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Hello world, hello forums Look at that! We do have new UnReal World forums now. Welcome!

We'll have a completely fresh start with these forums. Old post or users won't be migrated, but you may want (and are encouraged) to copy&paste your greatest/selected posts from the old forums. Now create an account, feel like at home and carry on posting and discussion as usual.
You can still find the old forums here.

Based on the community needs forum functionalities and boards will be expanded and tweaked along the way.
SMF engine is nicely moddable and hosting the forums of our own gives us all the control -- and zero ads.

Credits for forums background image edit goes to Simon "KillerFRIEND", and credits for early forum testing goes to bunch of trusted lifetime members.

We do have lifetime membership badges and section on these forums as well, and accounts lifetimers are upgraded with delay of few days from the registration.
If you are a lifetimer and don't seem to receive your badge, you may want to notify me by e-mail.  Do that especially if register on these forums with a completely different account.

We're quite busy with many different things, so don't expect quick replies to anything these days, but we'll try to keep the forum launch as smooth and painless as possible.
Things may still a bit under construction here and there, but the boards we've got here are familiar and playable already. :)

Now let's get these forums started. Be nice, be polite, and have fun with the power of the brave new boards. Speak, friend, and enter.

May 21, 2017, 04:39:50 PM
General welcome Yeah, people, welcome!

Though of posting general welcome message in this section as well, and you can find a bit more detailed post at the section.

My point is that even though it's still quite empty here don't let the echo from the forum walls prevent you from posting. :)
Don't be shy, this is your playground, thoughts and words are welcome and we're as kind as we always have been.
Place your posts where you find them fit the best. If need be new sub-boards will be opened and posts moved accordingly.
I guess talks (and suggestions?) about forums itself can be placed for example here in the general section.

At the new forums we shall take you...

May 21, 2017, 05:20:46 PM
UnReal World Mod Experiment UnReal World Mod Loader

This is a modding tool which aims to extend the current game modding capabilities and make using and making mods easier, especially several mods at a time while leaving the game folder pristine which means no custom edits are lost when the game is updated.

Current stage is proof of concept however the tool is nearly fully featured and ready to be used.

Features for users
Simple installation of mods
Enable and disable mods quickly and easily
Set mods priority (load order)
Keep mods in separate folders
Mod files are cached and loaded faster
Changing mod configuration and editing mod files without restarting the game

Features for developers
Override parts of vanilla files or files from other mods
Add custom in game encyclopedia pages (automatically linked to the START page)
Automatic crafting menu shortcut key conflict resolution (coming soon)

Windows 7 or newer
.NET Framework 4.5.2

It's recommended to make a new installation of the game so you can transfer your mods and saves. Then extract the zip file into your pristine game folder.

To add a mod create a subfolder in the mods folder, and in the subfolder create another folder called 'files'. Mods files go to the 'files' folder. The following directory tree  indicates an example mod structure.

    My mod/

For more information about the folder structure please see the mod examples.

Mod Loader ready mod should allow you to extract its content into the mods folder, or simply follow the instructions provided by the mod developer.

File modlist.txt indicates which mods are active and also the load order. First rename modlist-sample.txt to modlist.txt. To activate a mod add new line that begins with '+' followed by the mod folder name. Mods are loaded from top to bottom and because mods can override changes made by other mods the last mod change wins.

1.0 - Initial verison
1.1 - Support for Windows 10

Loader 1.1 binaries
English Mod Names mod - translates month names to English

Spoiler: In Game Encyclopedia Start Page • show

May 31, 2017, 01:15:17 AM
Summery summary 2017 So, the new forums are up and running, some content popping up here and there - and all seems to be quite well at this new discussions settlement of ours. Nice!

Thought of posting a little summary about some upcoming new features, and when to expect them. This is something that's been probably originally posted at the old forums, but we'll hereby bring the completely new forum members on track as well.

So summer it is, and we've been steadily trucking towards yet another version. Once it's wrapped up it's gonna be summer holidays for me, and new features in UnReal World for you. Summer it is, despite of the current weather in Finland including little snow and sleet every now and then, chilly days and almost frosty nights. But the weather engine still isn't bugged ;) I'm hopeful that maybe in July we could have a new release out. Like always, we're adding new features on many different fronts but let's highlight some of the probably most widely interesting here:

* Bones and antlers

Antlers and bones can be now harvested from carcassess.
They have only little usage on their own but do serve as trophies and new raw materials to be utilized via modding if you like.

* Skulls and teeth

Skulls can be now harvested from a few species of dead animals whose skulls (or teeth) have meaningful ritual or magical usage. Skulls can be furthermore applied to pick teeth from them. Bear teeth for example are well-known for their magical powers.

