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Re: Paddles as weapons When I'm finished with the mod I'm currently working on, I've been considering adding some new tools which perform multiple roles (but not as well as specialized single-purpose tools) if I can figure out how to do it.  For instance, an adze which would be both broad axe and shovel, but doesn't count as a sharp tool for harvesting and makes a poor weapon.  Or a shoulder saw which acts as a woodsman's axe and carving axe.  Or a mattock which can be used as a good two-handed weapon, but also acts as a splitting axe.  And so on.  I like the idea of being able to mix-and-match tools according to need, preference, skill, and weight.
November 06, 2017, 04:14:41 AM
Re: Disease, pests, and the joy of cats The cat knocks your bronze ornamental comb off the table. It breaks.
The cat knocks your bowl of fish soup off the table. It spills.
You are ready to drop. You wrap yourself up in furs and...wait a that cat pee?

November 08, 2017, 08:27:58 AM
Re: "The Challenge" I'm 0/1 on this challenge, injuries to hands prevented making stone tools, found water on day 3 but had no means to break ice. Fell through ice to get a drink and froze to death..
February 20, 2018, 07:58:31 PM
Re: Rauko Rauko decides to turn back north, hoping to find some territory that is familiar.

Suddenly, traveling through a large forest mostly of spruces, a dirty-looking wildman sees them. By the time Rauko can drop his heavy gear and arm himself with shield, axe, and knife, Badgerbane has run to attack!

Rauko runs to the fight and is halfway there when his dog is hit two times by the man's two-handed axe and has trouble staying on her feet. By the time Rauko closes with the man, she has been knocked down and isn't moving.

Angered, Rauko stabs the red-clad man in the hip with a knife thrust, then moves over to protect his fallen companion. The whistling axe strikes Rauko in the side, but the wound is minor thanks to his mail. After trading blows a few times, the man stabs him deeply in the leg with a knife.

Wounded, and with his shield seriously damaged by the axe, Rauko is worried. As the fight goes on, he struggles to overcome the intense pain of his wounds.

The man strikes a blow to his shoulder, but loses his grip on the axe. Rauko's shield also slips from his grasp.

Both retrieve their dropped weapons and the wildman is quicker and Rauko sustains another hit to his thigh.

They trade blows a few more times and Rauko is knocked down, blacking out only for a moment. He rouses himself quickly and struggles to get up as he is hit again.

Blood on his hand is slippery and he can't hold his handaxe.

Rauko sees his father's face, calling to him...

He goes to be with his father.

June 21, 2018, 12:09:10 PM
The "Craft Dinner" Challenge This isn't an extreme challenge by any means, but I was inspired by Nekot's "The Challenge" and Lurcolm's Reddit post where he wanted to play a crafter.

The "Craft Dinner" Challenge is simple. You survive by crafting and crafting only.

No hunting, no trapping, no fishing, no farming, no cannibalism.

You survive by crafting and trading for food or picking berries. You are also allowed to cook and bake.


You are not allowed to butcher or process any animal or human carcasses for meat or trade.

Pretend that you were raised by an affluent peasant family in Iron Age Finland where they shipped you off to learn artisanal handiworks from a master crafter. However, your well-meaning family neglected to teach you the fine art of self-sufficiency and wilderness survival, and after a wave of influenza killed everyone you know, you are left on your own to survive.

You have now entered the "Craft Dinner" challenge.

July 05, 2018, 06:39:42 AM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles May sound simple but the first thing I'd suggest is a reboot if you are running windows.

This message should only be generated when trying to build on an occupied tile; ie; stuff on the floor, another item built there (fence), a harvestable plant growing there etc.

If you restart your OS and it still does this, something else is going on and a deeper look will help.
This is the first time I've heard this reported.

July 21, 2018, 08:53:18 PM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles Do you get the same message from other building menu items?

You can zip the save folder and put it here if you want, I'll take a look

July 21, 2018, 09:41:02 PM
Re: Building a Shelter: The Location Must Be an Open Area and Free of Obstacles OK, got it, the reason you can't build there is your character is standing on a big sheet of ice.
Moved to one of the rock areas and build works fine.
 You can't build on water covered by ice

July 21, 2018, 11:15:09 PM
Re: this game in unplayable and i'm triggered I don't understand the "spam movement key" claim. One movement key press, one movement step. You can enter keys faster than the game reacts, but that means you can't react to what's happening (such as detection of an animal). There's also overland movement to get somewhere with fewer key presses.

The way I start the game I set up light lever traps, because they don't need much material or tools. I then complement that with zooming out to the overland map, move one tile, zoom in, look for a nearby bird (max 5 tiles) and throw a rock at it. If it hits (usually not, but can happen occasionally), I run up to it and hit it with anything (like the rock in the other hand) to kill it. During that same process I also look for large game for endurance hunting. However, I give up if there are too many tracks around, as it's impossible to make out where the bugger went with the poor initial tracking skill, but much of the time the area isn't track riddled.
Don't run when endurance hunting, as that will reduce YOUR movement speed to a crawl. I only run very small sprints to scare the animal into running again when it's started to get at least slightly fatigued, as the key is to get it to run until breathless. As fatigue causes it to run slower, you can catch up easier, to scare it off again and again (all this requires being able to track it, of course). Tracking anything in spruce infested forests is a pain, so aim for pine forests or mires, where the sight range is good.

Bleeding can stop spontaneously (and often does on wounded animals), so they usually don't bleed out. However, any injuries result in penalties that reduce the movement speed, and injuries to the legs causing them to walk lame reduces the speed further. This, of course, makes it easier to scare it off into running again and again.

July 30, 2018, 06:21:27 PM
Re: How did you discover UnReal World? -- 10 choice poll I was querying the Arch Linux package manager for urw-fonts to install ( when one of the search results descibed itself as "UnReal World is a unique low-fantasy roguelike game set in the far north during the late Iron-Age". I installed the game instead of the fonts, without really knowing what to expect, and immediately did a straight 8-hour run in my first ever gameplay... :-D

This was 3.32 in August 2016.

November 19, 2018, 12:03:36 AM