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Feed the Njerpez Foundation needs your donations! tl;dr New challenge, deliver one full bag of grain to the interior of a building in EVERY Njerp village in your world without killing anyone inside their territory (maiming pursuers is acceptable). Bonus points: return all your Njerpez scimitars, that their owners' families might find peace in war.

Now folks, I know what you're thinking, it's exactly what I was thinking when I first heard of the FNF and all the great work they're doing out there in southeast Finland. LoLotov, the Njerps are the enemy! Why should we feed the enemy? Well, there are a couple big reasons I'll tell you folks about. First off, for the pure humanity of it! It seems like the Njerp children put up less and less of a fight and get more and more skeletal each time we massacre their villages. There just isn't enough food in Njerpland to keep the children in fighting shape! But our economy is being hit too! Even the trophy scouts seem to be getting smaller and smaller, and that's having a direct effect on the livelihoods of all you tribals out there, whether you want to admit it or not. Most of our iron comes from slaying Njerps, and if they're too weak to carry it, we ourselves will run out! And in case you needed more reason, the spirits themselves command that you help! I was minding my own business the other day, running an augury on some kuikka entrails, you know... the usual... and I saw the signs plain as day. The spirits want YOU to bring your excess food to a local Feed the Njerpez Foundation drop-off box! They offer convenient locations at any Njerpez village, and swift service is guaranteed! Just be sure to bring any other valuables you don't need anymore too, the FNF always needs funding folks! Folks, I hate doing these long-winded speeches, you know that about me, but this is an issue that's very close to my heart, and I hope you'll find it closer to yours too now that you know what the great folks at FNF stand for. We can keep the Njerpez around a little longer if we all just work together, so open your hearts, open your rucksacks, and let's feed those Njerps, folks!

[Applause sign turns on]

Character restrictions: Custom, Driik, ONE attribute reroll, use a skill raise on Ritual.

September 07, 2017, 09:04:04 AM