Screenshot: By the sacred bear memorial rite tree Panu takes a look at the sturdy bones after hanging the bear skull in place.

* New spells, more spells, spells screen overhaul

We're giving up the old ritual system for good, and now focusing on the new kind of spells and spells system first showcased in version 3.40. This means removal of some of the old spells, but also featuring more and more new spells.

Ritual screen will be known as "Spells and magic means" screen and all the new spells are listed there as well. "New spells" refers to spells featured in version 3.40, which are learned within quests and performed by following the instructions given in spell description by using the common game mechanics and actions.

Currently you can view new spell descriptions only in the quest journal, but now it all will be available within the spells screen. Whenever a new spell is learned it will also appear in this new list of spells.

Bringing the selector on a any spell in the list displays its information dialog. If necessary, a selection is then made by mouse click or enter. In addition, there are also hotkeys for quick spell selection.
In case of the new manually and mechanically performed spells the spell selection merely shows the spell description and instructions to follow in order to perform the spell.
The old spells (eg. blood-stanching incantation) are colored differently and automatically put to action upon selection.

Screenshot: The new spells screen with quite a bit of spells known. Hovering the selector over the first spell shows the description.

* Cubs and calves - rise of the young animals

Cubs and calves have been added for relevant wild animal species eg. elks, bears, reindeer, hares etc.
In case of large species ie. elks and bears, the young ones usually follow their mothers in the wild for a full year after the birth. So, now you may occasionally encounter an elk mother wandering together with her calf, or a bear mother followed by her cub. Mother animals may act more unexpectedly or aggressively than usual when they're still taking care of their young ones -- and that's especially true in case of bears.

Few screenshots - the adventures of fghfg among cubs and calves :)
Bear mother with its cub. Careful now. You don't want to position yourself in between those two.

Ooo.. isn't that sweet... not a hunting day today.

* Ant nests

   For some this is a mere curiosity, for some an absolute necessity. Anyhow, ant nests can be now found in the forest. They are needed in performing certain spells but have no other use to the player character currently.

Screenshot: It's raining - and it's ant nest!

And finally, something to highlight about upcoming Steam goodies...

UnReal World Steam Trading Cards

Trading Cards for UnReal World are coming this summer. Yet again we like to do things with deep thought, love, ambition and talent and that's why the card artwork is drawn by Finnish comic artist Tuuli Hypén. (Some of you may remember her classic "conflict in the woods" drawing based on the old title screen.)
We've cherished and talked about the card themes and plots during the spring, the creation is in progress, and below you can find a sneak preview collage consisting of drafts, sketches and semi-finished artwork.

Trading Cards are likely to be launched even before the actual next version is finished. We'll start with six cards, and most likely expand the pack in the future. Prepare yourselves, foreign and domestic card traders!

This is upcoming stuff, not yet featured in the current version 3.40

June 03, 2017, 07:16:33 PM
Re: Regarding dog's behaviour in front of danger
I'm not sure what you're getting at. Dogs sometimes do flee when injured and sometimes fight to the death. They also ignore orders when enraged (as do companions). As to them following orders, well, just because the blasted dog barked a "yes" when I called it, it doesn't mean the bugger actually comes...

I've seen someone claiming different dogs have different personalities (brave/cowardly, energetic/lazy...).

i've seen different behaviors in my dogs. i got "jef" and "stavros"

stavros is very agressive, he fights hard and long and often gets wounded to.
jef is a bit more... cowardly is the wrong word here.. carefull! he'll run towards whatever i send it at but not actually fight it, he'll just "hang around" untill it can nip it's back!
so... i learned to FIRST release jef, he will get it's attention but not actually engage... then stavros who will go in full berserk style, wound and distract the prey and THEN jef will usually join in the actual fight.

i also found jef to return to me faster when the prey does get away, stavros will charge for longer (making me worry about his safety).

they both listen equally well tough, when i tell them to eat they heard that but when i tell them to get out of my cabin they are less likely to oblige (and i have had to remove them with a leach more then once). it's more of a pathfinding thing i guess but i find it hilarious. it gives em some realism :D

June 13, 2017, 02:07:17 AM
Midsummer greetings and pictures Almost equally bright days and nights go by as we're approaching the midsummer day, Juhannus, 24th.
I'm travelling from Kiesse to Kaumo (in the real world, but with unreal world region names) to welcome and celebrate the midsummer.
This post is to wish you all happy midsummer time, or best of the season, wherever you are.
And this is how the nature looked around here yesterday during the darkest hour of the night.

