it's not realistic, it doesn't expand the game content, it just makes it so everyone needs to be constantly scrambling for another reindeer because another normal source of food is off the table. 

August 07, 2021, 06:29:54 PM