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Re: Cellar mechanics Well since you're not a bot (as pointed to in a reply) :D

 Internal cellars were removed / changed in game in the last few versions. Now all cellars are "outside" You can still put one in a small building, just visualize that it has no roof. If you're storing meat, this should protect it from dogs/cats/bears (unless the door is open). For storing plants a cellar with a good number of small deadfall and or loop snares. You can also enclose it in some fencing.

March 25, 2021, 03:51:37 AM
Re: Cellar mechanics
Are animals more likely to try and take plants than meat from a cellar?

 I'd say there are many more animals that will steal plants, but then when I see predator track in my base I usually take action.
squirrel, rabbit, birds, elk, reindeer vs glutten, fox, lynx, bear, wolf, dogs.. I'm sure I've left some out

March 25, 2021, 04:06:59 AM
Re: Cellar mechanics Baited traps seem to work best in my experience.

Loop snare for hare and birds.
Light lever trap for birds and arctic foxes.
Small dead fall for foxes, badgers et cetera

And most intruding, thieving wildlife will get trapped before getting to your larder.
(Ravens especially are voracious; they’ll nibble on entire stacks. Usually berries though. But they can still take an equal bite of 50 berries in an instant.

Also, unless it has changed; bears can open doors.

March 25, 2021, 05:18:56 PM
Re: Cellar mechanics Yes, as JP_Finn said, unless it's silently changed, bears can open doors. That was a rather nasty surprise...
March 25, 2021, 11:22:58 PM
Re: Trapping advice Paw board needs to be baited individually. Otherwise you get nothing.

Tip of paw board is like “w”, the center being usually bit taller than the sides. The bait is placed in the center. With the board erected upright: to get the bait, fox has to jump up to nudge the bait off. But while nudging the bait; it’ll get stuck on the notch and stay dangling until trapper comes to harvest.

If there’s no bait on pawboard, there no reason for the fox/vixen to jump to knock it down; and so will never catch a fox.

March 30, 2021, 06:57:08 PM
Re: Trapping advice JP_Finn describes how it works in reality. The UrW logic is somewhat different, as pawboards can catch animals that just step on that tile. In your case you left the diagonals open, and I would expect animals to frequently walk around the traps to get to the center, assuming they want to go to the center.

I get animals in empty snares, small deadfalls, and pawboards because I use them to keep animals out of my farm plot area, not actually to trap animals. It's not a lot, but it happens.

When I actually try to catch animals, I make trap lines of something like 5 traps, ideally with trees along the line to make it longer. In that case I also bait each trap with bait I believe the intended prey is interested in. As has been noted in another thread, that kind of trap line doesn't work in real life, because the traps aren't directly beside each other, so it depends on how much you want to game the game in the game (couldn't resist the pun).

March 30, 2021, 07:52:58 PM
Re: Profiting off birds  Your hide working has a good deal to do with getting quality 'skins'
For birds I usually loop snare, and kick them to death for minimal skin damage.

The small size makes them very fast to work on, thus good to try and get skill ups.

Harsh 'skins' for me used to be put in a stack to make cord from, though now with plant cord/recovery of cord from cooking etc. I'm not sure.

February 23, 2022, 11:31:55 PM