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Re: Homeland Robbers (Spoiler)
I found them, in what can only be described as the most galling way possible. I started marking lines and doing systematic sweeps of areas whether I'd been there or not. I started where I had spent the least amount of time. I felt like I had hit 90% of the squares, so I figured that chances were I had been where they were and just not seen them somehow (it is winter and very forested). I marked a sweep and said it would be my last (this was a lot of hours in the Real World). All of a sudden, I noticed humans on the zoomed out map in an area I had already been through a fair bit and not that far from where I had built my searching shelter. I manage to find their tracks, saw nothing, then noticed they were surrounding me. Now for the most galling part... when they talked to me they called me "frequent visitor". They're all dead now, and rightly so. September 21, 2017, 03:57:30 AM |
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Re: Trapped small animal opens door on adjacent tile
Fixed. Persists in 3.40. This bug might apply to other animals besides squirrels as well. September 26, 2017, 03:55:16 PM |
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Re: Bridge Building
I agree that it is a common problem but like Silenia, I find strategic ways to deal with it. I tend to start in spring and will mark or build a shelter at the location I plan on settling, usually near open water on an island. I find that the bigger problem is when you settle near rivers. You may build next to rapids but often several rivers run in parallel and you will need strategically placed rafts on each crossable part of the river (if each one has it).. else you get cut off from large parts of the map for a few months a year. I haven't tried to build a bridge of rafts though I have dreamed of it. Without a paddle they *may* work as a bridge... I am not sure. If you do it, let us know how well it worked. I've always been irrationally nervous of bugs if I accidentally drop a boat on another boat. Not sure why. It could happen accidentally quite easily if you forget you're carrying a paddle. I've thought about how great it would be to build bridges in the game.. even just "floating bridges". You could use the same building blocks to build docks as well. I love infrastructure... if this game let you build roads, trails, and bridges I would never work again. My life would be building elaborate transportation networks connecting every village on the map, and patrolling them for ne'er-do-wells. September 27, 2017, 01:33:47 AM |
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Time flies, the autumn comes
Oh my, it's the last of september already, and there's been no news since entering the summer vacation. Let's fix that quickly now. So, for those who only read news I should announce that I did survive the summer ![]() here and there. Mostly concerning a few squashed or mysterious bugs. At the moment, regarding the game, I seem to be very short of time for anything else than continuing the development from where it was paused before the summer vacation. And occasionally squashing the most relevant bugs with the left hand when possible. Once we get a fistful of more to-do's featued a roadmap towards the next version becomes more to clear announce verbally for you, good people. The last few weeks it's been mostly all about continuing to add a new spells and finalizing ritual system renewal. It's one of the big next version additions, and was vaguely briefed in this old forums thread. With the shortage of more words and news to give you let's just say that the autumn is coming, but so are the future features of UnReal World. Let there be code, and let there be swans. ![]() September 2017, outside the development chambers. September 30, 2017, 12:15:25 PM |
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Re: Few questions about trapping and a couple of misc questions
Regarding a "stable": I build my stables as windowless (so you don't see them moving while crafting, which can decrease the FPS consideraby otherwise) buildings with a 3*3 interior size area to house a cow and a sheep (for mod wool), and I think a floor/ceiling is a good idea as animals don't leave tracks on floors, so the animals will not contribute to "item" clutter. Outside the door I build an "airlock" of a fence on each side of the door and a door (flanked by fences) outside of that so I can open one door, go through, close it, and then open the next one without the animals escaping. In the cases where animals get to share the space with the stable door I can just open it again, push them inside, and close the door, without risking their escape. The only trouble I've had is with companions who apparently have poles sticking out of their arses, as they keep opening doors without closing them afterwards, thus releasing the animals. September 30, 2017, 12:30:33 PM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
That is awesome. You've inspired me. Killing livestock, I'm in too deep, While unconscious, kicked by a sheep. October 02, 2017, 01:38:19 AM |
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Re: Couple of weight issues
> A pinch of heather flowers is, by my calculation, 0.025 lbs either exactly or so close to it As an aside, you can get weights of items exactly by inspecting the OBJ files. Should help you avoid tedious in-game stuff to figure out weights. Heather flowers are exactly 0.025 lbs. You can see the "weight of the whole can be less than the weight of the parts" with plants very easily: mod a plant that produces an enormous amount of leaves or something, and you can make a plant that weighs 0.5 lbs when harvested and produces 100 lbs of leaves. At least for plants, the weight of the plant is set independently of its ingredients. October 02, 2017, 03:06:43 AM |
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Wounded or starving dogs refusing to attack on command
Let's announce just one small but significant upcoming addition.... - added: wounded or starving dogs may refuse to attack on command If your dog is seriously wounded or starving it may refuse to attack on command. Even the suffering dogs still defend their masters and themselves from charging predators and enemies, but are just reluctant to act as war dogs who always run after a given target completely despite of their own condition. This addition may encourage you to keep your dogs more safe and better fed from now on. This is an upcoming feature, not functional in the current version 3.40. October 04, 2017, 02:21:40 PM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
I really enjoyed "Drowning". Well done, these are great.
October 05, 2017, 02:29:01 PM |
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Re: Poems of the Fallen
"The Challenge" This story is long so please sit comfortable be kind, listen in silence, if you are able His name was Cosoban, Can I remember right? Sixteen years old, ready for the trial night! It was time when he's lost almost everything way back to village, friends, his family ring all clothing, all equipage and all conscious too In start of Winter, badly hurt and that is true! He woke up after long dream, cold and afraid (Part of my rules when I've had him played) But there was one thing he has not lost his strong will for surviving at all cost Fire was his friend but hunger, not really he picked some berries and that wasn't silly but more important, blade made from stone easy be done if not pain in arm bone limping through forest and for water looking eating that berries, had nothing for cooking sleep, keep warm, walk more every morning I know, this part of story is greatly boring come back next week, I will tell you more if you don't like it, then please ignore. TBC October 06, 2017, 02:14:34 AM |
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