I'll be offline for a good few days, see you around next week,

June 22, 2017, 10:53:24 AM
Random little additions... Summer days are truly different. Oh how easily one can end up being carried away with all sorts of recreational activities and events. But I'm frequenting the coding chambers as well,  especially on rainy days :) -- and now, instead of organized update post, here's a completely random bunch of few small additions to expect in the next patch:

 - added: skinned/cut/burnt carcass coloring

        Skinned carcasses now appear in fleshy red color.
        Cut or eaten carcasses appear dark reddish, and burnt carcasses blackish depending on the cut/burn degree.
 - added: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION configuration option

        If the option is enabled a confirmation prompt appears if you try to butcher a carcass before skinning it.
        This is to avoid accidentally cutting up the whole carcass and losing the skin.

        To enable the option add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: SPEND_DELAY_ADD configuration option

        This option can be used to slow down all the time consuming actions if you find the game turns running too fast for your taste
        during the time spending dialog. The given value is in milliseconds adding that much more delay for each game turn.
        Good value to try slowin things down a bit would be 10 and nobody wants to go for more than 100.

        To use eg. 10 millisecond custom delay add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: winter skin/fur descriptor

        And as we know winter furs are more valuable, and it's been like that for a long time. Now there's finally
        also an indication of wintertime furs and skins within the item description.
        For example:
        "Fine winter fox fur" or "Poor winter bear-skin"

 - renewed & optimized: drawing of rain and snowfall

        Previously rain and snowfall were drawn in putpixel fashion which was a speed issue on some systems.
        Now rain and snowfall presented by tile graphics, with improved look and fast rendering.

 - added: redrawn 8 directional tiles for watercrafts

        Both punt and raft now appear bigger and prettier in completely redrawn fashion. Credits for these tiles goes to Paulo Spinola.
        Watercraft tile direction changes based on the last actually rowed direction.

July 02, 2017, 08:09:25 PM
Unrealistic AI Greetings,

first of all, URWS is in my Top5!

But I have some issues according to social organization:

The simulation in the wilderness is mainly convincing - the AI
(behavior of the humans) is not.

The most weird situation was this:

I built some traps to catch grey seals.
One day a foreign trader lied in the hole with broken legs.
I tried to heal him and get him out of the hole (there should be an
option to heal others). As I tried it with conversation, he just
had the standard topics (instead of pleading for help).
Then I decided to end his pain (and take his stuff).
Hours later his Friends arrived...
As it seems, they telepathically sensed that I killed their Comrade
(whom they left in a trap before).
Well, they seem to ran a few miles since the whole group was exausted
and with that, easy to kill. This gave me a lot of loot but a bad feeling according to the AI.

And when it comes to towns:

For example, if a smith forges a weapon in hard work, why should he
allow that others get the trade wares from it?
Shouldn´t he store his stuff in his house, sell it at daytime and
lock (bar) his door during night? That would make it difficult for
the player to steal something. Instead the townspeople seem to (again
telepathically) know what you are doing, even if you sneak into town
at night to "borrow" something (to prevent exploiting I assume).
Since URW is a simulation, this should be fixed.

And why they have all this stuff without working? They seem to
aimlessy walk around the whole day. fishermen should fish, farmers
should farm...

Again, URW is one of my favourite games, but I think there has lot to
be done yet.

July 31, 2017, 07:37:09 AM
Video greetings - some for the supporters, some for everyone It's been a while since last video greetings, but now there's fresh greetings from horseback available for donors and supporters.
As usual, lifetimers can find the video at dedicated forum section, donors who place a donation of any sum will get to see it, and Steam purchasers can find it in the video greetings DLC.

...aand the previous epic winter video greetings is now available for everyone to see here at Enormous Elk YouTube channel.

Otherwise, I'm continuing my vacation and real life adventures for the rest of the august.

August 14, 2017, 09:19:31 PM
More Signs of Robber's Camps in Overland Maps After the second "Homeland Robbers" quest frustrating me with me impossible to find robbers, it comes to mind that it shouldn't be quite that hard, at least for a highly skilled tracker.

Specifically, a few things that come to mind as possibilities:
  • More trails than just on the specific tile the robbers are: Unless all of the robbers are ridiculously good outdoorsmen themselves, they'll probably be leaving track, specially if they move around a given area to find prey to rob.
  • Watching for smoke and light: Even the dude who stumbled upon them in the first place says that he stumbled upon then because he followed some smoke. Being able, at least if you have some advantage point over the area, for smoke (during the day) or light (during the night) should be feasible. Maybe only for a few hours every day or couple days, but there should be the possibility
  • The dude who got robbed mentions that rumor has that they have moved to the area where the quest points. You should be able to ask people in villages near (or even in the area in some cases), if they know where the robbers area to further narrow the search area.

October 09, 2017, 02:58:51 AM